1.0 書籍、期刊及文章搜尋

* 1.0 書籍、期刊及文章搜尋:

* 1.1 搜尋書籍:

  1. OAPEN: open access for academic books
  2. 網上搜尋香港各神學院藏書 (播神學生可透過interlibrary loan借閱)
  3. 香港公共圖書館: http://www.hkpl.gov.hk; ProQuest Ebook Central (前稱 ebrary Academic Complete,此英文電子書庫收錄世界知名出版社/大學出版社出版的權威學術著作,內容涵蓋商業經濟、人文科學、科技及社會科學等學科領域。)(註: 須以公共圖書館帳戶登入及再申請Ebook Central個人帳號)  
  4. Dissertations and Theses Collections (DTC) -online union collection of Hong Kong and Macau postgraduate students’ doctoral and master dissertations and theses indexed in the libraries of eight Hong Kong and Macau universities.
  5. The World Digital Library -significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world, supported by UNESCO: http://www.wdl.org
  6. Copac National, Academic, and Specialist Library Catalogue (UK): http://www.copac.ac.uk/
  7. Europeana -a place for inspiration and ideas of the cultural collections of Europe, co-funded by European Union: http://www.europeana.eu
  8. Theological Commons digital library -free, online access to some 50,000 books in theology and religion from the Princeton Theological Seminary Library: http://commons.ptsem.edu/
  9. Searching books or photos from Digital Public Library of America: http://dp.la/
  10. Searching classic works from seminary libraries: http://books.logos.com/
  11. Society of Biblical Literature, International Cooperation Initiative (ICI) Online Books page -free online PDF files to scholars and students from "Third world countries" (China and Taiwan included!).
  12. Free preview of new books published by Continuum: Continuum ebooks 
  13. Free abstract of chapters of Oxford books: Oxford Scholarship Online (Religious Collection)
  14. Religion Oxford Scholarship Online: www.oxfordscholarship.com
Google Scholar
Google Books

* 1.2 搜尋期刊文章:

1. 搜尋主要的神學期刊:
 註: a.-b.需於本院範圍內請使用/輸入使用者名稱及密碼-
a. Ebscohost (ES database include: ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, Religion and Philosophy Collection, ERIC, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, and GreenFILE)  
b. Gale Databases (ES database include: Religion and Philosophy and Gale Virtual Reference Library [encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research])
 c. Index theologicus (IxTheo) -journals searching database of University Library of Tubingen: http://www.ixtheo.de/cgi-bin/ixtheo/maskeeng.pl?db=ixtheo
 d. Articles Searching (esp. reviews for recent journal issues, like JETS, not included in databases like Ebsco etc.): http://www.findarticles.com/
 e. Religious and Theological Abstracts: http://www.rtabst.org/search/
 f. JURN.org -search over 4,000 free scholarly ejournals in the arts & humanities
 g. 中文基督教書刊索引
 h. 《香港中文期刊論文索引
 i. airitiLibrary 華藝線上圖書館資料庫 (台灣; 收費)
Theological Journals table of contents feed (can only be followed by emails).

3. Catalogue of Online Journals: Tyndale House Biblical Weblinks Online Journals  (others: http://www.ntgateway.com/tools-and-resources/journals/ ; http://www.bsw.org/?l=46&more=602 )

4. Other journals not listed above:
 a. Themelios -an international evangelical theological journal that expounds and defends the historic Christian faith: http://thegospelcoalition.org/themelios/archive/
Journal of The Jesus Movement in Its Jewish Setting from the First to the Seventh Century (JJMJS)
 c. Biblical and Ancient Greek Linguistics (BAGL) -an international journal that exists to further the application of modern linguistics to the study of Ancient and Biblical Greek, with a particular focus on the analysis of texts, including but not restricted to the Greek New Testament.
 d. Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament: http://jesot.org/
 e. First Things, the Journal of Religion, Culture, and Public Life: http://www.firstthings.com/menus/browse.html
 f.  Reformed Faith & Practice: The Journal of Reformed Theological Seminary
 g. Back issues of JBL, up to the last issue: http://www.sbl-site.org/Publications/journals_JBL_backissues.aspx
 h. searching back issues of Bulletin of the John Rylands Library: https://www.escholar.manchester.ac.uk/jrul/search/?search=%22Bulletin%2C%20JRUL%22
 i. Tyndale Bulletin -Full Text from Vol. 1 to 3 years ago: http://www.tyndalehouse.com/Bulletin.htm
Theological Studies -Full text from 1940 to 5 years ago: http://www.ts.mu.edu/content/index.html
 k. Bulletin for Biblical Research -Full Text from 1991: http://www.ibr-bbr.org/IBRBulletin/IBR_BBR_ByYearList.aspx

 l. Journal about Hebrew language and literature: Hebrew Studies

 m. The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists -Vol. 1-46 free access
free volumes 1-33 (1968-2000) from the Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (BIOSCS) 
 o. A new academic journal published by Mohr Siebeck: Early Christianity -free copy of the first issue
 p. The new Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters from Eisenbrauns: http://www.eisenbrauns.com/pages/JSPL
 q. A new journal: Unio cum Christo (published by International Reformed Evangelical Seminary & Westminster Theological Seminary)
 r. HISTOS -the online journal of ancient historiography hosted by Florida State University and the University of Newcastle
McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry, Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism online: http://www.mcmaster.ca/mjtm, http://macdiv.ca/jgrchj 
 t. Biblical Horizons: http://www.biblicalhorizons.com/
 u. Scandinavian Evangelical E-Journal (SEE-J): http://see-j.net
 v. The on-line journal Studia Rhetorica: http://www.unigre.it/rhetorica%20biblica/testi/scelta.htm
 w. Australian Ejournal of Theology: http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/research/theology/ejournal/
 x. lectio difficilior -European Electronic Journal for Feminist Exegesis: http://www.codexsinaiticus.org/en/
 y. Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies: https://jibs.group.shef.ac.uk/
 z. Global Missiology -a free quarterly journal on Missiology & Ecclesiology
 a'. The InSights Journal for Global Theological Education: http://www.insightsjournal.org/current-issue/
 b'. Christianity Today Library: http://www.ctlibrary.com/  
c'. The Gospel Magazine -the longest running evangelical magazine in UK, free archives from 1766 to 2 years ago.
 d'. Reformation 21 -Online Magazine of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals: http://www.reformation21.org/
'. The Theologian -the integrated journal for integrated theology: http://www.theologian.org.uk/index.html  
 f'. The NET Pastors Journal (by Dr. Roger Pascoe and The Institute for Biblical Preaching)
 g'.  中国基督教文库在线, OCCC   (須於Globethics.net 登記; 介紹:  世界最大的中国基督教在线文库现已上线。超过34500份不同语言的文献资料,完整免费下载。现有内容来自四类资源: 1. 期刊包括国学与西学,Journal of Chinese Religions,金陵神学志,中国神学志,Duihua-mit China im Dialog,China Heute: Informationen über Religion und Christentum im chinesischen Raum,Religions & Christianity in Today's China,景风Quarterly Notes on Christianity and Chinese Religion。 2. 合作机构的文献如著名的香港汉语基督教研究所的Reichelt文献,耶鲁大学神学图书馆Day Missions文库。 3. 从中国知网(CNKI)订阅的中国学术界出版的各类书籍、期刊文章、论文,会议纪要。 4. 从超过100个OAI存储库获得的开放资源。)
 h'. 香港浸會大學圖書館「當代中國基督教發展剪報數據庫」: http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/library/electronic/libdbs/cccc.html
 i'. 維真學刊: http://www.regentcsp.org/wzxk.asp
 j'. 中國神學研究院期刊(
現刊全文可供下載): http://www.cgst.edu/Publication/Journal/index.asp
 k'. 教牧分享, 今日華人教會: http://www.cccowe.org/content0.asp?class=78
 l'. 教牧輔導季刊: http://www.chinesetheology.com/PastoralCounsellingQuarterly.htm

5. Questia -searching books and articles http://www.questia.com/
6. Theology on the Web: To make high quality theological freely material available throughout the world, thus providing Bible teachers and pastors with the resources they need to spread the Gospel in their countries.  

7. Searching ETS Theological Paper Library: http://www.reclaimingthemind.org/taxonomy_dhtml
8. SBL Annual meeting seminar papers and website: http://www.sbl-site.org/meetings/AMseminarpapers.aspx
9. 當代中國基督教發展剪報數據庫: http://lib-sca.hkbu.edu.hk/trsimage/christian/intro/help.htm

* 1.3 搜尋神學論文:

  1. Searching American theses and dissertations: The Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) (收費, free at ES Library): http://www.tren.com/
  2. Searching British theses: Search EThOS; Edinburgh Research Archive; eTheses Birmingham
  3. The DART-Europe E-theses Portal: http://www.dart-europe.eu/basic-search.php
  4. Open Access Digital Theological Library (OADTL) -theses and journal articles: http://oadtl.org/
  5. Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) -theses mainly from institutions of USA and South Africa: http://www.vtls.com/ndltd
  6. Dissertations and Theses Collections (DTC) -collection of Hong Kong postgraduate students’ doctoral and master dissertations and theses: http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/lib/electronic/libdbs/dol.html
  7. Australasian Digital Theses Program: http://adt.caul.edu.au/
  8. OAI 博碩士論文聯邦查詢系統: http://fedetd.mis.nsysu.edu.tw/FED-db/cgi-bin/FED-search/search_s
  9. 中國知網:中國期刊, 論文及報刊全文數據庫: http://big5.oversea.cnki.net/Kns55/oldnavi/n_Navi.aspx?NaviID=48&Flg=local
  10. 台灣神學論文檢索摘要系統: https://sites.google.com/site/divinehumanlogos/theses-search

* 1.4 論文格式、研究/書寫指引及協助工具:

  1. 論文註腳及書目格式:TURABIAN STYLE: quick guide by UChicago Press; another one by the University of Wisconsin ; The University of Southern Mississippi Libraries (tutorial); 或參考 信義宗神學院(2008)蔡銘偉,《神學院研究生報告格式手冊Changes of the 8th edition from the 7th ;
    Student Supplement for the SBL Handbook of Style (2n ed.)
  2. [書寫指引] Western Seminary Writing Guide
  3. [書寫指引] Tips on Writing by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
  4. [研究指引] Tips for the ThM
  5. [研究指引] More tips for ThM students: 研究生2.0 -記錄研究生需要具備的知識與工具,並介紹研究相關的觀念與軟體
  6. [研究指引] How to Find and Develop a Viable Research Topic by Cornell University: 
  7. [研究指引] Developing Internet research skills: Internet for Religious Studies by an Oxford lecturer
  8. [協助工具] OttoBib -bibliography generator using ISBN: http://ottobib.com/
  9. [協助工具]  Cite This For Me: Automatic bibliography generator
  10. [協助工具] Tyndale Tech -electronic resources for Biblical Studies research: http://www.tyndalehouse.com/TTech/
  11. [協助工具] For other useful online tools, see Section 10.0 of this page

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