
[OliveTree] Black Friday Weekend Deals (till December 3, 2018 at 11:59PM PST)

  • noteworthy items:

Pillar New Testament Commentary (15 Vols)

Pillar New Testament <br>Commentary (15 Vols)
Designed for serious readers of the Bible, the Pillar New Testament Commentaryseeks above all to make clear the meaning of the text of Scripture as we have it. Its well-respected authors interact with the most important, informed contemporary debate yet avoid undue technical detail. The outcome is a blend of rigorous exegesis and exposition, scholarship and pastoral sensitivity, with an eye alert both to biblical theology and to the contemporary relevance of the Bible. Comprising fifteen volumes, this set brings together some of the best biblical scholarship of our time.
Regular Price: $499.99
Sale Price: $99.99   (same thing for WordSearch Bible)

LXX with Critical Apparatus, Kraft-Wheeler-Taylor Parsings, and LEH Lexicon
Regular Price: $99.99
Current Price: $49.99

BDAG and HALOT Collection
Regular Price: $299.99
Current Price: $199.99

New International Commentary (NICOT & NICNT): Old and New Testament Reference Set (48 Vols.)


[Kindle] Eerdmans Black Friday Sale (recommended items)

The Epistle to the Romans (New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC)) Kindle Edition (2016)

“In every generation two or three commentaries on Romans appear that define the discussion for years to come. This commentary by Richard Longenecker is just such a work.”
— Frank J. Matera, author, God’s Saving Grace 

Paul: An Apostle's Journey Kindle Edition (2018)

The Gospel of John Kindle Edition (The New International Commentary on the New Testament) (2010)

Kindle Price:$4.99
Save $35.01 (88%)
How do we hear the Spirit's voice in Scripture? Once we have done responsible exegesis, how may we expect the Spirit to apply the text to our lives and communities? In Spirit Hermeneutics biblical scholar Craig Keener addresses these questions, carefully articulating how the experience of the Spirit that empowered the church on the day of Pentecost can — and should — dynamically shape our reading of Scripture today.

Kindle Price:$4.99
Save $30.01 (86%)
G. K. Beale’s monumental New International Greek Testament Commentary volume on Revelation has been highly praised since its publication in 1999. This shorter commentary distills the superb grammatical analysis and exegesis from that tome (over 1,300 pages) into a book more accessible and pertinent to preachers, students, and general Christian readers.

As in the original commentary, Beale views Revelation as an integrated whole, as a conscious continuation of the Old Testament prophetic books, and shows that recognizing Revelation’s nearly constant use of Old Testament allusions is key to unlocking its meaning. Interspersed throughout the volume are more than sixty sets of “Suggestions for Reflection” to help readers better grasp the relevance of Revelation to their lives and our world today.

Kindle Price:$4.99
Save $35.01 (88%)

Kindle Price:$4.99
Save $23.01 (82%)
Anthony Thiselton’s lengthy New International Greek Testament Commentary volume The First Epistle to the Corinthians (2000) has become a standard work on 1 Corinthians. In this "shorter" commentary Thiselton draws on his excellent exegesis from that volume but combines it afresh with keen practical and pastoral application for readers at all levels.

Thiselton delves deeply into the context and text of Paul’s first Corinthian letter as he suggests, section by section, how the book applies to pastoral and practical issues. He draws vivid parallels between the growing church in Corinth and the twenty-first-century church, demonstrating that today's church also faces a seductive culture of competition and consumerism. The church in Corinth preferred its self-centered theology to the Christ-centered gospel of the wider apostolic church. Paul’s response in 1 Corinthians, amplified by Thiselton’s commentary, becomes a living, practical, transforming word from God for Christians today.

  • Other older ones but still goodies:
The Epistle to the Hebrews (The New International Greek Testament Commentary) Kindle Edition (1993)

The Pastoral Epistles (The New International Greek Testament Commentary) Kindle Edition (1992)

The Epistle to the Thessalonians (The New International Greek Testament Commentary) Kindle Edition (1990)

Kindle Price:$14.99
Print List Price: $38.00  Save $23.01 (61%)

The Epistle of James (The New International Greek Testament Commentary) Kindle Edition (1982)

Kindle Price:$14.99


[Kindle/pdf] The Story of Redemption: A Journey through Each Book of the Bible

Free Ebook: The Story of Redemption

According to pastor and ESV Story of Redemption Bible commentator, Greg Gilbert, the Bible records the epic story “from Adam’s first breath in the garden of Eden to the final song of the redeemed in eternity.” Scripture reveals the wonderfully complex narrative of the world—a story that culminates in the work and person of Jesus Christ.

Sign up to receive our email newsletters to download a free digital copy of The Story of Redemption: A Journey through Each Book of the Bible by Greg Gilbert today.


[Logos] recommended monthly freebie (Nov)

New Covenant Commentary: 2 Timothy and Titus

In this eagerly anticipated sequel to Aída Spencer’s commentary on 1 Timothy, Spencer unveils the socio-cultural backdrop behind Paul’s pastoral teaching in Titus and 2 Timothy...
$132.63 HKD
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Your Price: $0.00 HKD

Get an Additional Book for 99¢

1&2 Thessalonians: A New Covenant Commentary

1&2 Thessalonians: A New Covenant Commentary

In the first century, the Thessalonian church grieved deaths in their community, endured harsh persecution, and struggled with questions about the future. Paul offered them the comforts and reassurances of hope in the Messiah Jesus. But he offered far more than wishful thinking or pie-in-the-sky comfort...
$156.05 HKD
Save 95%
Your Price: $7.73 HKD

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
