
[Olivetree] Greek & Heb tools (till Dec 30 at 11:59PM Pacific Time)

currently the cheapest electronic versions on NA28, BHS, BDAG+HARLOT...
sale similar to the previous one. See here.


Tyndale Commentaries

some goodies for 12 days of Logos

  • Not bad offer: Apollos Old Testament (AOT) and Pillar New Testament (PNTC) Commentary Collection (26 vols.) $5,455.88 HKD
    Save 51%
    Your Price: $2,661.42 HKD
  • Very attractive one: Tyndale Commentaries, $2,182.31 HKD
    Save 60%
    Your Price: $872.88 HKD  <HK$15@vol. 

Tyndale Commentaries | TOTC/TNTC (60 vols.)

Format: Digital
, 1964–2018


This massive collection from IVP combines the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary (TOTC) and the Tyndale New Testament Commentary (TNTC) to provide an exposition of Scripture that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship, yet at the same time loyal to Scripture as the infallible Word of God.
The Tyndale Commentary Series has long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world’s most distinguished evangelical scholars, each book offers clear, reliable, and relevant expositions.
The Tyndale Bible Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting and purpose. Following a structural analysis, the Commentary takes the book section-by-section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties. The aim throughout is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.
Save US$168.00 (60%)



[OliveTree] Cyber Monday sale (till Dec 3, 2019 at 11:59PM Pacific Time)

NA28 with Apparatus, Parsings, and Dictionary

NA28 with Apparatus, Parsings, and Dictionary
Regular Price $99.99
Only $49.99

BHS with <br>Apparatus, Parsings, <br>and Lexicon

BHS withApparatus, Parsings,and Lexicon
Regular Price $99.99
Only $49.99

LXX with Critical Apparatus, Kraft-Wheeler-Taylor Parsings, and LEH Lexicon
Save 50%
Regular Price: $99.99
Current Price: $49.99

BDAG and HALOT Collection
Save 33%
Regular Price: $299.99
Current Price: $199.99

New American Commentary Old & New Testament Set (42 Vols.) — NAC

New American Commentary Old & New Testament Set (42 Vols.) — NAC

Save 67%
Regular Price: $599.99
Current Price: $199.99

[Logos] Free books of the month (Dec)

Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible: Acts

Jaroslav Pelikan, one of the most well-respected scholars in the history of Christianity, brings you an insightful and well articulated commentary on Acts. This distinctly theological commentary focuses more on the themes and dogmas of Acts, rather than the text itself.

Get an Additional Book for $4.99

Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible: Matthew

Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible: Matthew

Stanley Hauerwas’ commentary on Matthew is not your typical commentary. Though most commentators approach a book for its theological aspects, Hauerwas’ Matthew focuses on the “how-to” of becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. With the use of current Matthean scholarship and the wisdom of various scholars and theologians, including Augustine, Barth, and Bonhoeffer, Hauerwas is able to address relevant topics like homosexuality, politics, and abortion—not normally discussed in other commentaries on Matthew.
Your Price: $39.08 HKD

Free Devotional: Focus Your Heart This Christmas

  • Verbum

Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels, Collected out of the Works of the Fathers, Volume 1: St. Matthew

St. Thomas Aquinas' Catena Aurea is a masterpiece anthology of Patristic commentary on the Gospels. It includes the work of over eighty Church Fathers. In the 13th century, Pope Urban IV, desiring that scholars of his day be better acquainted with the ideas of early Christians, assigned Saint Thomas Aquinas to compile a commentary on the Gospels based on the teachings of the Church fathers. The result is the Catena Aurea, or "Golden Chain."
$156.54 HKD

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
