
news on UBS5

UBS5 Greek New Testament

By German Bible Society
Publisher: Hendrickson
ISBN: 9781619701380
Available 1 May 2014 now delayed to 1 August
It contains the same Greek text as NA28, differing only in some details of punctuation and paragraphing. The critical apparatus includes exegetically significant variants (fewer than NA28) but adds extensive manuscript evidence (more than NA28) for each variant, thereby offering in-depth instruction for students on how variants and the evidence for them work together.



A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (free Kindle ebook for today)

(Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2013)

BEWARE the price tag to double check if the offer has expired!!!

Can a Scientist Trust the New Testament?

Can a Scientist Trust the New Testament?

The Rt Revd Professor N. T. Wright

James Gregory public lectures on Science and Christianity

video // 73M mp3 // transcript pdf


free Praying Through the Prophets on 8/3 only

Praying Through the Prophets (The Complete Series) [8 books in 1] [Kindle Edition]

John Calvin , Berenice Aguilera
Praying Through the Prophets (The Complete Series) is a compilation of prayers taken from John Calvin’s commentaries on the Old Testament prophets. Each prayer has a scripture that can be read alongside, deepening your love and understanding for the Word. There is nothing so fulfilling as praying to God with a Bible open on your lap ready to listen and hear from Him.
Use these prayers as a springboard into your own prayer life. As you pray you will find yourself thinking of other things to pray about resulting in drawing close once again to your Savior. Putting God first and removing any idols that are taking His place will result in a wonderfully fulfilling relationship with the Lord, and which will have an impact on all around you.
BEWARE the price tag to double check if the offer has expired!!!


free epub/pdf on a sermon on atonement

W.A. Criswell, The Scarlet Thread Through The Bible (Nashville: Lifeway, 2014).

a sermon tracing the theme of atonement from Genesis to Revelation.

free audiobook for Mar 2014

Watchman Nee, A Normal Christian Life.

This classic work unfolds the path of Christian faith and presents the eternal purpose of God in simple terms. Nee’s discussion and writings on the book of Romans is truly challenging. His classic work takes on many difficult subjects and radically challenges current Christian culture. 

free Logos book for Mar 2014

Bonhoeffer for Armchair Theologians

by Stephen R. Haynes and Lori Brandt Hale

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
