
美國播道會2015神學會議: 聖經論 (audio & ppt)

2015 Evangelical Free Church of America Theology Conference: The Doctrine of the Scriptures
  • Conference Sessions: The Doctrine of the Scriptures
  • Preconference Sessions: Soteriological Essentials and the ‘Significance of Silence': Arminianism, Calvinism, Lutheranism and the EFCA
  • Speakers include: D.A. Carson, Graham Cole, Phil Long, Doug Moo, Kevin Vanhoozer, and John Woodbridge. 
  • notes for these sessions


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highly recommended -Logos free ebook (Feb 2015) on New Perspective on Paul

Justification Reconsidered: Rethinking a Pauline Theme

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[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
