
[pdf/epub] SOPHIA Study Guide Series 索菲亞學習指南系列


//The SOPHIA Study Guide Series explores ideas, themes, and practices to equip Christian academics in pluralistic universities for redemptive influence among students, colleagues, and the various disciplines of the academy.
By nurturing the competencies, capacities, and characteristics discussed in these guides, we hope users will transform their teaching, research, and service in ways that reflect the mind of Christ in their cultural contexts.
Such efforts not only reveal God’s wisdom but participate in God’s redemptive and liberative purposes for the university and society.
These study guides are organized around five broad themes:
1. Integration of Faith and Scholarship
2. Spiritual Formation
3. Interactions with Cultures and Society
4. Pursuit of Vocational Excellence
5. Relational and Leader Development
These guides are not intended to be read in one sitting. They should be treated more like Bible devotionals — read a relatively short passage and then reflect or meditate on it over the next day or two.//
Vol. 1

The Biblical Story and the Stories of Academic Disciplines

作者 Rolex Cailing Stephen M. Garrett Amos Winarto
譯者 陳思衛
出版方 賢理·璀雅出版社
電子書售價 ¥0.00 
電子書售價 ¥0.00  

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