- Conference Sessions: The Doctrine of the Scriptures
- Preconference Sessions: Soteriological Essentials and the ‘Significance of Silence': Arminianism, Calvinism, Lutheranism and the EFCA
- Speakers include: D.A. Carson, Graham Cole, Phil Long, Doug Moo, Kevin Vanhoozer, and John Woodbridge.
- notes for these sessions
✙ 本網頁旨在為華人神學生推介合用的神學及聖經研究資源。(Useful/recommended online theological and biblical study resources for [Chinese] seminarians.) ✙
美國播道會2015神學會議: 聖經論 (audio & ppt)
2015 Evangelical Free Church of America Theology Conference: The Doctrine of the Scriptures
free Logos ebook on Greek (limited time only)
Constantine R. Campbell, Keep Your Greek: Strategies for Busy People (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010)
another review of Wright's magum opus
J.M.G. Barclay's (negative) review on 'N.T. Wright, Paul and the faithfulness of God (SPCK, 2013)' in Scottish Journal of Theology (2015).
free Kindle ebook on coounter culture (15-17/2)
Tyndale House Publishers, 2015
monthly free Christianaudio book (Feb 2015)
Everyone's a Theologian
An Introduction to Systematic Theology
Author: | R. C. Sproul |
Yes, everyone is a theologian. R.C. Sproul offers a detailed explanation of the importance and role that theology plays in the Christian life. In his usual manner, he is able to make complex subjects easy to understand. This significant theology introduction will aid any believer to apply Christian truths in their walk with Christ.
highly recommended -Logos free ebook (Feb 2015) on New Perspective on Paul
Justification Reconsidered: Rethinking a Pauline Theme
by Stephen Westerholm
has been written about what the Apostle Paul really meant when he spoke
of justification by faith, not the works of the law. This short study
carefully examines proposals on the subject. Named one of
Desiring God’s Top 14 Books of 2014, Justification Reconsidered points out strengths and weaknesses on both sides of the discussion.
文章 (Atom)
漢語聖經協會 ,《新普及譯本.New Living Translation》 傳道書、馬太福音 (中英對照)網上免費閱讀版 (require login info)
廣東話音譯新約聖經 聖士提芬會 可供下載 據聞: //主要有祖藍錄耶穌,李亞男做井旁婦人,蔣志光做老約翰,杜麗莎做依利莎伯,鄭敬基做施洗約翰,關心研做瑪莉亞,周慧敏報書章,孫耀威做天使長迦伯列,伍允龍做Philip,鄭子誠做彼得,衛蘭做希羅底個女,馬浚偉做史提反...
宗派禮儀傳統參考: 禮儀手冊 - 中華基督教會香港區會 基督教香港信義會