

A Guide to Biblical Manhood (pdf)

A Guide to Biblical Manhood

By Randy Stinson & Dan Dumas
Louisville, KY: SBTS Press, 2011.
How to serve your wife, how to mold men through baseball, how to make men in the church and more practical theology for cultivating men of God who are doers of the Word for the sake of the Gospel.

A Guide to Expository Ministry (pdf)

A Guide to Expository Ministry

Edited by Dan Dumas.
Louisville, KY: SBTS Press, 2012.
Expository preaching is a call to deliver from the pulpit what has already been delivered in the Scriptures. A Guide to Expository Ministry, edited by Dan Dumas, calls for the recovery of this kind of preaching in local churches. The book also encourages faithful, qualified pastors to apply the demands of expository preaching to their lives and to their preparation. Lastly, the book provides practical help for all of God’s people to become more effective sermon listeners, Bible readers and church members.

God and the Gay Christian (new and free pdf)

God and the Gay Christian? A Response to Matthew Vines 

Edited by R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Louisville, KY: SBTS Press, 2014.
(other contributors: Jim H. Hamilton Jr., Denny Burk; Owen Strachan; and Heath Lambert)
Matthew Vines’s new book, God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships, argues that homosexual orientation and committed same-sex relationships are consistent with a “high view” of the Bible and evangelical Christianity.

N.T. Wright lectures on his Paul and the Faithfulness of God (University of Edinburgh)

On 25/2/2014, N.T. Wright gave a short lecture related to his recent book "Paul and the Faithfulness of God" -- the final volume in his series "Christian Origins and the Faithfulness of God." A short response from Matthew Novenson follows.


free Kindle ebook doctrines that separate Christians (limited time)


free Vyrso/Logos ebook on C.S. Lewis by John Piper

update on the so-called Gospel of Jesus Wife

A concise summary for those interested, based on the new development of "the Jesus Wife Fragment" as a result of the latest Harvard Theological Review 107.2 (April 2014):

Jesus's Wife Resurrected from Dead. Evangelical Textual Criticism (blog).

Further news:


A History of the World in 100 Objects

BBC, A History of the World in 100 Objects  

-This site uses objects to tell a history of the world. You’ll find 100 objects from the British Museum and hundreds more from museums and people across the UK.


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