3.0 正典以外的原典資料

* 3.0 正典以外的原典資料:

  1. Christian Classics Ethereal Library: http://www.ccel.org/
  2. Loeb Classical Library Books Available Online: http://www.edonnelly.com/loebs.html
  3. Resource Page for Biblical Studies: http://www.torreys.org/bible/
  4. OT, NT Pseudepigrapha: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~humm/Resources/Texts/otPseud.html
  5. The Online Critical Pseudepigrapha: http://ocp.acadiau.ca/
  6. OT APOCRYPHA IN GREEK AND ENGLISH: http://www.katapi.org.uk/katapiNSBunix/DC/DCBookChrs.php
  7. A. Samely, R. Bernasconi, P. Alexander, R. Hayward (eds.), Database for the Analysis of Anonymous and Pseudepigraphic Jewish Texts of Antiquity, http://literarydatabase.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/ -a literary database with tools to analyse this corpus.
  8. 張久宣譯,《聖經後典》: http://orthodox.cn/liturgical/bible/gap/ 
  9. The Israel Antiquities Authority and Google, the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library -an online collection of some 5,000 images of scroll fragments
  10. Dead Sea Scrolls online by the Israel Museum (first 5 scrolls only at the moment): http://dss.collections.imj.org.il/
  11. Online text of Talmud, Midrash, etc: http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/index.htm
  12. Online text of Targum: http://www.tulane.edu/~ntcs/tgtext.htm
  13. Introduction to Mishnah: http://www.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/TalmudMap/Mishnah.html
  14. The Bible and Quran Online -including Apocryphal Books in NRSV: http://www.anova.org/sev/
  15. Early Jewish Writing: http://www.earlyjewishwritings.com/
  16. Early Christian Writings: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com
  17. BiblIndex is an index of biblical references found in Christian literature, both Western and Eastern texts, at present covering the three first centuries, along with part of the fourth. The eventual goal is to cover the whole Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, in order to renew the study of the interpretation and history of biblical texts. BiblIndex also may be used as an online Synoptic Bible (Biblical tools) or as an Index of Patristic Works (Patristical tools). 
  18. J. B. Lightfoot, The Apostolic Fathers, 5 vols. (London:  Macmillan, 1889-1890).
    Part 1, vol.1 ; Part 1, vol.2 ; Part 2, vol.1 ; Part 2, vol.2 ; Part 2, vol.3
    Abridged version
  19. The Gnosis Archive: http://www.webcom.com/~gnosis
  20. Extra Biblical Writings: Pseudepigrapha, Gnostic, Apocrypha & Dead Sea Scrolls
  21. Guide to Early Church Documents: http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/christian-history.html
  22. The Ecole Initiative Early Church Documents: http://ecole.evansville.edu/
  23. e-Catena Compiled Allusions to the NT in the Ante-Nicene Fathers: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/e-catena/
  24. Early Church Fathers Works not included in Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: http://www.tertullian.org/fathers/ 
  25. 黃錫木主編, 《使徒教父著作》經文閱讀
  26. 舍禾譯,《使徒教父》(翻譯頗粗糙): http://www.orthodox.cn/patristics/apostolicfathers/index.html
  27. Perseus Digital Library Project -primary sources on history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/ ; Perseus under PhiloLogic
  28. Ancient Greek texts translations online: http://www.greektexts.com/index.html
  29. The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) by the University of California, Irvine -a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. 
  30. a customized search engine for papyrological resources: http://papyri.info/ 
  31. Electronic Resources for Classicists: http://ptolemy.tlg.uci.edu/~tlg/index/resources.html
  32. The Packard Humanities Institute, Searchable Greek Inscriptions -A Scholarly Tool in Progress
  33. Library of Ancient Texts Online -the most thorough catalogue of online ancient Greek texts: http://sites.google.com/site/ancienttexts/
  34. Livius -Articles on Ancient History: http://www.livius.org/
  35. English Classics: http://wmarxism.fudan.edu.cn/shujuku/index.html

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