
[OliveTree] Holman commentary set sale

Holman Old and New Testament Commentary Set (32 Vols.)

For the Olive Tree Bible App

edited by Max Anders
Publisher: Broadman & Holman


Save 78%


The unique format of the Holman New and Old Testament Commentary Series is designed to encourage new interest in the Scriptures, expanded Bible knowledge, and discovery of specific scriptural principles and relevant applications.
    Each book in the series includes:
  • "In a Nutshell" summary of the content and teaching of the chapter.
  • Verse-by-verse commentary.
  • Bible principles and specific contemporary applications.
  • A brief prayer to aid in daily life commitment to the principles and applications of the chapter.
  • "Deeper Discoveries" for more personal, deeper study of the words, phrases, and themes of God's Word.
  • A teaching outline to assist the teacher in group Bible studies.
This resource for local church Bible teaching will enrich the ministry of group and individual Bible study, and lead God's people to truly be people of the Book, living out what God calls us to be.

[Logos] pre-pub: good Hebrew Grammar

A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar, Second Edition

by Van der Merwe, Christo, Naudé, Jacobus A.

T&T Clark 2017

$29.99 USD
($234.11 HKD*)
Reg.: $390.24 HKD




BiblIndex is an index of biblical references found in Christian literature, both Western and Eastern texts, at present covering the three first centuries, along with part of the fourth. The eventual goal is to cover the whole Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, in order to renew the study of the interpretation and history of biblical texts. BiblIndex also may be used as an online Synoptic Bible (Biblical tools) or as an Index of Patristic Works (Patristical tools). Access to data is completely free.

Jesus and the Gospels: Online Museum

Jesus and the Gospels: Online Museum


[OliveTree] Counterpoints (32 Volume Collection)

Discounts End May 29, 11:59PM PST

Counterpoints (32 Volume Collection)

For the Olive Tree Bible App


Save 83%



The Counterpoints Series provides a variety of viewpoints on various widely discussed theological topics. Unlike many theological works, the different views are all presented by well-known authors and scholars who actually advocate the view in question. The views are also presented in a debate-like format with rebuttals by the other authors included after the main article. The result is a balanced discussion of a particular topic from a number of different view points.
This 32 volume collection includes the following titles:

ISBN: 9781500013912



Kindle version of the new Turabian 9th ed.

  • Further to my post on the release of the new Turabian 9th ed., its Kindle version has now been released too (just US$9):

A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) Ninth Edition, Kindle Edition

by Kate L. Turabian (Author), Wayne C. Booth (Editor), Gregory G. Colomb (Editor), Joseph M. Williams (Editor), Joseph Bizup (Editor), William T. FitzGerald (Editor), The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff (Editor)
Digital List Price: $18.00
Print List Price: $18.00 Save $9.00 (50%) 


[Kindle] Carson & Moo, NTI sale

An Introduction to the New Testament 2nd Edition, Kindle Edition


[Kindle] Eerdmans sale (May)

The May Kindle Sale is live—18 books, US$0.99 each.
SHOP THE SALE: http://bit.ly/eermayks
  • some of the good stuff:


The Power to Comprehend with All the Saints: The Formation and Practice of a Pastor-Theologian


[pdf/Logos] free Eph commentary for subscribing to the Lexham newsletter

Subscribe to the Lexham newsletter, you'll have this ebook.

  • LINK here (subscription box on the right side)

Ephesians: Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC)

by Baugh, S. M.

Lexham Press 2015
Reg.: $273.15 HKD

In this commentary on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, S.M. Baugh identifies the main theme as “unity in the inaugurated new creation.” He then walks the reader through the indicative first part of the letter, which sets forth various aspects of the Christian faith, and the imperative second part, which calls readers to a lifestyle based on these truths. Along the way, Baugh examines ancient sources to provide a first-century perspective, while also interacting with recent scholarship and ultimately asking what this letter means for the modern-day believer.
In the Logos edition, this valuable volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Powerful searches help you to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.


Faithlife monthly Ebooks -May (Logos compatable)

The End of Me

David C. Cook, 2015

Are you sometimes perplexed with Jesus’s teaching? Do you really want what he wants? Bestselling author Kyle Idleman reveals that the key to the abundant life Jesus promised lies in embracing His inside-out way of life.
As he examines Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, Kyle unpacks the many counter-intuitive truths, including: brokenness is the way to wholeness, mourning is the path to blessing, and emptiness is required in order to know true fullness. Ultimately you will discover how Jesus transforms you as you begin to live out these paradoxical principles. Because only when you come to the end of yourself can you begin to experience the full, blessed, and whole life Jesus offers.

  • The Verbum (Catholic version of Logos) free ebook of the month:

Letter and Spirit, vol. 1: Reading Salvation: Word, Worship, and the Mysteries

[Logos] free Rendering the Word in Theological Hermeneutics with subscription to LAB

Subscribe to the Logos Academic Blog (LAB), you'll have this ebook.
  • click this link and wait for the popup subscription window for signing up

Rendering the Word in Theological Hermeneutics: Mapping Divine and Human Agency

by Bowald, Mark Alan

Lexham Press, 2015


Divine or Human Interpretation

What is the relationship between divine and human agency in the interpretation of Scripture? Differing schools of thought often fail to address this key question, overemphasizing or ignoring one or the other. When the divine inspiration of Scripture is overemphasized, the varied roles of human authors tend to become muted in our approach the text. Conversely, when we think of the Bible almost entirely in terms of its human authorship, Scripture’s character as the word of God tends to play little role in our theological reasoning. The tendency is to choose either an academic or a spiritual approach to interpretation.
In Rendering the Word in Theological Hermeneutics, Mark Bowald asserts that this is a false dichotomy. We need not emphasize the human qualities of Scripture to the detriment of the divine, nor the other way around. We must rather approach Scripture as equally human and divine in origin and character, and we must read it with both critical rigor and openness to the leading of God’s Spirit now and in the historic life of the church.
From this perspective, Bowald also offers a fruitful analysis of the hermeneutical methods of George Lindbeck, Hans Frei, Kevin Vanhoozer, Francis Watson, Stephen Fowl, David Kelsey, Werner Jeanrond, Karl Barth, James K.A. Smith, and Nicholas Wolterstorff.

[Kindle/OliveTree/iBook] Zondervan's Counterpoints eBook Sale 2018

News from Zondervan Publishing

Creation and evolution. Homosexuality. Hell. eBooks exploring these and 31 other key topics are on sale: See the deals. Save up to 76% on these Counterpoints books and get expert dialogue on vital Christian issues—so you can draw your own informed conclusions.
The deals end May 8, 2018, at 11:59pm ET.

What’s special about the Counterpoints series?

Counterpoints volumes offer you expert dialogue on vital Christian issues.
Each Counterpoints volume—for example, let’s take Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design—contains multiple contributions, each representing a key position within evangelical Christianity. Each contributor presents their own perspective, but also responds to their fellow contributors. In the volume on creation, evolution, and intelligent design you will find:
  • cases from Ken Ham (Young Earth Creationism), Hugh Ross (Old Earth [Progressive] Creationism), Deborah B. Haarsma (Evolutionary Creation), and Stephen C. Meyer (Intelligent Design)
  • plus each contributor’s responses to their peers
  • and an introduction and conclusion by general editor J. B. Stump
This unique dialogue format helps you compare, critique, and evaluate different views on important topics. You will be equpped to think even more deeply about these subjects and reach your own informed conclusions.
Shop Counterpoints eBooks now

So many Counterpoints… Where should you begin?

This is our biggest Counterpoints sale yet. Here’s a small selection of new and popular volumes that could make a good starting place for you:
  • Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design
  • Four Views on the Church’s Mission
  • Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church
  • Four Views on Hell (Second Edition with All New Contributions)
  • Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy


Logos commentaries sale (50% off)

  • but do note that some items (even those good series) are quite old (publish date), esp. the Anchor Yale Bible series 

Logos monnthly free ebook (May) on Warning Passages in Hebrews

Four Views on the Warning Passages in HebrewsFour Views on the Warning Passages in Hebrews

Using the popular four-views format, this volume explores the meaning of the five warning passages in the book of Hebrews to both the original readers and us today. Each of the four New Testament scholars present and defend their view and critique the view of their interlocutors. This unique volume will help readers better understand some of the most difficult passages in all of Scripture.

  •  also not to be missed

Get an Additional Book for US$1.99

Charts on the Life, Letters, and Theology of PaulCharts on the Life, Letters, and Theology of Paul

Paul’s letters have fascinated and challenged most every reader of the Bible. As a result, many general introductions and specific studies on Paul are available, but none are like this volume. It provides over 100 charts to explore the apostle’s background, life and ministry, letters, and theology. The charts clearly present historical and modern analysis, research, comparisons, and insights into Pauline literature.

Free audio book of the month (on Jonathan Edwards)


FREE audiobook download for this month (normally $9.99)
In this Trailblazers series biography, Jonathan Edwards was just an ordinary American boy, but the country he lived in wasn’t the America of today. Rather he was part of a new world full of adventure and opportunity. This filled Jonathan’s mind with questions and he grappled for the answers, even when it wasn’t easy. His genius and ability only strengthened his faith and love for Jesus.

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
