
[Kindle] Discovering Biblical Texts series

DiscoveringBiblical Texts series published by Eerdmans. 
  • Up to now only: Gen, Mat, John, Romans  
  • all US$0.99 

latest and (probably the most trustworthy) critical edition of Acts

the latest and (probably the most trustworthy) critical edition of Acts, the digital ECM for Acts (which will be assessed and incorporated into NA29 with other future ECM volumes)



[pdf/Kindle] Justified by Faith Alone by R. C. Sproul


Free Ebook: Justified by Faith Alone by R. C. Sproul

Yesterday, R. C. Sproul went home to be with the Lord at the age of 78.

In honor of the incredible work that God has done through his decades-long speaking and writing ministry, we are pleased to give away an ebook that stands as a fitting tribute to one of the primary emphases of his life: Justified by Faith Alone.

In this brief volume, Sproul is at his best, winsomely explaining why the doctrine of justification is central to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Fill out a brief survey to download a free digital copy of Justified by Faith Alone today.

[OliveTree] free NIV Application Commentary Mark

FREE for the Olive Tree Bible App!

NIV Application Commentary Mark

The Gospel according to Mark is widely known for its short but concise narrative-driven account of Jesus’ life—his ministry and subsequent death and resurrection. Get straight to the core of Jesus’ saving character by studying Mark, which many scholars think is a common source for the other Gospels. Let its message of new life—new life without end—continually affect your life.<
...View full description

27.99  FREE!


Free audio of the month (Dec): WHY THE REFORMATION STILL MATTERS


FREE audiobook download for this month (normally $14.98)
Five hundred years after the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, many people—Christians and non-Christians alike—view it as a conflict about issues that are no longer relevant to the church. But what if the Reformation still has something to teach us? What if the doctrines so vigorously debated and defended by the Reformers still matter today? In this accessible primer on the Reformation, Michael Reeves and Tim Chester introduce readers to eleven key questions raised by the Reformers. These questions continue to impact the church today—proving that the Reformation is much more than just a bit of history we can leave behind.

Logos monthly free ebook (Dec) Boice's Psalms 1-41 commentary

Psalms, Vol. 1: Psalms 1–41

Whether you're a serious Bible student probing through Psalm 19 or a first-time reader inspired by the promise of Psalm 23, this first volume on the book of Psalms explores each of the first forty-one psalms, uncovering deep reflections, wisdom for living, and verses of praise, confidence, and repentance.


[Olivetree] sale on electronic Greek and Hebrew critical editions (Discounts End November 27, 11:59PM PST)

  • price rose a bit from last year, but still OliveTree is offering the cheapest digital editions and it's time to buy for interested seminarians

NA28 with Critical Apparatus, Mounce Parsings, and Concise Dictionary

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: German Bible Society


Save 50%


Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) with Critical Apparatus and Westminster Parsings and BDB Lexicon

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: German Bible Society


Save 50%

LXX with Kraft-Wheeler-Taylor Parsings, Critical Apparatus, and LEH Lexicon

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: German Bible Society
Save 50%

  • runs on iOS, Android, Mac, & Windows

[Kindle] Black Friday Kindle NIC Commentary Sale (till 27/11)

Select NICNT/NICOT sale
  • this set is written from an evangelical perspective with some fair discussion on Greek/Hebrew. 
  • Good (and newer) ones in the series include: Zechariah, Judges, Prov, Psalms, Matthew, Pastoral Ep., John, 1Cor (rev), James, Hebrews


The NEW Tyndale House Greek New Testament

The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge

//under the oversight of editors Dr. Dirk Jongkind (St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge) and Dr. Peter Williams (Tyndale House, Cambridge). Together with their team, they have taken a rigorously philological approach to reevaluating the standard text—reexamining spelling and paragraph decisions as well as allowing more recent discoveries related to scribal habits to inform editorial decisions.//
The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge from Crossway on Vimeo.


[Logos/OliveTree/WORDsearch] Zondervan ETS/SBL sale on bible reference (till 21 Nov)

The Word Biblical Commentary and select other commentaries and Bible reference titles are on sale right now at Logos, Accordance, WORDsearch and Olive Tree. Check out the deals today because they’ll be gone by November 21, 2017.

Shop at Logos
Shop at Accordance
Shop at WORDsearch
Shop at Olive Tree
(You’ll find other Bible reference on sale!)
  • recommended: NIDNTTE, NIDOTTE, individual WBC titles like Rev, John, Mat, Gen, Psalms

[WORDSearch] three free stuff on Biblical Interpretation, Romans and practical theology (till 30 Nov)

Author: Roy B. Zuck
Publisher: David C. Cook
Reg: $24.95
Sale: $0.00
Author: David G. Peterson
Publisher: B&H Academic
Reg: $39.95
Sale: $0.00
  •  recommended
Author: Alex McFarland and Elmer Towns
Publisher: Broadman & Holman
Reg: $14.95
Sale: $0.00




  •  可供下載


[WORDSearch] three free stuff on practical theology (till 13 Nov)

Author: Jack A. Henry
Publisher: Broadman & Holman
This title works with the following Wordsearch products
Desktop | Web | iPhone/iPad | Android
Reg: $14.95
Sale: $0.00

Author: Dean Borgman
Publisher: Wordsearch
Reg: $49.95
Sale: $0.00

Author: Matt Chandler, Josh Patterson, Eric Geiger
Publisher: Broadman & Holman
This title works with the following Wordsearch products
Desktop | Web | iPhone/iPad | Android
Reg: $14.95
Sale: $0.00


[Kindle] $5 NIVAC is back (till 12 Nov)

EBOOK SALE: NIV Application Commentaries Only US$4.99!

Save up to 83%

same price as previous years'

[WORDSearch] Bible Speaks Today 55 Vols. sale (till 20 Nov)

Author: John R.W. Stott (Editor) and J.A. Motyer (Editor)
Publisher: InterVarsity Press Academic

Available on Desktop available Cloud available Ios available Android available
  • useful for getting some preaching insights


Verbum/Logos monthly free ebook (Nov): Worship in the Early Church

  • I think Verbum's (=Logos in Catholic version) more recommendable this time:

Worship in the Early Church: An Anthology of Historical Sources, vol. 1

Worship in the Early Church: An Anthology of Historical Sources, vol. 1 is part of a four-volume collection of excerpts from early Christian writings illustrating the Church’s liturgical practice in both East and West, from its Jewish beginnings through the end of the sixth century.

Logos monthly freebie:
Mobile Ed: NT313 Jesus and the Witness of the Outsiders (1 hour course) by Craig Evans


2 good ones among the Reformation sales

There are a number of sales to celebrate Reformation but these two goodies strike me:
  • one is a classic in Hermeneutics
  • the other is on spiritual formation

Is There a Meaning in This Text?: The Bible, the Reader, and the Morality of Literary Knowledge (Landmarks in Christian Scholarship) Anniversary ed. Edition, Kindle Edition

It's 500 years! Happy Reformation Day!




  •  須於Globethics.net 登記(免費)
  • 介紹:
  1. 期刊包括国学与西学,Journal of Chinese Religions,金陵神学志,中国神学志,Duihua-mit China im Dialog,China Heute: Informationen über Religion und Christentum im chinesischen Raum,Religions & Christianity in Today's China,景风Quarterly Notes on Christianity and Chinese Religion。
  2. 合作机构的文献如著名的香港汉语基督教研究所的Reichelt文献,耶鲁大学神学图书馆Day Missions文库。
  3. 从中国知网(CNKI)订阅的中国学术界出版的各类书籍、期刊文章、论文,会议纪要。
  4. 从超过100个OAI存储库获得的开放资源。

OCCC是中国的圣商学院和日内瓦的全球伦理网联合一众世界知名学术研究机构共同发起的项目,合作单位和文献提供方包括中国知网(北京),汉语基督教研究中心(香港),香港中文大学崇基学院(香港),福建神学院(福州),香港浸会大学(香港),金陵协和神学院(南京),耶鲁大学神学院(美国纽黑文),China Information Desk(德国汉堡),China-Zentrum(德国圣奥古斯丁),国学与西学(芬兰),东南亚神学教育基金会(美国), Open Access Repositories (OAI).
Download a media release in English (PDF - 1 page - 183 KB)
Download a media release in Chinese (PDF - 1 page - 275 KB)


Logos monthly free ebook (Oct) Commentary on Romans [recommended]

Joseph A. Fitzmyer
Outside of the Gospels themselves, there is no single Christian document whose influence has been greater than Paul’s epistle to the Romans. Its explosive character has changed lives—Augustine’s, Martin Luther’s, Karl Barth’s, to name a few—and precipitated revolutions. This full-scale commentary deals with the most important issues of the early Christian church. And it is through the eyes of the apostle Paul, the major figure of this period, that we see dominant motifs and themes, the theological essentials of the Christian faith. Who better than the once pious Jew, converted to the Christian cause, to tell the reader about the early struggles with Judaism, the reluctant yet nurturing mother of this new community of faith?

The Anchor Yale Bible: HabakkukGet an additional book for $1.99

Francis I. Andersen
The puzzles Habakkuk contemplates will stir the hearts and minds of anyone who has ever wrestled with the existence of evil. Francis I. Andersen, a well-known authority on the Minor Prophets and acclaimed Hebrew studies pioneer, examines Habakkuk both as a work of sophisticated theological inquiry and as an artistic creation. The result is a book that illuminates the nuances of the text and brings to life the culture and values of the ancient Israelites through a compelling portrait of one the Bible’s most fascinating and elusive prophets.

St. Augustine Faith and Works


[Kindle] Recommended: Gonzalez's Story of Christianity, Vol. 1

  • an excellent church history textbook indeed!

Logos starter library sale (till 11 Oct)

Logos standard edition starter library
sale US$194.99
was US$295 (2017); US$266 (2016)


[Logos] Crucial Questions Series free upgrade

following to my previous post, >a year ago, on

[Logos/Kindle] Crucial Questions Series by R. C. Sproul

(which is still free), there is an upgrade to the set which is also free:
  • What Is the Great Commission?
  • Can I Lose My Salvation?
The link to Logos is here


[Kindle] free ebook on Prosperity Gospel (till 18/9 US time)


2017 BibleWorks, Logos及Zotero入門工作坊

日期: 15/9/2017()
時間: 7:30-9:00pm
地點: 播道神學院59(課室59215)
對象: 本院日夜校新生,有興趣的播道會教牧同工
負責: 譚志超博士 (本院聖經科副教授兼圖書館主任)

介紹現時學界通用最新的兩個神學/聖經研究軟件, BibleWorks 10Logos 7,透過示範了解如何運用來做神學研究。當晚亦會簡介另一免費的書目管理軟件Zotero,該軟件主要幫助神學生/教牧管理所搜資料,並輸出正規的註腳及書目格式

: 如同學已安裝有關的軟件帶備自的手提電腦出席。

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
