
Happy birthday to John Calvin (and get free ebooks) [kindle/epub] (till 10/7 US time)


[Logos] free ebook on night time devotional (till 9/7)

Good Night, God is a night time devotional that offers you a collection of inspiring scriptures, true-to-life stories, and encouraging reflections to help you draw near to the heart of God and experience His life-changing grace. As you turn your focus from the day's events you will discover calm rest in God's precious promises and enjoy refreshment in His unfailing presence.

[Kindle/epub/pdf] free ebook on the doctrine of Bible (up to 14/7)

Kevin DeYoung, Taking God At His Word: Why the Bible Is Knowable, Necessary, and Enough, and What That Means for You and Me. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2014.

(You will need to fill in a questionnaire by Crossway)

Individualism in the Gospel of John

"Individualism" --first chapter of Richard Bauckham's forthcoming Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology (Baker Academic).

 (I heard an earlier form of this essay while in Edinburgh, which was so fascinating.)

Time to refresh your Hebrew grammar before it gets rusted

Blog posts discussing grammar issues with lots of examples:

Hebrew and You with Lee M. Fields


monthly Logos free ebook (July 2015)

40 Questions about Christians and Biblical Law
Thomas R. Schreiner
Thomas Schreiner explains the interplay between Christianity and biblical law in this excellent addition to the 40 Questions & Answers series. Schreiner not only coherently answers the tough questions that flow from a discussion about Levitical law, but also engages students in an engaging and clear style. 

Get an additional book for US$0.99

Herbert W. Bateman IV
Using the popular four-views format, this volume explores the meaning of the five warning passages in the book of Hebrews to both the original readers and us today. Each of the four New Testament scholars present and defend their view and critique the view of their interlocutors. This unique volume will help readers better understand some of the most difficult passages in all of Scripture.

Gary R. Habermas' Evidence for the Historical Jesus

Gary R. Habermas, Evidence for the Historical Jesus: Is the Jesus of History the Christ of Faith? Revised Edition. 2015.

Other free resources by Prof. Habermas, including his thesis, The Resurrection of Jesus: A Rational Inquiry

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
