8.0 講道參考資料

* 8.0 講道參考資料:

  1. 張西平 編著, 實用釋經講道法
  2. Ed Stetzer ed. Christ-Centered Preaching and Teaching (Nashville: LifeWay, 2013). Contributors include: Ed Stetzer, Daniel Block, David Murray, Walt Kaiser, Bryan Chapell.
  3. "Preaching and Preachers" blog by Kerry McGonigal of Bob Jones University: covering the philosophy and practice of preaching (with some good insights and resources).   
  4. Preachology - about preaching skills: the messenger, message and ministry: http://www.preachology.com/
  5. Preaching and related resources:

*8.1 講章/講道參考:

  1. Theology WebSite's Sermon and Bible Study Database: http://www.theologywebsite.com/sermon/
  2. Lutheran Central -Sermon and Devotional Help: http://www.lutherancentral.com/sermon/
  3. SermonCentral.com - Free Sermons, Illustrations and dramas: http://www.sermoncentral.com
  4. Sermon outlines for reference: Executable Outlines
  5. SERMON & SERMON - LECTIONARY RESOURCES: http://www.rockies.net/~spirit/sermon.html
  6. The Text This Week: lectionary, scripture study, worship links, and resources --the "scripture index" page is useful as, for a particular text, you can check out different resources on: Bible versions, historical references, commentaries (only free ones), some studies and journal articles, even related materials with children, drama, graphics, hymns etc.
  7. Lutheran Worship and Liturgy Links: http://www.worship.ca/sec4.html
  8. Sunday Sermons: http://www.searchgodsword.org/se/ss/
  9. Hearing sermons from contemporary American preachers: http://oneplace.com/downloads/
  10. Audio sermons by Pastor Colin Smith: Unlocking The Bible; by John Ortberg: MPPC sermons online
  11. 網上講章/錄音及專題講座資料庫:
  12. 港九培靈研經大會講道集: http://gcc.org.hk/bible/online_text/index_bible.html
  13. 教牧資源網 講章例證: http://new.ccea.org.tw/excel/information/PASTOR/Pastor.htm

*8.2 喻道/例子參考:

  1. 精彩喻道: 喻道/造就故事: http://cclw.net/soul/book5.htm
  2. 講章例子: 你們去網-故事主頁: http://www.nimenqu.com/siten/modules/icontent/index.php?page=11
  3. 心香廚房 -寓言故事: http://prayerkitchen.com/
  4. 中台神學院喻道故事集: http://www.ctts.org.tw/story-liu.asp
  5. 小牧童說故事的部落格: http://blog.webs-tv.net/enochs
  6. Illustrations -Our Daily Bread: http://www.rbc.org/odb/odb.shtml
  7. Searching illustration: http://www.preachingtoday.com
  8. Illustrations Archives from oneplace.com: http://bible.oneplace.com/sermonhelps/illustrations/
  9. Illustration site: Thought for the Day http://www.tftd-online.com/
  10. Illustrations -Sermon Jazzers: http://www.searchgodsword.org/se/sj/
  11. Illustrations -Heartlight Articles: http://www.heartlight.org/articles/
  12. Preacher's Illustration Service: http://www.voicings.com/preachershome.htm
  13. Sermon illustration: http://www.bible.org/illus.asp
  14. Preaching.com  -Sermons, Illustrations and Leadership Resources for Church Pastors
  15. Logos Sermon and illustration database -searchable by scripture reference/ keyword/ contributor: http://sermons.logos.com/

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