9.0 其他資源

* 9.1 其他牧養/福音資源:

  1. Zondervan's MasterLectures app FREE for 14 days, then pay only US$19.99 monthly (Video lectures on NT, OT, Greek/Hebrew, Systematic Theology and Church History etc. Notable scholars: Doug Moo, N. T. Wright, Thomas Schreiner, Michael Bird, Craig Keener, Bruce Longenecker, Nicholas Perrin, Karen Jobes, Tremper Longman, John Oswalt, Everett Ferguson)
  2. Free Christian Audio Books -Imitation of Christ, Orthodoxy, Pilgrim's Progress, etc: http://www.freechristianaudiobooks.com/
  3. John Bunyan, Works of John Bunyan 
  4. John Owen, Overcoming Sin and Temptation. Edited by Justin Taylor and Kelly Kapic (Crossway, 2006). 
  5. Global Pastor Network -free pastoral training resources (mainly audio-visual): http://www.gpn.tv/
  6. Free ebook: 100 pastoral letters (church communication needs) by StartChurch (email needed)
  7. Monergism -Articles, MP3s & Resources on the Historic Christian Faith (Reformed perspective; subsidiary of the Christian Publication Resource Foundation) 
  8. resources from Biblical Counselling Coalition
  9. Desiring God Christian Resources: http://www.desiringgod.org/all-resources/by-topic
    Recommended: John Piper, Good News of Great Joy: Daily Readings for Advent (Minneapolis, MN: Desiring God, 2012); John Piper, Preparing for Marriage: Help for Christian Couples (Minneapolis, MN: Desiring God, 2012); John Piper, An All-Consuming Passion for Jesus (Minneapolis, MN: Desiring God, 2014).  Logos (Vyrso) format.
  10. John Piper Interviews Rick Warren About Doctrine -questions about his Purpose Driven Life; video and script available
  11. free IVP ebook: John Stott, Why I am a Christian (epub/Kindle/mobi) 
  12. free audio of Eugene Petersen: "The Holy Stump" (connection between the holy and the abundant life through Isaiah's vision in Isaiah 6) 
  13. Love in Hard Places by D. A. Carson (Crossway, 2002)
  14. Credo magazine -self-consciously Evangelical, Reformational, and Baptistic free, full-color, digital magazine 
  15. Faith & Leadership -where Christian leaders reflect, connect an learn  -the online magazine of Leadership Education at Duke Divinity School, which designs educational services, develops intellectual resources, and facilitates networks of institutions.
  16. Free ebook on leadership: Brandon Cox, More Influence: 21 From-the-Gut Lessons for Kingdom Leaders
  17. Free ebook: Rick Johnson, That’s My Teenage Son: How Moms Can Influence Their Boys to Become Good Men (Grand Rapids, Revell, 2010).
  18. R. Albert Mohler, The Pastor as Theologian 
  19. Pastoral challenges facing the family today -example from the Roman Catholic church:
    Lineamenta - preparatory document for the extraordinary general session of the Synod of Bishops that will focus on family life (Vatican, 5-19 October 2014); questionnaire on family life  
  20. God and the Gay Christian? A Response to Matthew Vines. Edited by R. Albert Mohler Jr.
    Louisville, KY: SBTS Press, 2014. (other contributors: Jim H. Hamilton Jr., Denny Burk; Owen Strachan; and Heath Lambert)  
  21. A Guide to Expository Ministry. Edited by Dan Dumas. Louisville, KY: SBTS Press, 2012.
  22. Family Worship by Joel Beeke (Reformation Heritage, 2002). 
  23. A Guide to Biblical Manhood. By Randy Stinson & Dan Dumas. Louisville, KY: SBTS Press, 2011. 
  24. Wabash Center Internet Guide: http://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/Internet/front.htm
  25. William Barclay, Book of Everyday Prayers (New York: Harpers & Brothers, 1959).
  26. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Dimensions of the Faith courses
  27. [pdf/epub] SOPHIA Study Guide Series 索菲亞學習指南系列
  28. 五漁: 下載用你的語言講述的故事  (包括中國各地方言) (有網頁版及Android版) by Global Recordings Network 圖書與參考資源  
  29. 士每拿培訓資料中心: 聖經、神學、教會史課程mp3, video下載: http://www.smyrnasrci.net/
  30. 基督教神州網 -教牧頻道: http://www.21sz.org/list.aspx?cid=7
  31. 事與牧養: 宣道牧函 1996/1-2005/4; 2004/3-; 宣訊月報
  32. 武林英雄帖─中文基督教神學網站: http://www.christianstudy.com/
  33. 華人神學園地 -綜合網路捷徑: http://www.chinesetheology.com/
  34. 基督教線上中文資源中心: http://occr.christiantimes.org.hk/index.htm
  35. 美國數碼聖經協會, 信仰寶庫 -提供解經,信仰裝備及培訓材料
  36. REVELATION: downloadable materials are for personal and educational use only; v.2
  37. 國內屬靈資源下載綱站: 信仰之門; 基督徒生活网约拿的家; 恩典在线 
  38. 網路基督使團(CCIM)「基督教圖書館」(Chinese Christian Online Open Library) -基督教個人讀經、小組查經、宗教教育、訓練資料下載 : http://ccool.ccim.org/
  39. Globalreach.org 课程 (福音、基督徒生活、事奉、神學裝備) 
  40. 歸正學義網: http://www.pcchong.net/
  41. 教會實用資料庫: http://christianresource.hypermart.net/christianresource/new_page_366.htm
  42. 教牧資源-教牧與教育小站: http://ce.fhl.net/
  43. 宗派禮儀傳統參考:  禮儀手冊-
    中華基督教會香港區會;   基督教香港信義會
  44. Practical theology reference: the case of Westminster Theological Seminary -Career Placement Handbook for Ordained Ministry (information on how to prepare for the ordination process; how Mentored Ministry fits into that process, including tips on identifying open positions, writing cover letters and resumes, as well as navigating the process of candidating.)
  45. 證主培訓站(查經, 主日學資料, 福音工具等): http://www.cctraining.org
  46. 基督教與中國文化叢書: http://www.hleung.com/
  47. 數碼聖經協會 - 信仰寶庫 -不同種類的網上版中文基督教書籍
  48. Bible Pictures: http://www.htmlbible.com/kjv30/illus2.htm
  49. 基督徒文摘: 賓路易師母, 蓋恩夫人, 宣信, 慕安得烈, 穆勒等; 教會歷史人物小傳
  50. 陳終道牧師記念網站 -生命見證, 講道, 例子等: http://www.stephenctchan.com/
  51. 張逸萍 -護教學文章及心理學批判: http://www.chinesechristiandiscernment.net/
  52. 張逸萍,《新紀元的陷阱》,第二版,2016。 
  53. CCIM(網絡基督使團)出版的雜誌: 《教會》(ChurchChina
  54. Android版 讀經日引 2012
  55. 職報 -包含一些職場神學的簡短文章
  56. 以斯拉培訓網絡 -聖經、神學及事奉技巧(須收費)
  57. 教牧資源:處理衝突 -a. 如何对待观点不同的人(Dr. Roger R. Nicole);  b. 教牧個案研究; c. 相異而合一的教會 (趙崇輝); -d. 怎樣預防教會衝突——訪蕭壽華牧師; e. 教会领袖与冲突的应对 (Wayde Goodall)  

* 9.2 個人網誌:

  1. 李保羅牧師網頁
  2. 嚴國洪基督教網上雜誌
  3. 得力之泉(校友羅錦庭, 何定邦之網頁)
  4. Chiou Lao Shi個人網誌: Bible Survey, NT, Theology Classes, Biblical Greek, Hebrew, German etc. lecture hall

* 9.3 網上課程:

  1. Free online courses from universities:  Religion Courses; History CoursesPhilosophy CoursesLiterature Courses; others
  2. 250+ Free Online Seminary Classes, Courses, Programs, and Book Recommendations

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