
[kindle] NAC sale -US$2.99@ (till 6/10)

New American Commentary Series on sale for US$2.99 each
  •  It's only for Kindle, not Logos at the moment
  • my recommendation: John (2vols) (Borchert), 1, 2Peter and Jude (Schreiner), 1, 2Kings (House), 1, 2 Chron (Thompson), Isa 1-39 (Smith), in general, the OT is not bad.


[Logos & other formats] WBC individual volumes US$10@

[Logos, Accordance, Olive Tree, and WORDsearch] Word Biblical Commentary individual volumes US$10@

  • If you don't have any of them at all, you may want to consider: Wenham on Genesis, Butler on Joshua, Psalms, Martin on 2 Cor., Mounce on Pastoral, Aune on Rev.


[Kindle] free booklet on Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit (The Gospel Coalition Booklets) Kindle Edition

by Kevin DeYoung

Crossway, 2011.

The Holy Spirit is perhaps the least understood, and least acknowledged, member of the Trinity, but his work in the gospel is indispensable. In this new booklet from the Gospel Coalition, Kevin DeYoung looks to Scripture to outline fundamental doctrine about the personhood and work of the Holy Spirit.
DeYoung describes the Holy Spirit as our ultimate gift. Jesus promised his followers that a “helper” would be given to them. It is through this helper that we actively experience the power and presence of God. In this booklet DeYoung notes the activity of the Holy Spirit in our lives, including his role in conviction, conversion, glorification, and the imparting of spiritual gifts.
The Holy Spirit offers a thoughtful explanation for point 9 of the Gospel Coalition’s confessional statement. The Gospel Coalition is an evangelical renewal movement dedicated to a scripture-based reformation of ministry practices.


[Kindle sale] Guide on 1Peter

1 Peter (Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament) Kindle Edition

by Greg Forbes 
B&H, 2014

Digital List Price: $24.99
Kindle Price: $0.99
Save $24.00 (96%)

The Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament (EGGNT) closes the gap between the Greek text and the available lexical and grammatical tools, providing all the necessary information for greater understanding of the text. The series makes interpreting any given New Testament book easier, especially for those who are hard pressed for time but want to preach or teach with accuracy and authority.

Each volume begins with a brief introduction to the particular New Testament book, a basic outline, and a list of recommended commentaries. The body is devoted to paragraph-by-paragraph exegesis of the Greek text and includes homiletical helps and suggestions for further study. A comprehensive exegetical outline of the New Testament book completes each EGGNT volume.

[Logos] free ebook on Biblical Theology

The Promise-Plan of God: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments

Walter Kaiser

Zondervan, 2008

(I guess Logos should give me some commission...)

monthly Logos free ebook (Sept 2015)

Mentor Commentary: Amos

Gary V. Smith
The book of Amos is full of wordplays, double entendres, pictorial visions, and direct statements of fact and judgment. Smith's job is to address the historical, stylistic and interpretative aspects of Amos: not just what is written, but also how and why the prophecies are recorded. 

Get an additional book for $1.99.

Irvin A. Busenitz
In this book you will discover the theme of Joel: the day of Yahweh. You will also discover more about the one to whom the day belongs to: Yahweh. The people were facing devastating calamity and Joel calls the society to repent in order that they might escape this judgment and once again enjoy mercy and favor of Yahweh. Obadiah also focuses on the dual aspects of the theme both that there is judgment and that blessing.


Essays in Evangelical Social Ethics

David F. Wright, ed., Essays in Evangelical Social Ethics. Wilton, CN: Morehouse-Barlow, 1983.


Table of Contents

Introduction, David F. Wright 
1 The Natural Ethic, Oliver O’Donovan 
2 Using the Bible in Ethics, I. Howard Marshall 
3 From Christendom to Pluralism, John Briggs 
4 Towards a Theology of the State, Haddon Wilmer 
5 The Challenge of Marxism, David Lyon
6 Man in Society, E. David Cook 
7 Human Rights 

Epilogue: Tasks Which Await Us, John Stott 


[Kindle sale] Preaching the Farewell Discourse

[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Mar)

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