10.0 聖經軟件/網上/手機工具:
(有關原文軟件及字體, 返回4.2) 10.1 免費軟件:
- 英國福音派的Tyndale House開發: STEP: Scripture Tools for Every Person, 支援多種語言; 下载桌面版
- 信望愛聖經工具 (基本/有限原文註解) --網頁版; Windows 繁體版(支援XP到windows 8); Windows 簡體版(支援XP到windows 8)
- “研经工具”网站 --免費中英文聖經, 《活泉新约希腊文解经》, 《生命宝训注释系列》,《信徒圣经注释》, 導論介紹, 希臘文等 (其他書藉)
- E-sword 研經軟件v.11 (提供基本的譯本,字典,註釋等): http://www.e-sword.net (中文搜尋注意: 必須選regular expressions); e-Sword LIVE —Online & Interactive (e-Sword User Modules: http://www.e-sword.net/usermods/)
- DAVAR3 (與E-Sword類同的軟件, 免費下載; 特點: Biblia Hebraica MP3, Access Foundation Bible Land atlas): http://www.davar3.net/
- The Sword Project 研經軟件 (免費下載): http://www.crosswire.org/sword/software/index.jsp ; 新譯本
- LaParola: A Free Computer Program to Study the Bible: http://www.laparola.net/program/
- Free ebooks for Wordsearch/Quickverse (the free program WORDsearch Basic is needed here)
- The Word Bible software: http://www.theword.net/
- The Online Bible: http://www.onlinebible.net/
- E4 Bible Study Library: http://www.freebiblesoftware.com
- Bible Software Review: http://www.bsreview.org
- Bible Mapper -fully interactive and accurate Bible mapping system for creating customized maps of the Holy Lands or studying a particular period and aspect of Bible history: http://biblemapper.com/; for maps already created by using this with descriptions from ISBE (1919)
10.2 收費及其相關軟件:
- Logos 8: http://www.logos.com/8; Academic Prices for Academic Program; loading your Logos ebooks in web browsers (Free Logos ebooks, like abridged BDB and The Scripture Alphabet of Animals.)
- BibleWorks 10: introduction (company closed now)
- Accordance 13
- Biblearc (FREE!!) by Bethlehem College & Seminary -a cloud-based application for deep study of the scriptures. In our Bible study toolbox you will find an approachable and powerful integration of cross-references, study notes and the most advanced original language search available online. Biblearc’s speciality is graphical Bible study methods, giving you the world’s smoothest experience for Arcing, Bracketing, Phrasing and Sentence Diagramming. Access your work from anywhere, as it is saved in the cloud.
- David Instone-Brewer of Tyndale House reviews BibleWorks 10.
- 有關BibleWorks 10影響到Windows的中文鍵盤/輸入法的問題:參BW10的knowledgebase。
- User Created BibleWorks Files: http://bibleworks.oldinthenew.org/ (recommended: tutorial on using the Louw-Nida Lexicon)
- UNOFFICIAL BibleWorks blog --with free resources and modules you can download and install for BibleWorks.
- A review of Logos vs. Bibleworks (mainly a negative one on the latter): Five Reasons Not to Buy Logos
- A review on Logos vs. print books/ebooks: Should You Make the Move to Logos?
- Bible Software Decisions: Accordance, BibleWorks, Logos, et al by Mark Hoffman, Professor of Biblical Studies, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, PA: http://bibleandtech.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/bible-software-decisions-accordance.html
- BibleWorks 9 review by James McGrath: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/exploringourmatrix/2012/08/blogging-bibleworks-9-introduction.html ; 另一篇對BibleWorks 9的評論(中文): http://escripture.blogspot.hk/2012/12/bibleworks-9.html
- 中文運用Logos及Bibleworks技巧介紹:http://escripture.blogspot.com/
10.3 網上工具:
- 將"Evangel Seminary Library Catalogue"新增至Firefox的搜尋列: Evangel Seminary Library Catalogue
- 將"Perseus Greek Word Study Tool"新增至Firefox的搜尋列: Perseus Word Study Tool(優:你可以查任何一inflected form的parsing及字義,而不用從lexical form查起;缺:server有時緩慢!)
- 將"Google Translation"新增至Firefox的搜尋列: 自動檢測並翻譯成繁體中文
- Free research management tools that helps you gather, organize, and analyze sources (citations, full texts, web pages, pdfs etc):
a. Zotero (for Firefox) (Exporting Your Logos Library to Zotero); for BibleWorks8) (中文 tutorial) (解決在中文Word加入註腳或書目的引號字型問題: http://www.zotero.org/support/kb/word_default_font)
b. Mendeley
c.F1000 Workspace
Not free: RefWorks; Endnote - LibraryThing -catalog your books online: http://www.librarything.com/
10.4 手機工具/Mobile Apps:
- 精讀聖經: "集成朗读、查经、金句、灵修、译本对照、原文字典、圣经问答等功能。" 設Android版, iPhone/iPad版, Windows版; 值得留意譯本: 繁: 和修, 新譯; 簡: 呂,現中; 英: NET, ESV; 簡便註釋: 丁道尔圣经注释、启导本圣经注释、串珠圣经注释、基督徒文摘解经系列、精读本圣经注释、灵修版圣经注释、马唐纳圣经注释、每日研经丛书、信望爱注释、圣经背景等多套注释。还有原文字典,原文逐字中文释义。 全部可供下載
- *微讀聖經 -附繁簡的和合本, 新譯本, NET可供下載 (暫無原文版本, 但其"原文研讀"的"原文解析"功能已有原文和[簡體]中文的interlinear及中文parsing), 附原文詞典(database: 信望愛資訊中心)及中文的"精讀本聖經注釋". 設不同譯本對照並讀或單一譯本段落模式閱讀.
- You Version (含和合本修訂版-沒有離線下載;離線下載推介:中文標準譯本,NIV, The Message;讀經計劃等)
- Logos app (See above); Faith Study Bible -簡單合時的注釋,地圖及圖片
- Biblearc app (See above)
- Accordance app (See above)
- Olivetree, Bible Study app
- Bible Gateway app
10.4.1 Android適用:
- 研經用:
- Bible by Bibletoon(含呂振中譯本離線下載)
- 思高聖經
- AND Bible (for Android) -"totally off-line" Bibles(和合本,新譯本離線下載), Commentaries, Theological Dictionaries, Maps, and Christian books in over 50 languages
- 多版本中英對照離線聖經 (和合本,新譯本離線下載)
- Other Bible Apps for Android
- 聆聽版推介:
- 粵語聖經APPS (廣播劇式的閱讀聖經, 有音樂, 音效, 不同角色按照文本語境讀出);
- 聖經+ (Bible.is) 多種語言和譯文,包含耶穌影片計劃。
10.4.2 iOS適用:
- CadreBible - Bible Study App (with NA28)