


(若該網站結連不通, 可往這裏: Android, iOS, Windows)

  • 值得留意譯本:繁—和修, 新譯;簡—呂, 現中;英—NET, ESV
  • 眾多簡便註釋:丁道尔圣经注释、启导本圣经注释、串珠圣经注释、基督徒文摘解经系列、精读本圣经注释、灵修版圣经注释、马唐纳圣经注释、每日研经丛书、信望爱注释、圣经背景等多套注释。还有原文字典,原文逐字中文释义。 
  • 超多靈修書籍 
  • 優點:
    • 經文能以段落形式顯示;
    • 譯本跟註釋可供下載;
    • 部分內容與"查經大全"無異,但書籍能與所看的經卷同步對照(只及經卷的章數)
  • 缺點:有Strong number及對應字典,卻沒有原文並排對照(不像微讀聖經
  • 簡體字介面;不清楚其版權安排問題


Logos monthly free ebook (May)

  • I don't think Logo's free book of the month (May) is recommendable [well, you can still go there]. But this one from her sister company/program, Verbum is not bad, a classical work by an important early church father.

The Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles

The saint whose name means "golden-mouthed" earned this title because of his profound and eloquent preaching, which was often transcribed for wider distribution. That distribution has reached into our age, and we today can benefit from the wisdom he disseminated over 1,600 years ago. This Easter season dive deeper into the life of the early Church, whose impetus was the power of the Resurrection, an impetus which drives the Church today.


[Logos/Olive Tree/Accordance/WORDsearch] Word Biblical Commentary sale (till May 22)

Word Biblical Commentary (WBC) (61 vols.)

by 47 authors

Thomas Nelson, Zondervan 1989–2014

Sale Price
$399.99 USD
($3,115.19 HKD*= HK$51@vol.)

66% OFF!
$9,345.72 HKD   
  • deeper discount for the Accordance version
  • notable scholars include James Dunn, Richard J. Bauckham, D. E. Aune, Donald A. Hagner, Gordon J. Wenham, John E. Goldingay, Richard N. Longenecker
  • some impressive volumes (my opinion): Gen, 2Chron, Psa, Mat, Past.Ep., Heb, Rev


[Kindle] Zondervan eBook Sale: New Testament Commentaries

  • from Zondervanacademic.com:
Save up to 81% on eBook commentaries ranging from Matthew to Revelation in our biggest New Testament eBook sale of the year.

You will find deals from several popular series including:
  • NIV Application Commentary
  • Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
  • Story of God Bible Commentary
  • Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary
  • Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Revised Edition)
  • and more
See the Deals

New and popular volumes include:
  1. The Sermon on the Mount (Story of God Bible Commentary) by Scot McKnight is 65% off.
  2. Mark (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) by Mark L. Strauss is 68% off.
  3. Romans (Story of God Bible Commentary) by Michael Bird is 64% off.
  4. Ephesians (Story of God Bible Commentary) by Mark D. Roberts is 65% off.
  5. James (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) by Clinton E. Arnold is 55% off.
  6. Revelation (NIV Application Commentary) by Craig S. Keener is 75% off.
This sale will be gone at 11:59pm on May 7, 2017!

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
