
[pdf] John Piper's new book on the truthfulness of the Bible

A Peculiar Glory

How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness

by John Piper

Crossway, 2016.

The glory of God is shining through the Bible.
God has provided a way for all people, not just scholars, to know that the Bible is the word of God. John Piper has devoted his life to showing us that the glory of God is the happiness of the soul. Now, his burden in this book is to demonstrate that this same glory is the certainty of the mind.


3 SBL monographs are now in open access format

Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire
Jason M. Silverman and Caroline Waerzeggers, editors

Various disciplines that deal with Achaemenid rule offer starkly different assessments of Persian kingship. While Assyriologists treat Cyrus’s heirs as legitimate successors of the Babylonian kings, biblical scholars often speak of a “kingless era” in which the priesthood took over the function of the Davidic monarch. Egyptologists see their land as uniquely independently minded despite conquests, while Hellenistic scholarship tends to evaluate the interface between Hellenism and native traditions without reference to the previous two centuries of Persian rule. This volume brings together in dialogue a broad array of scholars with the goal of seeking a broader context for assessing Persian kingship through the anthropological concept of political memory.
Paper $59.95, ISBN 9780884140887
Hardcover $79.95, ISBN 9780884140900
Open Access eISBN 9780884140894
516 pages • Ancient Near East Monographs 13

Epigraphy, Philology, and the Hebrew Bible: Methodological Perspectives on Philological and Comparative Study of the Hebrew Bible in Honor of Jo Ann Hackett
Jeremy M. Hutton and Aaron D. Rubin, editors

Colleagues and former students honor Professor Jo Ann Hackett in this collection of essays focused on her interests in Northwest Semitic languages, epigraphy, and Canaanite religions of the Iron Age. Each section offers subject-specific chapters reflecting on methodology, while at the same time seeking to build connections between these three disciplines. Each contribution exemplifies the unifying theme of the collection: the continuing value and necessity of philological and comparative study of the Hebrew Bible.
Paper $49.95, ISBN 9780884140795
Hardcover $64.95, ISBN 9780884140818
Open Access eISBN 9780884140801
408 pages • Ancient Near East Monographs 12

The Book of the Twelve and the New Form Criticism
Mark J. Boda, Michael H. Floyd, and Colin M. Toffelmire, editors
Contributors to this volume explore the theoretical issues at stake in recent changes in form criticism and the practical outcomes of applying the results of these theoretical shifts to the Book of the Twelve. The volume combines self-conscious and wide-ranging reflection on discourse linguistics, metaphor theory, redaction criticism, and various other methods with practical examination of specific texts in an effort to demonstrate the practical consequences of theoretical decisions and the value of certain methodological stances.
Paper $39.95, ISBN 9781628370607
Hardcover $54.95, ISBN 9781628370621
Open Access eISBN 9781628370614
378 pages • Ancient Near East Monographs 10


[Kindle/epub] Free ebook on Jesus' blood (till 31/3)

Anthony Carter’s Blood Work: How the Blood of Christ Accomplishes Our Salvation. Sanford, FL: Reformation Trust, 2013.

Evangelical Christians often sing and preach about the blessed blood of Christ and the wonderful things it accomplishes for believers. To the uninformed ear, such language can convey the idea that Jesus’ blood had semi-magical qualities. Actually, Jesus’ blood was normal human blood, but the Bible refers to it in metaphorical terms to portray the many benefits that come to Christians because of Jesus’ death.
In Blood Work: How the Blood of Christ Accomplishes Our Salvation, Anthony J. Carter traces this theme through the New Testament, showing how the biblical writers used the powerful metaphor of the blood of Jesus to help Christians grasp the treasures Jesus secured for them in His death on the cross. In doing so, he provides a fresh perspective on the atonement Jesus made.
Carter delves into the New Testament’s teaching on several of the blessings that flow to believers because of the blood of Jesus, from their “purchase” by the blood (Acts 20:28) to their “freedom” through the blood (Rev. 1:5). Christian readers’ eyes will be opened to the depth of their blessedness in Jesus and their hearts will be moved to thank and praise the triune God for such a great salvation.

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
