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[Logos] Free books of the month (Feb)
Creation, Power and Truth: The Gospel in a World of Cultural Confusion
In Creation, Power, and Truth, N. T. Wright invites readers to consider the crucial ways in which the Christian gospel challenges and subverts the intellectual, moral, and political values that pervade contemporary culture. He asks searching questions about three defining characteristics of our time: neo-gnosticism, neo-imperialism, and postmodernity.
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Delights & Disciplines of Bible Study: A Guidebook for Studying God's Word
Bestselling author, pastor, and radio host Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe shares his delight in God’s Word in this comprehensive, highly accessible guide to biblical interpretation and application. In Delights and Disciplines of Bible Study, Dr. Wiersbe offers insight into the history, meaning, and context of the entire Bible, from Genesis through the Gospels through the last words of the apostles. Dr. Wiersbe patiently answers questions any believer would want answers to in order to apply the Bible’s truths to daily life.
As you develop skills in studying the Bible, you will experience joy as a result of richer spiritual devotion. As Dr. Wiersbe encourages, reading the Bible should never be a burden. Instead, it is an adventurous journey into the heart of God.
As you develop skills in studying the Bible, you will experience joy as a result of richer spiritual devotion. As Dr. Wiersbe encourages, reading the Bible should never be a burden. Instead, it is an adventurous journey into the heart of God.
- Verbum
Pseudo-Macarius: The Fifty Spiritual Homilies and the Great Letter
The writings of Pseudo-Macarius, a Syrian monk of the fourth century, bring to Western Christianity a holistic “heart” spirituality that offers a necessary complement to the “head” spirituality of the West. The Fifty Homilies, in the form of a practical, monastic pedagogy, reveal the typical traits of Eastern Orthodox asceticism, with particular emphasis on the spiritual combat, the action of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of interior prayer. The Great Letter discusses the purging of the passions to bring the Christian into a state of tranquility and integration, and addresses the monastic community with instructions regarding organization, humility, and prayer.
文章 (Atom)
漢語聖經協會 ,《新普及譯本.New Living Translation》 傳道書、馬太福音 (中英對照)網上免費閱讀版 (require login info)
廣東話音譯新約聖經 聖士提芬會 可供下載 據聞: //主要有祖藍錄耶穌,李亞男做井旁婦人,蔣志光做老約翰,杜麗莎做依利莎伯,鄭敬基做施洗約翰,關心研做瑪莉亞,周慧敏報書章,孫耀威做天使長迦伯列,伍允龍做Philip,鄭子誠做彼得,衛蘭做希羅底個女,馬浚偉做史提反...
宗派禮儀傳統參考: 禮儀手冊 - 中華基督教會香港區會 基督教香港信義會