
[Kindle] Recommended: Gonzalez's Story of Christianity, Vol. 1

  • an excellent church history textbook indeed!

Logos starter library sale (till 11 Oct)

Logos standard edition starter library
sale US$194.99
was US$295 (2017); US$266 (2016)


[Logos] Crucial Questions Series free upgrade

following to my previous post, >a year ago, on

[Logos/Kindle] Crucial Questions Series by R. C. Sproul

(which is still free), there is an upgrade to the set which is also free:
  • What Is the Great Commission?
  • Can I Lose My Salvation?
The link to Logos is here


[Kindle] free ebook on Prosperity Gospel (till 18/9 US time)


2017 BibleWorks, Logos及Zotero入門工作坊

日期: 15/9/2017()
時間: 7:30-9:00pm
地點: 播道神學院59(課室59215)
對象: 本院日夜校新生,有興趣的播道會教牧同工
負責: 譚志超博士 (本院聖經科副教授兼圖書館主任)

介紹現時學界通用最新的兩個神學/聖經研究軟件, BibleWorks 10Logos 7,透過示範了解如何運用來做神學研究。當晚亦會簡介另一免費的書目管理軟件Zotero,該軟件主要幫助神學生/教牧管理所搜資料,並輸出正規的註腳及書目格式

: 如同學已安裝有關的軟件帶備自的手提電腦出席。

free e-course on Bible Study Methods by Mark Strauss

Bible Study Methods from BiblicalTraining
This course will introduce you to the basics questions of how to study your Bible.

About this Course

What is Bible study? Why do we study these specific 66 books? What type of literature are we studying? What are the practical steps we should take? How do we determine a word’s meaning? How do we apply the text to our lives? These questions and more are answered in this course.
  • Teacher: Mark Strauss
  • Length: 5 hours
  • Price: FREE
  • Institution: Bethel Seminary
  • Subject: Biblical Studies
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Languages: English
Audio download ; Transcriptions ; Student Workbook (PDF)


[Kindle sale] Holman Old & New Testament Commentaries (till 19/9)

Holman Old & New Testament Commentaries
publisher: B&H
US$2.99@   (~85% off the print price)
  • less in-depth and well known than the previous EBC but at the same time cheaper
  • not bad for lay teachers and pastors


[Kindle sale]Expositor’s Bible Commentary (till 17/9)

Expositor’s Bible Commentary Series

Revised Edition 
Tremper Longman and David Garland eds.
US$4.99@vol. (almost 90% off the print price)
total: 37vols.
  • all written by evangelical scholars (like Trinity teachers: D. A. Carson, David Pao, Willem VanGemeren, Walter Kaiser etc.


[Kindle sale] a good one on evangelism (till 20/9)

Publisher: IVP Books (March 17, 2016)
Digital List Price: $15.99
Kindle Price: US$3.99
Save $12.01 (75%)
 There's no such thing as a non-Christian.

Somebody might self-identify as spiritual but not religious. Or they might be a practicing Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim. Or they might call themselves an atheist, freethinker or agnostic. But the one thing that people never describe themselves as is a "non-Christian." So Christians who want to "reach non-Christians" need to realize that they're not all the same. Evangelism is not one-size-fits-all.

Luke Cawley shows how Christians can contextualize the gospel in different ways to connect with different kinds of people. Here he unpacks the religious identities of three key demographics: the spiritual but not religious, committed atheists and nominal Christians. Each group has particular characteristics and requires specific approaches and practices to make the Christian faith plausible, desirable and tangible to them.

Filled with real-life stories of changed lives, this book is a practical and hopeful resource for helping people to encounter God.


[Kindle] a gem of OTT (till 12/9)

Everlasting Dominion Kindle Edition

  • a very good one by an esteemed evangelical.


Logos monthly free book (Sept)

David E. Garland
When it comes to living the Christian life, beginnings are better than endings. That may be one of the most important lessons that the Gospel of Mark, by its very structure, teaches us. Looking at life in terms of endings often leads to discontent, neuroses, and despair. We always want to win more, make more, succeed more. More is an insatiable taskmaster. But the Gospel of Mark says the better way is to focus on beginnings. It gives answers; it gives meaning to suffering; it restores hope as the queen of virtues.

[WORDSearch] 4 free ebooks from Broadman & Holman (till next Mon)

1. Moral Apologetics for Contemporary Christians:Pushing Back Against Cultural and Religious Critics
Author: Mark Coppenger

2. The Illustrated Life of Jesus
Author: Herschel Hobbs

3.  The Illustrated Life of Paul
Author: Charles L. Quarles

4.  The Teaching Ministry of the Church 2nd Edition
Author: William Yount

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
