
monthly free Christianaudio book (Nov 2014)

Author A.W. Tozer
Narrator Michael Kramer
Runtime 5 Hrs. 12 Min. - Unabridged
Publisher christianaudio Hovel
Downloads ZIP M4B MP3

monthly free Logos ebook (Nov 2014) 新版穆勒傳記

From Prussia with LoveFrom Prussia with Love

by Carol Purves

A delinquent in Prussia, working for the Jews in London and stirring up the Christians in the West Country of England, George Muller (穆勒) went on with God to establish five children’s homes in Bristol, caring for hundreds of children in the nineteenth century. His story is retold in this new biography to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of this great man.


Free MOBI/Kindle/ePub/PDF on the person and work of Christ (till 16/11)

Name above All Names

by Alistair Begg and Sinclair Ferguson  (Crossway, 2013)
Instructions: click the link below, fill out a very short survey. (You do NOT need to provide your credit card information. Skip this step and continue with checkout. However, you will need to have a free Crossway account.)

Jesus Christ has been given the name above all names, the highest seat of honor, the right to reign and rule. Yet the busyness of our lives and the diversions of this world often distract us from knowing the most important person we could ever know. Perhaps we need some help to see Jesus afresh.
In this thoughtful study and worshipful reflection, two influential pastors draw on decades of pastoral experience in order to guide us through the whole sweep of Scripture and examine seven key qualities of Jesus’s identity and ministry:
  • Jesus as the True Prophet
  • Jesus as the Great High Priest
  • Jesus as the Conquering King
  • Jesus as the Seed of the Woman
  • Jesus as the Son of Man
  • Jesus as the Suffering Servant
  • Jesus as the Lamb on the Throne
Name above All Names helps us to see and meditate on the incomparable character of Christ—a spiritual exercise that enables us to readily respond to the exhortations of Scripture, to focus our gaze upon the King of kings, and to better understand just how great Jesus really is.


NIVAC ebook sale up to 23/11

NIV Application Commentaries on sale: US$4.99@ only

Note these ebook platforms:
  • Amazon/Barnes & Noble/Christian Book, US$4.99 (see here) (留意: Kindle沒有直接copy and paste的功能, 較轉接的方法見)
  • Google ebooks, HK$23.00 (see here) (留意: 沒有直接copy and paste的功能, 較轉接的方法: highlight文字並選搜尋Google)

(5 volumes never–before-available as eBooks
Exodus—Peter Enns
2 Samuel—Bill T. Arnold
Psalms, Vol. 1—Gerald H. Wilson
Proverbs—Paul Koptak
2 Corinthians—Scott J. Hafemann )

limited-time free Logos ebook on grace

By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me

by Ferguson, Sinclair B.

Reformation Trust, 2010

In this book, Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson examines the wonder of divine grace. You’ll get seven looks at amazing grace, each structured around a stanza of the hymn “O How the Grace of God Amazes Me.”


highly recommended Bible reading/study app 微讀聖經

微讀聖經 (Android版 / Apple版)
  • 附繁簡的和合本, 新譯本, NET可供下載
  • 暫無原文版本, 但其"原文研讀"的"原文解析"功能已有原文和(簡體)中文的interlinear及中文parsing
  • 附原文詞典(database: 信望愛資訊中心)及中文的"精讀本聖經注釋"
  • 設不同譯本對照並讀或單一譯本段落模式閱讀. 
  • 各功能皆設下載, 不用上網. 
(credit: Alfred Suen)


Key Bible and Theological Reference Tools

-posts introducing English bible versions, bible introductions, commentaries, original lang. lexicons, grammars etc

more recommended commentary lists

Rolfing’s recommended commentary lists – Old TestamentNew Testament.
(Note: the library of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA)

free Kindle ebook by Alister McGrath [till 8/11]

Alister McGrath, If I Had Lunch with C. S. Lewis: Exploring the Ideas of C. S. Lewis on the Meaning of Life  (Tyndale House Publishers, 2014)


free ebook [Kindle/Vyrso/Epub] on politics and Christians [till 4/11]

  • recommended; very relevant to the HK situation now:

Charles Drew, Body Broken: Can Republicans and Democrats Sit in the Same Pew?

This book is meant to help Christians “develop practical biblical convictions about critical social and political issues.” It’s recommend by J. I. Packer and Tim Keller.

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
