
What's new





* What's New:   

  1. Preaching.com  -Sermons, Illustrations and Leadership Resources for Church Pastors
  2. Free ebooks from ChristianBook
  3. The new Logos 5: http://www.logos.com/features
  4. A. Samely, R. Bernasconi, P. Alexander, R. Hayward (eds.), Database for the Analysis of Anonymous and Pseudepigraphic Jewish Texts of Antiquity, http://literarydatabase.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/ -a literary database with tools to analyze this corpus.
  5. four free Kindle ebook - Query the Text Series (Philemon, 2-3John, and Nahum) by Keith Pugh [double check the price first to see which are free]
  6. Free pdf ebook: Margaret Warker ed., Ancient Israel in Egypt and the Exodus (Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 2012) -writers include James Hoffmeier discuss the historical Israelites in Egypt and archaeological evidence for and against the historicity of the Exodus.
  7. Free pdf ebook: John Piper, Martin Luther: Lessons from His Life and Labor (Minneapolis: Desiring God, 2012).
  8. The Global Digital Library on Theology and Ecumenism (GlobeTheoLib) -a multi-lingual global digital library on theology and ecumenism that offers access to more than 500,000 texts, documents and other academic resources. free registration and access
  9. ‘Jesus, Criteria, and the Demise of Authenticity’ Conference hosting by United Theological Seminary and The University of Dayton -livestream videos (more info -speakers include Dale C. Allison Jr., Loren T. Stuckenbruck, Chris Keith, Anthony Le Donne etc)
  10. The 28th edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament: http://www.nestle-aland.com/en/the-28-edition/
  11. Free ebook for Nov from Logos: Charles Caldwell Ryrie, Dr. Ryrie's Articles .
  12. [Audiobook] Free Audiobook Download for Dec from christianaudio.com: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, God Is in the Manger . 

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
