✙ 本網頁旨在為華人神學生推介合用的神學及聖經研究資源。(Useful/recommended online theological and biblical study resources for [Chinese] seminarians.) ✙
Missiology resources 2
Boston University Missiology Resources --Boston University Theology Library’s collection of missionary biographies, reports, sermons and theologies.
free audio book for Feb 2013
- Free Audiobook of the month from christianaudio.com on a Christian testimony: Brother Andrew and John & Elizabeth Sherrill, God's Smuggler .
free Logos ebook for Feb 2013
Free ebook of the month from Logos: Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan .
(From one of the twentieth century’s most influential theologians, a look at Satan’s character, influence, history, future, and methods)
(From one of the twentieth century’s most influential theologians, a look at Satan’s character, influence, history, future, and methods)
NA28 in Logos
Logos version: Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition, with Critical Apparatus -pre-publication price US$70, still a bit too expensive...
Critical Apparatus only: US$50
Note: the SESB v.2, The Stuttgart Electronic Study Bible -with apparatus of both NA27, BHS, LXX and BHQ [Minor Prophets and Proverbs], is now on sale: US$130. See review here.
For me, I will wait for the SESB v.3...
Critical Apparatus only: US$50
Note: the SESB v.2, The Stuttgart Electronic Study Bible -with apparatus of both NA27, BHS, LXX and BHQ [Minor Prophets and Proverbs], is now on sale: US$130. See review here.
For me, I will wait for the SESB v.3...
文章 (Atom)
[Kindle sale] Goldingay's Complete Old Testament for Everyone (US$5.99)
good for quiet time meditation ...
廣東話音譯新約聖經 聖士提芬會 可供下載 據聞: //主要有祖藍錄耶穌,李亞男做井旁婦人,蔣志光做老約翰,杜麗莎做依利莎伯,鄭敬基做施洗約翰,關心研做瑪莉亞,周慧敏報書章,孫耀威做天使長迦伯列,伍允龍做Philip,鄭子誠做彼得,衛蘭做希羅底個女,馬浚偉做史提反...
宗派禮儀傳統參考: 禮儀手冊 - 中華基督教會香港區會 基督教香港信義會
漢語聖經協會 ,《新普及譯本.New Living Translation》 傳道書、馬太福音 (中英對照)網上免費閱讀版 (require login info)