
Free ebooks on mission [limited time offer]

Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) publications from the Regnum Edinburgh Centenary series

Called to Unity: For the Sake of Mission

Called to Unity: For the Sake of Mission
John Gibaut and Knud JorgensenThe purpose of this volume on mission and unity is to bring to public attention a broad overview on the history, development and perspectives on the role of mission in the pursuit of unity and the central biblical focus on unity as a prerequisite for an authentic witn...

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Hardback: £30.99. Free download available

Global Diasporas and Mission

Global Diasporas and Mission
Chandler H Im and Amos YongThe movement of people from their homelands is increasing exponentially. Such waves of both immigration and migration triggered by various factors have created new opportunities for the church and its mission. This volume explores such global diasporas from both eccle...

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Hardback: £26.99.
Free download available

Pentecostal Mission and Global Christianity

Pentecostal Mission and Global Christianity
Wonsuk Ma, Veli-Matti Karkkainen and J Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu  ...

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Hardback: £30.99.
Free download available

Theology, Mission and Child

Theology, Mission and Child
Global Perspectives
Bill Prevette, Keith J White, C Rosalee Velloso Ewell and D J KonzThis ground-breaking volume of 16 contributors from leading child theologians, mission theologians and practitioners examines the constructive interaction of Theology, Mission and Child in fresh and intriguing ways.  It is moving, profound, and practical, proposi...

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Hardback: £26.99.
Free download available

A Century of Catholic Mission

A Century of Catholic Mission
Stephen Bevans   ...

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Hardback: £30.99.
Free download available

Mission Spirituality and Authentic Discipleship

Mission Spirituality and Authentic Discipleship
Wonsuk Ma and Kenneth R. Ross   ...

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Hardback: £26.99.
Free download available

Orthodox Perspectives on Mission

Orthodox Perspectives on Mission
Petros VassiliadisOrthodox Perspectives on Mission is both a humble tribute to some great Orthodox theologians, who in the past have provided substantial contribution to contemporary missiological and ecumenical discussions, and an Orthodox input to the upcoming 2013 Busan WCC General ...

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Hardback: £26.99.
Free download available

A Learning Missional Church

A Learning Missional Church
Reflections from Young Missiologists
Beate Fagerli, Knud Jorgensen, Rolv Olsen and Rolv Olsen

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Hardback: £26.99.
Free download available

Life-Widening Mission

Life-Widening Mission
global Anglican Perspectives
Cathy RossAVALIABLE NOW! LIFE-WIDENING MISSION EDITED BY CATHY ROSS Each of the young Anglicans who write on the Five M...

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Hardback: £22.99. Free download available

The Church Going Glocal

The Church Going Glocal
Mission and Globalisation
Tormod Engelsviken, Erling Lundeby, Dagfinn Solheim and Dagfinn SolheimThe Church Going Glocal Available Now! 'This book provides thought-provoking and inspiring reading for all concerned with mission in the 21st century. I have been challenged by its contributors t...

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Hardback: £26.99. Free download available

Mission Today and Tomorrow

Mission Today and Tomorrow
Kirsteen Kim and Andrew AndersonMission Today and Tomorrow ...

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Hardback: £35.99. Free download available

Evangelical and Frontier Mission

Evangelical and Frontier Mission
Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel
A. Scott Moreau and Beth Snodderly  Available Now! The centennial celebrations of the Edinburgh 1910 conference offered Christians of all stripes multiple opportunities to reflect on the past century of mission. Over the course of the twentieth century one o...

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Hardback: £30.99. Free download available

Interfaith Relations after One Hundred Years

Interfaith Relations after One Hundred Years
Christian Mission among Other Faiths
Marina Ngursangzeli BeheraAvailable Now! Edinburgh 2010 has a special relevance for Christians in India particurlarly when we consider the contributions Indian Christians continue to make both academically as well as in their day-to-day lives t...

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Hardback: £30.99. Free download available

Mission and Postmodernities

Mission and Postmodernities
Rolv OlsenAvailable now! Mission and Postmodernities by Rov Olsen It is here, under these trees on my desert island that t...

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Hardback: £26.99. Free download available

Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic Age

Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic Age
Christian Mission among Other Faiths
Lalsangkima Pachuau and Knud JorgensenAvailable Now! Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic Age: Christian Mission among Other Faiths The relationship ...

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Hardback: £26.99.
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Witnessing to Christ Today

Witnessing to Christ Today
Daryl Balia and Kirsteen KimThe Edinburgh 2010 study process is unique. Set up to mark the centenary of the World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh 1910, it is a project of churches worldwide which is multi-regional, cross-denominational and poly-centric. It involves all the major Christian world...

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Hardback: £30.99.
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Mission Continues

Mission Continues
Global Impulses for the 21st Century
Claudia Wahrisch-Oblau and Fidon MwombekiMission Continues Claudia Wahrisch-Oblau and Fidon Mwombeki (Editors) In May 2009, 35 theologians from Asia, Africa and Europe met in Wuppertal, Germany, for a consultation on mission theology...

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Hardback: £26.99.
Free download available

Holistic Mission

Holistic Mission
God's Plan for God's People
Brian E. Woolnough and Wonsuk Ma
Foreword by Las NewmanHolisitc Mission God's Plan for God's People Edited by Brian Woolnough and Wonsuk Ma ...

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Hardback: £26.99. Free download available

Mission Then and Now

Mission Then and Now
David A. Kerr and Kenneth R. Ross No one can hope to fully understand the modern Christian missionary movement without engaging substantially with the World Missionary Conference, held at Edinburgh in 1910. As the centenary of the Conference approaches, the time is ripe to examine its meaning in light of the past century and the ...

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Hardback: £30.99. Free download available

Engaging the World

Engaging the World
Christian Communities in Contemporary Global Societies
Afe Adogame, Janice McLean and Anderson JeremiahEngaging the World deals with the lived experiences and expressions of Christians in diverse communities across the globe.  Christian communities do not live in a vacuum but in complex, diverse social-cultural contexts; within wider communities of differ...

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Hardback: £26.99. Free download available

Bible in Mission

Bible in Mission
Pauline Hoggarth, Fergus Macdonald, Knud Jorgensen and Bill Mitchell“The Bible is alive – it has hands and grabs hold of me, it has feet and runs after me”. Thus spoke Martin Luther, as cited by Knud Jørgensen in a quotation that summarizes the deeper meaning of this book. To the authors of Bible in Mission, t...

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Hardback: £30.99.
Free download available

Mission At and From the Margins

Mission At and From the Margins
Patterns, Protagonists and Perspectives
Peniel Rajkumar, Joseph Dayam, I P Asheervadham and I P AsheervadhamMission At and From the Margins: Patterns, Protagonists and Pespectives revisits the 'hi-stories' of Mission from the 'bottom up' paying critical attention to people, perspectives and patterns that have often been elided in the construction of mission history...

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Hardback: £26.99.
Free download available

Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation

Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation
Robert Schreiter and Knud JorgensenThere is hope – even if it is “Hope in a Fragile World”, as the concluding chapter of Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation puts it. At the very heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of hope and reconciliation. Nothing could be more releva...

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Hardback: £30.99.
Free download available

The Lausanne Movement

The Lausanne Movement
A Range of Perspectives
Margunn Serigstad Dahle, Lars Dahle and Knud JorgensenThe Lausanne Movement has since 1974 functioned as a platform and forum for Evangelical leaders from various geographical and confessional strands. This year it will celebrate its 40th anniversary. This volume brings together voices about both The Lausanne Movement an...

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Hardback: £39.99.
Free download available

Foundations for Mission

Foundations for Mission
Emma Wild-Wood and Peniel RajkumarAvailable Now This volume provides an important resource for those wishing to gain an overview of significant issues in contemporary missiology whilst understanding how they are applied in particular contexts.  Contributors from...

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Hardback: £30.99.
Free download available


[Kindle ebooks sale] select B&H books (only notable ones are listed)

[eBook Flash SALE] Select Counterpoints Volumes [till 15/1 12:59pm HKT]

Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither?

Sale: $2.99 | Was: $10.99

Four Views on the Historical Adam

Sale: $3.99 | Was: $12.99

Three Views on Creation and Evolution

Sale: $3.99 | Was: $6.99

Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy

Sale: $3.99 | Was: $7.99

Four Views on Hell

Sale: $3.99 | Was: $6.99 

Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World

Sale: $3.99 | Was: $6.99 

Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? 4 Views

Sale: $3.99 | Was: $6.99




By 艾基新博士 (Gleason Leonard Archer, Professor Emeritus of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School)
Publisher: 角聲出版社
Translation of: Encyclopedia of Bible difficulties / Gleason L. Archer ; foreword by Kenneth S. Kantzer; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1982.

free monographs from Gorgias Open Access [pdf]

Some notable ones:

Dischronology and Dialogic in the Bible’s Primary Narrative, by David A. Bergen (2009)

"a reassessment of Moses' book of the law from a narrative theory perspective. Concerned for the long-term viability of his people, Moses legislates a public reading of his document which is deposited next to the ark of the covenant as a national testament. Through the mechanics of narrative mediation, the narrator reveals to the reader of Deuteronomy the contents of Moses' enshrined publication. Deuteronomy's simulcast of Moses' book invites external readers to compare and evaluate their readings with story-world readers who access the same text within the Bible's Primary Narrative."

Early Readers, Scholars and Editors of the New Testament, edited by H.A.G. Houghton (2014)

"ten original papers on the New Testament text, first presented in 2013, which reflect the diversity of current research. Examples of ancient engagement with the Bible include Origen, Eusebius of Caesarea and Augustine along with early translations. "

 Recent Developments in Midrash Research: Proceedings of the 2002 and 2003 SBL Consultation on Midrash, Edited by Lieve Teugels and Rivka Ulmer

"papers from sessions during the first two years of SBL Consultation on Midrash. It demonstrates innovative approaches to midrashic texts and hermeneutic reflections on similarities and differences between interpretations of the Bible. "


[Vyrso/Logos] Creative Teaching Methods [free today]

Creative Teaching Methods

by Marlene LeFever

Marlene LeFever makes the principle of learning through creative participation come alive for Christian education. Creative methods are vividly and invitingly explored for their potential for deepening the spiritual life through new ways of hearing the Word of God and using heretofore untapped personal resources in responding to it. Unique in its assumption that in Christian education creativity is just as essential in work with youth and adults as it is in work with children.


[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
