✙ 本網頁旨在為華人神學生推介合用的神學及聖經研究資源。(Useful/recommended online theological and biblical study resources for [Chinese] seminarians.) ✙
resources on 1Cor
maps, diagrams, and photos from Matthew R. Malcolm, The World of 1 Corinthians: An Annotated Visual and Literary Source-Commentary (Paternoster, 2012).
The Bible in Mission
Pauline Hoggarth et al. eds. The Bible in Mission
Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series 18.
Oxford, Regnum books (the official imprint of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies), 2013.
Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series 18.
Oxford, Regnum books (the official imprint of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies), 2013.
free kindle/epub/vyrso on church (till 20/6)
Vertical Church
by James MacDonaldDavid C. Cook, 2012
"James MacDonald is one of the most passionate church leaders I have ever known. I count it a privilege to call him my friend. Vertical Church will force you to think fresh thoughts about the future of the church in the US and around the world. The chapter on preaching impacted me greatly."Bill Hybels, senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, South Barrington, IL, author of Courageous Leadership
free kindle/epub/vyrso on finding God (till 19/6)
Finding God When You Need Him Most
by Chip IngramBaker, 2007
In this encouraging book, Chip Ingram reveals how readers can meet God in the midst of their most difficult circumstances. Chip’s candid discussion, personal stories, and solid guidance will allow readers to move from “knowing about God” to profoundly experiencing his presence and power in their lives. Whether they’re struggling with rocky relationships, unexpected crises, depression, or injustice, Finding God When You Need Him Most will remind readers that the Lord is faithful to hear their heart’s cry and will be there for them, time and again.
free pdf/mobi/epub on doubt
Despite Doubt
Michael E. Wittmer2014年6月16日星期一
bible background: Masada
Robin Ngo ed., Masada: The Dead Sea’s Desert Fortress (Biblical Archaeology Society, 2014).
(registration needed)
--discover what archaeology reveals about the defenders’ identity, fortifications and arms before their ultimate sacrifice.
(registration needed)
--discover what archaeology reveals about the defenders’ identity, fortifications and arms before their ultimate sacrifice.
Vyrso/Logos free ebook on Holy Spirit (limited time offer)
Christ promised his disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them, and that they would be his witnesses across the world. When the Spirit did come to them in tongues of fire, thousands believed in Christ and were saved. That same miracle, that same Spirit, is alive in us today. So why are all of us—from the evangelical to the charismatic—so desperate for an intimate encounter with God? Why don't we feel like the new creations we know we are?
Pastor and theologian Simon Ponsonby believes that the hunger we feel is a desire for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Many Christins have emphasized the experience of the Spirit and neglected the Word, while others have emphasized the Word and neglected the Spirit. Either way, we've become so accustomed to living in the shallow waters of Christianity that we've forgotten the depth of that promised power, and the depth of the love that gave this power to us.
In More, Simon invites you to journey with him into the deep waters of God's love. While both biblical and practical, what he says also has the power to inspire in you a new love and a new understanding of everything we've been given in Christ. Are you ready? This journey may not be comfortable or easy, but it will bring you more joy and more of God than you can even imagine.
Witherington's What's in the Word (Logos; free til 16/6)
Ben Witherington’s What’s in the Word: Rethinking the Socio-Rhetorical Character of the New Testament (Baylor University Press)
Free with coupon code: BW3BAYLOR
Free with coupon code: BW3BAYLOR
50% discount to grad students (Baylor University Press)
Baylor University Press is offering 50% discount to grad students 14-18 June.
An edu email is required.
An edu email is required.
SBL Ancient Near East Monographs -free download
SBL's Ancient Near East Monographs free download:
--Divination, Politics, & Ancient Near Eastern Empires Edited by Alan Lenzi and Jonathan Stökl
--Deuteronomy-Kings as Emerging Authoritative Books: A Conversation
by Diana V. Edelman (Editor)
--The Forgotten Kingdom: The Archaeology and History of Northern Israel
by Israel Finkelstein
--Constructs of Prophecy in the Former and Latter Prophets and Other Texts
Edited by Lester L. Grabbe and Martti Nissinen
--Reading Akkadian Prayers and Hymns: An Introduction
Alan Lenzi
--El Intercambio de Bienes entre Egipto y Asia Anterior: Desde el reinado de Tuthmosis III hasta el de Akhenaton
Graciela Gestoso Singer
--Centro y periferia en el mundo antiguo: El Negev y sus interacciones con Egipto, Asiria, y el Levante en la Edad del Hierro (1200-586 a.C.)
Juan Manuel Tebes
--Divination, Politics, & Ancient Near Eastern Empires Edited by Alan Lenzi and Jonathan Stökl
--Deuteronomy-Kings as Emerging Authoritative Books: A Conversation
by Diana V. Edelman (Editor)
--The Forgotten Kingdom: The Archaeology and History of Northern Israel
by Israel Finkelstein
--Constructs of Prophecy in the Former and Latter Prophets and Other Texts
Edited by Lester L. Grabbe and Martti Nissinen
--Reading Akkadian Prayers and Hymns: An Introduction
Alan Lenzi
--El Intercambio de Bienes entre Egipto y Asia Anterior: Desde el reinado de Tuthmosis III hasta el de Akhenaton
Graciela Gestoso Singer
--Centro y periferia en el mundo antiguo: El Negev y sus interacciones con Egipto, Asiria, y el Levante en la Edad del Hierro (1200-586 a.C.)
Juan Manuel Tebes
free SBL book on OT background (pdf)
Alan Lenzi and Jonathan Stökl eds. Divination, Politics, and Ancient Near Eastern Empires. Ancient Near East Monographs 7. Atlanta: SBL, 2014.
John Murray on Redemption (WORDsearch eBook, free for a limited time)
Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray WORDsearch eBook
A Household Gospel (pdf, free for a limited time)
A Household Gospel
Mathew B. Sims
In Scripture, parents are instructed to teach their kids how to love God and saturate their home with the gospel (Deut 4:9, 6:1-7; Eph 6:104). Husbands and wives are commanded to mirror Jesus in their marriages (Eph 5:22-33). We understand these commands in light of the gospel—in light of Jesus Christ (2 Cor 4:6). Jesus is the hero of our families.
That’s what A Household Gospel is about. It’s ordinary means rooted in an extraordinary gospel. It’s about starting the great commission in our homes. It’s about rehearsing the gospel story when we sit to eat, lay down to sleep, rise up in the morning, and everywhere in between.
Is Jesus in the Old Testament? (pdf free till 5/6)
Iain Duguid, Is Jesus in the Old Testament? Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2013.
Many Christians find the Old Testament to be a difficult book and ultimately ignore large parts of it—often because they simply are not sure what to do with it.
Yet Iain Duguid maintains that the Old Testament is for Christians too. What is more, Christ is present throughout the Old Testament—in fact, when rightly interpreted, the whole book is about him. Duguid explores what it means to rightly see Christ in the Old Testament and looks at some specific ways the Old Testament prepares us to see and understand Christ’s ministry in the gospels.
free Logos book for June 2014
Spirituality of the Psalms
by Brueggemann, Walter (Fortress, 2002)
Explore the Psalms with one of the world’s foremost OT scholars, Walter Brueggemann. Using a model of “orientation, disorientation, new orientation,” Brueggemann provides insights into how the Psalms’ genres can be viewed in terms of their function.
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漢語聖經協會 ,《新普及譯本.New Living Translation》 傳道書、馬太福音 (中英對照)網上免費閱讀版 (require login info)
廣東話音譯新約聖經 聖士提芬會 可供下載 據聞: //主要有祖藍錄耶穌,李亞男做井旁婦人,蔣志光做老約翰,杜麗莎做依利莎伯,鄭敬基做施洗約翰,關心研做瑪莉亞,周慧敏報書章,孫耀威做天使長迦伯列,伍允龍做Philip,鄭子誠做彼得,衛蘭做希羅底個女,馬浚偉做史提反...
宗派禮儀傳統參考: 禮儀手冊 - 中華基督教會香港區會 基督教香港信義會