
[OliveTree] free Bible Background ebook [till 21/12 UST]

Silva, Moisés. The Essential Companion to Life in Bible Times: Key Insights for Reading God’s Word. Essential Bible Companion. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011. (144pp)

FREE for the Olive Tree Bible App!

Expand your understanding of the Bible with this resource as you investigate ancient views on:
  • sex and marriage
  • death and warfare
  • children and the social roles of men and women
  • public life, government, and Israel's worship of God


[audio] free OTT course [unknown end date]

free audio of Old Testament Theology course taught by Tremper Longman

This course provides an overview of the Old Testament from a theological perspective addressing discrepancies, themes, and controversies.


free ebook on Trinity [upon finishing a brief survey]

Free Ebook: Experiencing the Trinity by Crossway

In Experiencing the Trinity: The Grace of God for the People of God by Joe Thorn, you will find 50 down-to-earth meditations on God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Overflowing with scriptural truth, pastoral wisdom, and personal honesty, this book reflects on common experiences of doubt, fear, and temptation—pointing readers to the grace that God provides and the strength that he promises.


[Logos] Bible Speaks Today Xmas sale

Bible Speaks Today: The OT and NT series 
  • HK$77.5@

nice expositional style of commentary edited by John Stott and J. A. Motyer. 


monthly Logos free ebook -recommended! (Dec)

Tremper Longman III
In How to Read Proverbs, Tremper Longman provides a guide to understanding and savoring the Proverbs for all their wisdom. By studying the book of Proverbs as a whole, you’ll gain greater insight as you discover its relation to other Scriptural wisdom literature and even ancient non-Israelite wisdom.

Plus, add How to Read the Psalms to your digital library for US$1.99!

Tremper Longman helps us overcome the distance between the psalmists’ world and ours. He explains the various kinds of psalms, how they were used in Hebrew worship, their relationship to the rest of the Old Testament, and how Christians can appropriate their messages and insights today.

  • another free one by the Medieval reformer and mystic (from Verbum/Logos):

Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent & Christmas

These 19 sermons, originally given in Latin at the Chapter-house at Clairvaux, all relate to the mysteries of Advent and Christmas. John Cuthbert Hedley, the bishop of Newport from 1881–1915, provides an introduction to these illuminating sermons.


[Logos] Black Friday sale (till Monday)


Shop Black Friday Specials

Get up 64% off new deals through Cyber Monday

  • I would recommend those IVP dictionaries (MDiv students should have them before you graduate) at the bottom, esp. the latest one: Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, 2nd ed.: $186.11 HKD (save 60%)
  • or the Hermeneutics and Interpretation Bundle (3 vols.):
    $271.45 HKD (46% OFF)
  • or Bruce Walkte's, An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax: $232.66 HKD
    (Save 37%)


[Olivetree] sale on electronic Greek and Hebrew critical editions (till November 21, 11:59PM PST [revised])

NA28 with Critical Apparatus, Mounce Parsings, and Concise Dictionary

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: German Bible Society


Save 50%


Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) with Critical Apparatus and Westminster Parsings and BDB Lexicon

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: German Bible Society


Save 50%

LXX with Kraft-Wheeler-Taylor Parsings, Critical Apparatus, and LEH Lexicon

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: German Bible Society
Save 50%

  • runs on iOS, Android, Mac, & Windows

    3 day pre-Black Friday sale


Zondervan Kindle ebook sale: notable ones

NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, eBook: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture

edited by Craig S. Keener and John H. Walton

Print List Price:
Kindle Price: US$6.99
Save $73.00 (91%)

Genesis (The Story of God Bible Commentary) Kindle Edition

by Tremper Longman III
 Print List Price:
Kindle Price: US$7.99
Save $29.00 (78%)


Romans (The Story of God Bible Commentary) Kindle Edition

 by Michael F. Bird

Print List Price:
Kindle Price: US$7.99
Save $29.00 (78%)

How to Preach and Teach the Old Testament for All Its Worth

 by Christopher J. H. Wright

Print List Price:
Kindle Price: US$4.99
Save $14.00 (74%)

Many preachers ignore preaching from the Old Testament because they feel it is outdated in light of the New Testament and difficult to expound. On the other hand, some preachers will preach from the Old Testament frequently but fail to handle it correctly, turning it into moralistic rules or symbolic lessons for our spiritual life. In How to Preach and Teach the Old Testament for All Its Worth, Christopher J. H. Wright proclaims that preachers must not ignore the Old Testament. It is the Word of God! The Old Testament lays the foundation for our faith and it was the Bible that Jesus read and used.

Looking first at why we should preach from the Old Testament, the author moves on to show the reader how they can be preach from it. Covering the History, Law, Prophets, Psalms, and Wisdom Literature, interspersed with practical checklists, exercises, and sermons, he provides an essential guide on how to handle the Old Testament responsibly.

Five Views on the Church and Politics (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)

by J. Brian Benestad (Author, Contributor), Robert Benne (Author, Contributor), Bruce Fields (Author, Contributor), Thomas W. Heilke (Author, Contributor), James K.A. Smith (Author, Contributor), Amy E. Black (Editor), Stanley N. Gundry (Editor) 
Print List Price:
Kindle Price: US$3.99
Save $16.00 (80%)
 Few topics can grab headlines and stir passions quite like politics, especially when the church is involved. Considering the attention that many Christian parachurch groups, churches, and individual believers give to politics—and of the varying and sometimes divergent political ideals and aims among them—Five Views on the Church and Politics provides a helpful breakdown of the possible Christian approaches. Readers will find themselves equipped to think more deeply about the relationship between church and state in a way that goes beyond mere policy debates and current campaigns.


Mounce's Greek vocab and paradigms files (updated 26/4/2017)

Note: updated contents marked in red.

Jpg file (updated 26/4/2017): "Mounce Greek vocab 2016-006.jpg"

1. pdf files:
(updated 26/4/2017)
Mounce Greek vocab 2016b.pdf
(last updated 19/4/2017)

2. jpg files:  
(last updated 19/4/2017)


Zondervan Statement on another New Testament Commentary of O'Brien

//It is with sadness and regret that we have concluded this volume does not follow commonly accepted standards for the use and documentation of secondary resources. Dr. O’Brien is revered by his colleagues in the academy and by his former students. His commentaries, including volume 44 in the WBC, have been used with great benefit by the thousands who have purchased them. While we have no reason to believe that Dr. O’Brien intentionally misused secondary resources, our commitment to high publishing standards leaves us no choice but to put volume 44 of the WBC out of print in both its print and digital formats and to destroy the remaining inventory.//

previous related post


Monthly Logos free ebook (Nov)

Precept Ministries International, 2014.
How do I live the Christian life joyfully regardless of people or circumstances? What is the purpose of suffering and the Christian perspective on death? Do I have “the mind of Christ”? Discover true, deep-down joy in your life that the world cannot take away.

Kay Arthur’s unique and helpful system of highlighting and markup comes built right in with Logos, meaning you can combine the power of inductive Bible study with all the rich features of Logos.
Key features:
  • study guide for working through Philippians
  • Includes questions for discussion and reflection


Free pdf on pastoral letters

Free ebook: 100 pastoral letters (church communication needs) by StartChurch (email needed)

[Kindle] 3 commentaries on sale: The Story of God Bible Commentary

Romans (The Story of God Bible Commentary) 2016

[Kindle] 3 commentaries on sale: Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament


[Vyrso/Logos] free Bible Study on 1 & 2Tim, Titus, Philemon [till 7/10]

  • $0.00 HKD $69.80 HKD

  • "The Christian life is not easy. Whether we're walking out our faith, sharing the gospel, or helping in ministry, we can become discouraged as we strive to live for Christ. The apostle Paul understood that believers would always face challenges, obstacles, and setbacks. The books of 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon offer a wealth of encouragement for every Christian, and share an underlying, powerful theme: Never give up! The Wiersbe Bible Study Series explores timeless wisdom found in God's Word. Based on Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe's popular "BE" series, each study provides topical, relevant insights from selected books of the Bible. Designed for small groups, this eight-week study features excerpts from Be Faithful, engaging questions, and practical applications, all designed to help you connect God's Word with your life.

    Warren W. Wiersbe (1929– ) is an internationally known Bible teacher and pastor. He studied at Indiana University and Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and taught at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.
    In 2002, Wiersbe was awarded the Jordon Lifetime Achievement Award by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. He is the former pastor of three churches, including The Moody Church."


    Bible Project videos in Cantonese

    The Bible Project -excellent evangelical presentation of each book of the Bible and biblical themes (videos and posters inside)---now available in Cantonese, 粵語
    • 好正!!!
    • 暫時主要是舊約


    Monthly Logos free ebook (Oct)

    Craig S. Keener
    Craig S. Keener’s Romans is a helpfully concise commentary on Paul’s letter to the early Christians in Rome, which the Apostle wrote just a few years before the outbreak of Nero’s persecution. Keener examines each paragraph for its function in the letter as a whole, helping the reader follow Paul’s argument.

    Get an additional book for US$1.99.

    New Covenant Commentary: RevelationNew Covenant Commentary: Revelation
    Gordon D. Fee
    Revelation is a book that many Christians find confusing due to the foreign nature of its apocalyptic imagery. It is a book that has prompted endless discussions about the “end times” with theological divisions forming around epicenters such as the rapture and the millennium. In this New Covenant Commentary Series volume, award winning author Gordon Fee attempts to excavate the layers of symbolic imagery and provide an exposition of Revelation that is clear, easy to follow, convincing, and engaging.


    [Vyrso/Logos] monthly free ebook on Rev (Sept)

    $0.00 HKD $69.80 HKD
    The Wiersbe Bible Studies Series explores timeless wisdom found in God’s word. Based on Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s popular “BE” series, each study provides topical, relevant insights from selected books of the Bible. Designed for small groups, this eight-week study features selected commentaries from BE Victorious, engaging questions, and practical applications, all designed to help you connect God’s word with your life.


    [eBook Flash SALE] Zondervan's Counterpoints series [till 18/9, 11:59pm ET]

    • Note: this sale appeared in Jan 2016

    eBOOK SALE: Counterpoints Books Just $3.99!

    Save up to 69%, but act fast: sale ends September 18 at 11:59pm ET (2016).

    available formats:

    • Amazon
    • Barnes and Noble
    • Christian Book
    • iBooks

    New and noteworthy ones:

  • Five Views on the Church and Politics (new)
  • Five views on Hell (2nd ed.)
  • [Logos] NIDNTTE (2nd ed.) on sale (till 16/9)

    New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis (5 vols.)

    by Silva, Moisés

    Zondervan 2014
    Runs on Windows, Mac and mobile
    Sale Price
    $79.99 USD
    ($621.04 HKD*)

    61% OFF!
    $1,630.36 HKD


    [pdf] new free ebook on biblical hermeneutics by Poythress

    Vern S. Poythress, Reading the Word of God in the Presence of God (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2016).

    Every time we read the Bible, we’re reading in the presence of God. How should this incredible truth shape how we read?
    Moving quickly from principle to practice, Vern Poythress helps us rethink how we interpret the Bible by showing us the implications of entering into God’s presence as we study. This handbook outlines distinct steps for practicing faithful biblical interpretation by focusing on our fellowship with the God who speaks to us through his Word.


    Vern S. Poythress (PhD, Harvard University; ThD, University of Stellenbosch) is professor of New Testament interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he has taught for nearly four decades. In addition to earning six academic degrees, he is the author of numerous books and articles on biblical interpretation, language, and science.


    [Kindle ebook sale] two noteworthy goodies on OT wisdom & poetry and James (end date unknown)

    by Donald K. Berry.
    Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 1999.

    Digital List Price:

    Kindle Price: $0.99
    Save $29.00 (97%)

    by Chris A. Vlachos
    Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2013.

    Digital List Price:

    Kindle Price: $2.99
    Save $22.00 (88%)
    • for those who have studied or will study Greek III


    [Olivetree sale] Tyndale Commentaries Full Set (49 Vols.) [till Sept 12, 11:59PM PST]

    Tyndale Commentaries Full Set (49 Vols.)

    For the Olive Tree Bible App

    InterVarsity Press


    Save 60%

      -very attractive indeed though the platform is not as good as others. Each ebook costs around HK$12.7!
      -all written by evangelical scholars. Concise but to the point. 


    writing Greek alphabet

    • For my Greek students, this one is not bad (but note: this is just ref. don't be legalistic about it).


    Monthly Logos free ebook (Sept)

    Thabiti M. Anyabwile

    What Is a Healthy Church Member? biblically and practically instructs church members in ways they can labor for the health of their church. Following the theme of Mark Dever’s book What Is a Healthy Church?, pastor Thabiti Anyabwile attempts to answer the next natural question: “What does a healthy church member look like in the light of Scripture?” God intends for us to play an active and vital part in the body of Christ, the local church. He wants us to experience the local church as a home more profoundly wonderful and meaningful than any other place on earth. He intends for his churches to be healthy places and for the members of those churches to be healthy as well. This book explains how membership in the local church can produce spiritual growth in its members and how each member can contribute to the growth and health of the whole.

    2016 BibleWorks, Logos及Zotero入門工作坊

    日期: 9/9/2016()
    時間: 7:30-9:00pm
    地點: 播道神學院59(課室59216)
    對象: 本院日夜校新生,有興趣的播道會教牧同工
    負責: 譚志超博士 (本院聖經科副教授兼圖書館主任)

    介紹現時學界通用最新的兩個神學/聖經研究軟件, BibleWorks 10Logos 7,透過示範了解如何運用來做神學研究。當晚亦會簡介另一免費的書目管理軟件Zotero,該軟件主要幫助神學生/教牧管理所搜資料,並輸出正規的註腳及書目格式

    : 如同學已安裝有關的軟件帶備自的手提電腦出席。

    [Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
