

New Testament Exegesis Bibliography - 2015

New Testament Exegesis Bibliography - 2015

01.01.14 | Denver Journal, New Testament, Craig L. Blomberg, William W. Klein, David Mathewson

Annotated Old Testament Bibliography - 2015

Annotated Old Testament Bibliography - 2015

01.01.14 | Denver Journal, Old Testament, M. Daniel Carroll R., Hélène Dallaire, and Richard S. Hess
An annotated bibliography of Old Testament works by the Old Testament Faculty of Denver Seminary.


free Logos ebook on Gospel of Mark

R. C. Sproul, Mark, St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary (Sanford, FL: Reformation Trust , 2011).


Free 45-page Primer on Revised NIDNTTE

Free Primer (email registration required) on Revised NIDNTTE (Nov 2014). It includes:
  1. Moisés Silva unmasks a big pitfall of some biblical dictionaries
  2. A handful of surprises about the meaning of "holy" in the NT — courtesy of Moisés Silva's "exegetical tour" of Hebrews 3:16
  3. Investigations of the NT words for father, love, Jerusalem, and Hell
  4. A pastor discovers some extraordinary claims in 1 Timothy 2:5-6 — the rare passage which calls Jesus "mediator" and "a ransom for many"

The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis   -this classic evangelical reference work was published in 1975-78, now revised and expanded to 4 vols. 
  • Interview with the editor Moisés Silva: Here
E-version: US$200
Hardcopy: US$127+shipping
(Both are too expensive for me. Will wait for some sale time)


monthly free Logos ebook (Jan 2015)

The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges: GenesisThe Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges: Genesis

by Herbert Edward Ryle

Verse-by-verse commentary is accompanied by images, tables, appendixes, and a lengthy introductory section in Herbert Edward Ryle's study of Genesis. Ryle's writings are lucid and detailed, extensively studying the original Hebrew text and offering over 500 pages of rich biblical insight into the first book of the Pentateuch.

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
