11.0 網上書店:
- 新舊書書價連郵費比較(需自訂目的地): Bookfinder.com ; ISBNS.net
- 免郵費, 平價網上書店: Fishpond; The Book Depository; DEA Store
- AbeBooks (shipping cost varies, depends on its booksellers, can be US$13 [first book]): http://www.abebooks.com
- Amazon (shipping to HK ~US$10 [first book]): Christian Books and Bibles section
- Barnes & Noble (int. shipping ~US$13 [first book]): Religion section
- Books a Million (int. shipping ~US$6 [first book]): Religion section
- Christianbook (int. shipping ~US$10 for up to $30, otherwise 35%): http://www.christianbook.com/ Free ebooks from ChristianBook
- 國內基督教書籍: 報佳音