✙ 本網頁旨在為華人神學生推介合用的神學及聖經研究資源。(Useful/recommended online theological and biblical study resources for [Chinese] seminarians.) ✙
[Kindle sale] The NIV Zondervan Study Bible
The NIV Zondervan Study Bible: Built on the Truth of Scripture and Centered on the Gospel Message Kindle Edition
D. A. Carson
T. Desmond Alexander
Richard Hess
Douglas J. Moo
Zondervan, 2015.
Print List Price: | $49.99 |
Kindle Price: |
Save $46.00 (92%)
A new journal: Unio cum Christo
A new journal: Unio cum Christo
published by International Reformed Evangelical Seminary & Westminster Theological Seminary
*Unio cum Christo = Union with Christ
published by International Reformed Evangelical Seminary & Westminster Theological Seminary
- the first issue free (registration needed)
*Unio cum Christo = Union with Christ
planning to read your Bible in 2016
Justin Taylor, Reading the Whole Bible in 2016: An FAQ
- a good post to encourage you to plan for reading the bible in a year, with
- different adjustable reading plans offered
- superb videos introducing books of the bible
- superb videos on important biblical themes (both taken from the Bible Project -you can find all the videos and posters there).
one more online Greek NT website
Another online Greek New Testament reader, with parsing, Abbott-Smith Greek lexicon [this lexicon is sensitive the Greek word's Hebrew equivalents based on LXX], and Strongs and KJV definitions.
BibleWorks 10 troubleshooting: Affecting other programs' keyboard settings
BibleWorks 10影響到Windows其他program的鍵盤語言/中文輸入?
這篇knowledgebase ("How Can I Keep BibleWorks Language and Keyboard Settings from Affecting Other Programs?")能解決這問題。
這篇knowledgebase ("How Can I Keep BibleWorks Language and Keyboard Settings from Affecting Other Programs?")能解決這問題。
RIP the dean of evangelical NT scholars
(It was such an honour that Evangel Seminary had him as our former adjunct faculty member. He's such a humble person as I knew him personally.)
To remember him, this is an interview on Howard's life and faith. Though published 15 years ago, it is still worth pondering and helpful to young seminarians and scholars alike:
Carl Trueman, “Interview With Professor Howard Marshall,” Themelios 26, no. 1 (2000): 48–53.
Here's just a few gems:
'We are not scholars who happen to be disciples. we are disciples who happen to be scholars'.
"I think it is important to be in a good Christian fellowship to have support from it and to be occupied in Christian work of one kind or another, and if possible to try and relate your studies to your practical Christian work."
"So the problem of defending the faith must still go on. We cannot assume that we have arrived, and think that we have solved all the problems and have all the answers. We most certainly haven't.... If we as evangelicals believe that Scripture has a message for today, then the responsibility is all the more upon us to get on and do it."
- Tributes by various scholars: Ray Van Neste, Stanley Porter, Darrell Bock, Michael Bird, Craig Blomberg, Andrew Clarke, Steve Walton, and Mark Goodacre
- An obituary from Christianity Today: "A tribute to the New Testament expert who kept the flame of evangelical scholarship from burning out."
- 播道神學院訃聞
- Videos of his Acts lectures delivered at Moore Theological College (Australia). That was 1991.
[Logos] free spiritual stuff by Lexham Press
Lexham Press Spiritual Growth Bundle (25 resources)
Note: You have to sign up for a free Faithlife account (somewhat different from the Logos a/c but actually not)
Note: You have to sign up for a free Faithlife account (somewhat different from the Logos a/c but actually not)
Individual Titles
- Connect the Testaments: A Daily Devotional
- 40 Days to the Cross: Reflections from Great Thinkers
- By His Wounds You Are Healed
- Embracing God as Father: Christian Identity in the Family of God
- Moment with God: A Devotional on Every Biblical Book
- To Love God and to Love Others: A Devotional Commentary on James
- Live in Liberty: The Spiritual Message of Galatians*
Transformative Word Series
- When You Want to Yell at God: The Book of Job
- Cutting Ties with Darkness: 2 Corinthians
Studies in Faithful Living Series
- Abraham: Following God’s Promise
- Jacob: Discerning God’s Presence
- Joseph: Understanding God’s Purpose
- Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan
[Olivetree ebks sale] notable items
Attractive Olivetree sale which you can really consider (Discounts End December 4, 11:59PM PST):
Free Resource Friday for December -a Free Bible Study Title every week: sign up for our email newsletter to see what these free titles will be.
UBS Handbooks for Old Testament (21 Vols.)
(Save 75%)UBS Handbooks for New Testament (20 Vols.)
(Save 75%)Zondervan Illustrated Collection (3 Vols.)
(Zondervan Atlas of the Bible, the Zondervan Bible Commentary, and the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary)
(Save 60%)Free Resource Friday for December -a Free Bible Study Title every week: sign up for our email newsletter to see what these free titles will be.
[Logos] free Blessing of Christmas
The Blessing of Christmas by Ratzinger, Joseph, Benedict XVI. Ignatius, 2007.
This profusely illustrated book is ideal for personal or group meditations during the Christmas and Advent season. With its inspiring, profound, yet popular meditations on the blessings of the season, this volume by Pope Benedict XVI is a spiritual guide for the soul. Taken from his sermons as well as his writings, these beautiful meditations by the acclaimed spiritual teacher, writer and now Pontiff, give his usual fresh insights into the deeper meaning of this most wondrous event, and show the pope to be a man who knows how to address both the mind and the heart.
[Logos] free ebooks for 24 days of Advent
Notable items:
Day 1: Scripture and the Authority of God by N. T. Wright, SPCK, 2005.
Day 3: Cornerstone Biblical Commentary: 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Hebrews by Linda L. Belleville, Jon C. Laansma, J. Ramsey Michaels. Tyndale, 2009 .
Day 4: Tabletalk Magazine Bundle: Christian History (11 issues)
Day 5: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Esther by Lewis Bayles Paton. T&T Clark, 1908.
Day 8: Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, Volume 2: The Doctrine of God, Part 1
Day 9: Be Comforted (Isaiah) by Warren W. Wiersbe. Victor Books, 1996.
Day 12: 300 Quotations for Preachers from the Medieval Church by Ritzema, Elliot, Brant, Rebecca. Lexham Press, 2013.
Day 14: The Power of God unto Salvation by Benjamin B. Warfield. Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1903.
Day 24: Understanding the Bible Commentary: Isaiah by John Goldingay. Baker, 2012.
monthly Logos free ebook (Dec)
Stephen E. Fowl
Westminster John Knox, 2012.
Westminster John Knox, 2012.
Even though it was written some two
millennia ago, Ephesians still speaks to Christians today in themes
quite familiar to the modern reader. In a predominantly Gentile context,
the Christian community needed to be reminded of the priority of Israel
and the astonishing work of reconciliation that God willed to
accomplish in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This
new volume in the highly acclaimed New Testament Library series reveals
the great theological promises of Ephesians while discussing issues of
context, authorship, and style.
Get an additional book for $1.99.
Luke Timothy Johnson
Westminster John Knox, 2012.
Westminster John Knox, 2012.
This volume of the New Testament
Library offers a thorough and careful commentary on the complicated book
of Hebrews, showing its meaning within the context of ancient culture
and the theological development of the early church. Written by one of
the leading New Testament scholars of the present generation, Luke
Timothy Johnson, this commentary offers remarkable insights into the
Hellenistic, Roman, and Jewish contexts of the book of Hebrews.
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漢語聖經協會 ,《新普及譯本.New Living Translation》 傳道書、馬太福音 (中英對照)網上免費閱讀版 (require login info)
廣東話音譯新約聖經 聖士提芬會 可供下載 據聞: //主要有祖藍錄耶穌,李亞男做井旁婦人,蔣志光做老約翰,杜麗莎做依利莎伯,鄭敬基做施洗約翰,關心研做瑪莉亞,周慧敏報書章,孫耀威做天使長迦伯列,伍允龍做Philip,鄭子誠做彼得,衛蘭做希羅底個女,馬浚偉做史提反...
中文聖經譯本一覽 --大部分能網上閱讀。