
[Kindle sale] David Garland's 2 Cor (NAC)

2 Corinthians: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture 

by David Garland. 

The New American Commentary Book 29. B&H, 1999.

Print List Price:
Kindle Price: US$2.99
Save $30.00 (91%)
  • a good commentary


[Kindle] Women of the Bible (till 24/4 UST)

Women of the Bible 2nd Edition, Kindle Edition


[Kindle] another bible atlas

  • not a bad addition to your (Kindle) library


two mini guides for children ministry

  • free mini guides for download (email registration needed)

The Science of KidMin

A closer look at how kids learn important truths.
  • Engage different age levels effectively
  • Understand principles of child development
  • Communicate in ways that kids understand

The 2017 KidMin Almanac

vault of tools, resources, and tips for a year of epic ministry
  • Tips for updating and renovating your KidMin space
  • Everything you need to write your own safety policy
  • Where to get worship and teaching resources
  • Allergen-free snacks, popular toys, and toys to avoid
  • Recommended books, blogs, podcasts, and conferences



His body, broken for you. Have a blessed Good Friday!


If you want to refresh your memory on what Jesus did for you, I repost these useful Holy Week timelines here.


[Kindle ebook sale] NIV First-Century Study Bible [till 9/4]


[Kindle] Notable works of N. T. Wright on sale [till 30/4]

8 N.T. Wright e-books published by Fortress on sale (source).

Ends April 30

Ends April 30

Ends April 30

Ends April 30

Ends April 30

Ends April 30

Ends April 30

Ends April 30


monthly Logos free ebook (April)

Various Authors
Brandon O’Brien and E. Randolph Richards shed light on the ways Western readers often misunderstand the cultural dynamics of the Bible. They identify nine key areas where modern Westerners have significantly different assumptions about what is going on in a text than what the context actually suggests. Drawing on their own cross-cultural experience in global missions, the authors show how greater understanding of cultural differences in language, time, and social mores allow us to see the Bible in fresh and unexpected ways.

Get an additional book for $1.99.

Runs on Windows, Mac and mobile.
Sale Price
$1.99 USD
($15.47 HKD*)
90% OFF!
Reg.: $163.22 HKD

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
