6.0 工具書及書目推介

* 6.0 工具書及書目推介:

  1. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography 2024 by Hélène Dallaire, Knut Heim, and Richard S. Hess of Denver Seminary.
  2. New Testament Exegesis Bibliography 2024 by Craig L. Blomberg, David L. Mathewson and Joseph R. Dodson of Denver Seminary.
  3. Best Commentaries -A list of existing commentaries with scoring and forthcoming ones: http://www.bestcommentaries.com/topcommentaries/
  4. Rolfing’s recommended commentary lists – Old TestamentNew Testament.
    (Rolfing Library is the library of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA) 
  5. Recommended New Testament Commentaries for Evangelical Pastors by Thomas R. Schreiner (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
  6. Top Commentaries on Every Book of the Bible by Reformation Bible College’s Dr. Keith Mathison
  7. Suggested New Testament Commentaries by Department of Biblical Studies, Princeton Theological Seminary: http://www.ptsem.edu/Academics/departments/BS/NT/Commentaries%20(Abrgd).htm
  8. Old Testament Commentary Survey by Tyler F. Williams: http://biblical-studies.ca/ot_commentaries/otcom.html
  9. Selective Bibliography of the Septuagint compiled by J. Lust: http://www.bible-researcher.com/lxx-bibliography.html
  10. Spring Hill College -BIBLIOGRAPHIES for NT and church history: http://camellia.shc.edu/theology/
  11. Recommended Commentaries by Calvin Theological Seminary: Recommended Commentaries
  12. UBS searching database -Bible Commentary bibliography: http://www.ubs-translations.org/cgi-bin/dbman/db.cgi?db=commbib&uid=default&view_search=1
  13. Trinity Graduate School -Bioethics Recommended Reading List 2012
  14. “Rolfing Unshelved” Tag Archives: Key Bible and Theological Reference Tools (The blog of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School library) -posts introducing English bible versions, bible introductions, commentaries, original lang. lexicons, grammars etc
  15. 黎業文編,中華神學院《中文註釋書手冊》: http://www.globalbible.org/free_handbook.htm
  16. 世界華文聖經學院課程參考下載: http://www.globalbible.org/course.htm
  17. 台神-圖書館專題書目介紹(包括舊約, 系統神學等)

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