
Bible reading for 2015

Time to plan for it?
needing reminders (email/RSS/web...)?

I use this for 2015:

My Bible Plans

Custom Bible reading plans.

--Other options

--see my post last year


monthly free Logos ebook (Dec 2014)

Opening Up Genesis

by Kurt Strassner

Opening Up GenesisGenesis is the book of beginnings. But it is also a book about God. “In the beginning, God” is the opening freeze-frame of the Bible. If we go back before the world sprang into being, we find God. And as we ponder how all this ancient information has been preserved and passed down to us, the answer again is God. Discover the intent behind God's first communication with this month’s free book!


US$20 free for Logos ebooks (till 31/12)

As a Merry Christmas gift to their users, the makers of Logos Bible Software are offering a $20.00 promotional code that can be used on any Logos resource(s). If you desire not to spend any money, place an order with the following code that totals $20.00 or less.
Be sure to use code FAITHLIFE-GIFT when checking out.
This FREE offer is only available until midnight (PT) on 12/31.

Xmas free ebooks for WORDsearch (till 31/12)

4 free ebooks for WORDsearch Bible Software

Wesley's Commentary: Notes on the Old and New Testament

Author: John Wesley

New Testament Illustrations: One Thousand Selected Passages

Author: William Jones



free ebook (Kindle/epub/pdf) on money

Money: God or Gift by Jamie Munson

revised and expanded. 2014.
  • Get money without getting greedy
  • Spend money without shame
  • Save money without stressing
  • Give money without guilt
  • Enjoy money as a gift without worshiping it as a god
You’ll learn all of this and more as Jamie Munson discusses faith, stewardship, personal finance, and other money matters. Love it or hate it, we can’t afford to ignore it. Master your money or it will master you. Put money in its proper place, and be free.


9 FREE Logos/Vyrso eBooks for Black Friday/Cyber Monday Weekend (till 1/12)

copied and pasted here (source)

Through tomorrow only (12/1), Faithlife (makers of Logos Bible Software) is giving away 9 FREE eBooks*, 5 in their Logos Bible Software format and 4 in Vyrso format. All 9 can be read in Logos Bible Software
Sex, Dating, and Relationships
Sex, Dating, and Relationships: A Fresh Approach
Worldview: Learning to Think and Live Biblically
Worldview: Learning to Think and Live Biblically
MissionShift: Global Mission Issues in the Third Millennium
MissionShift: Global Mission Issues in the Third Millennium
Praising God Through Prayer and Worship: Psalms
Praising God Through Prayer and Worship: Psalms
Spurgeon's Devotional Bible
Spurgeon’s Devotional Bible
Read Greek in 30 Days or Less
Read Greek in 30 Days or Less
The Works of John Owen, Volume 10
The Works of John Owen, Volume 10
Lutheran Theology
Lutheran Theology
Elements of Faith: An Introduction to Orthodox Theology
Elements of Faith: An Introduction to Orthodox Theology
*Please Note: We do not vouch for the theological accuracy of all of these resources. We are sharing some of them for research purposes and encourage all readers to exercise biblical discernment in what you read.
The Logos Bible Software eBooks above can be obtained by signing up for various email lists. Once signed-up, you should receive an email within about an hour with a link to download your free eBook(s).

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
