
book on art of setting expectations (free fro a limited time)

Sarah Cunningham, The well-balanced world changer : a field guide for staying sane while doing good. Chicago: Moody, 2013.
Click the "download ebook" on the left, not on the right.
"a crash course in the art of setting healthy expectations and pushing through disappointment to stay the course and finish well."

Christian ed. ebook (free for a limited time)

John Walsh, The art of storytelling: easy steps to presenting an unforgettable story. Chicago: Moody, 2003.
Click the "download ebook" on the left, not on the right.


A Guide to Evangelism (free for a limited time)

A Guide to Evangelism, edited by Dan DeWitt (SBTS, 2013).
-including evangelism to nominal Christians, Muslims, skeptics etc.


Counterpoints series sale on Kindle (US$4) (up to 24/2)

26 volumes of the Counterpoints series from Zondervan (Kindle version). All books are US$3.99 each and will be valid through Feb 24th. ORIGINAL LINK
Evaluating the Church Growth Movement: 5 Views (Counterpoints: Church Life)Five Views on Sanctification (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Remarriage after Divorce in Today's Church (Counterpoints: Church Life)
Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Who Runs the Church?: 4 Views on Church Government (Counterpoints: Church Life)Two Views on Women in Ministry (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
Understanding Four Views on the Lord's Supper (Counterpoints: Church Life)Three Views on Creation and Evolution (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
Five Views on Apologetics (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Four Views on Christian Spirituality (Counterpoints: Exploring Theology)Four Views on Divine Providence (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
Exploring the Worship Spectrum (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Four Views on Hell (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
Five Views on Law and Gospel (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Four Views on Moving Beyond the Bible to Theology (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Four Views on the Historical Adam (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
Are Miraculous Gifts for Today?: 4 Views (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
Understanding Four Views on Baptism (Counterpoints: Church Life)Four Views on the Book of Revelation (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Exploring the Worship Spectrum (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
Show Them No Mercy: 4 Views on God and Canaanite Genocide (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)Four Views on the Apostle Paul (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
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free Logos ebook on Hudson Taylor for a limited time

Hudson Taylor’s Choice Sayings

by J. Hudson Taylor

China Inland Mission, Morgan & Scott

  • Contains excerpts, and quotes spanning a myriad of topics
  • Covers more than 15 different areas of Christian living
  • Provides valuable insight from the founder of the China Inland Mission


Vyrso/Logos books on love/marriage --free for a limited time

Love is a flame: Stories of What Happens When Love Is Rekindled

by James Stuart Bell (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2010)

Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships

by Chip Ingram (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2004)


Free for February: The Prayer of the Lord by R. C. Sproul [Kindle/epub]

R. C. Sproul, The Prayer of the Lord (Reformation Trust Publishing, 2009)

Book description:
What is the Lord s Prayer? In The Prayer of the Lord, Dr. R. C. Sproul writes, Jesus intent was to give His disciples a model prayer, an example to follow, one that would teach them transferrable principles for conversation with God. In short, Christ gave the Lord s Prayer to teach His disciples about prayer, and Dr. Sproul, in his trademark fashion, brings out many of the truths Christ intended for His followers to learn. Readers will learn how not to pray, then will be led into a deeper understanding of such topics as the fatherhood of God, the kingdom of God, the will of God, the nature of sin and forgiveness, the dangers of temptation, and the cunning of Satan. The final chapter includes questions and answers on various aspects of prayer not covered elsewhere in the book, and the appendix addresses the difficult question of the relationship of God s sovereignty and prayer. The Prayer of the Lord is an eye-opening journey, one that reveals new vistas in familiar terrain.


Theology on the Web

Theology on the Web: To make high quality theological freely material available throughout the world, thus providing Bible teachers and pastors with the resources they need to spread the Gospel in their countries.


free audiobook for Feb 2014

When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikker.  
--provide proven strategies that challenge Christians to help the poor empower themselves.

free Logos book for Feb 2014

Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church: A Guide for Ministry

by Michael Lawrence

“For anyone who believes that theology needs the church and the church needs theology, this will be a welcome resource. For anyone playing with the idea, it will be a compelling one.”

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
