

1. #紐約公共圖書館 超過30萬本書可免費下載 https://reurl.cc/lV06jv

2.IDFA online #阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片節 免費資源 https://reurl.cc/d0VZjq

3.羅浮宮、大英博物館等網路導覽,還有國家公園和水族館 https://reurl.cc/j7q0j2

4.Verso Books 免費下載 https://reurl.cc/qdmeAD

5. Haymarket Books 免費下載 https://reurl.cc/E72dln

6. Google Arts & Culture 超過70國1200間博物館美術館線上看展品

7.五萬本免費著色簿給各位瀕臨崩潰的父母親 https://reurl.cc/62yzO6

8. #柏林愛樂數位音樂廳(註冊帳號以BERLINPHIL密碼兌換,3/31前可免費聽到飽) https://www.digitalconcerthall.com/zh/news

9. #底特律交響樂團演奏會 影音檔全開放 https://livefromorchestrahall.vhx.tv/browse

10. #大都會歌劇院 每晚7:30線上播映完整歌劇,每齣劇開放20小時免費線上收看 https://www.metopera.org/

11. JSTOR 論文數據庫 https://reurl.cc/nzngG2

12. Collectif Jeune Cinema 超過250部實驗電影線上免費看 https://reurl.cc/X6ennE

13. #紐約百老匯音樂劇 影音串流平台7天免費看 一個月8.99美金 https://www.broadwayhd.com/

14. #改變人生的100個紀錄片 https://reurl.cc/lV061d

15. #溫哥華水族館 https://www.vanaqua.org/live-cams

16. #NASA線上影音圖書館 https://www.nasa.gov/

17. 以設計相關紀錄片聞名的獨立製片人 Gary Hustwit ,在疫情期間將每週免費開放一部紀錄片(3/17-24)

18. 亞馬遜全球聽書免費開放
為全世界暫時無法上學的孩子上線了Audible Stories。所有有聲書免費收聽,內容覆蓋學齡前到經典文學,無需下載app無需登錄無廣告,英/德/法/西/意/日六種語言。


Logos Remote Learning Library, 60 days free [COVID-19]

  • Please refer to your school's administration
  • For Evangel Seminary, pls wait for our news soon

Logos Responds to COVID-19 with Thousands of Free Resources: the Remote Learning Library

The Remote Learning Library is a robust theological library with thousands of resources, including the entire ICC Commentary set, all of Lexham Press’s books, the entire Mobile Ed course library, and more. Click each link below for details:



Crossway: Free Digital Bible Resources [COVID-19]

Free Digital Bible Resources during Coronavirus


free access to our ESV.org basic subscription plan to all users through May 31, 2020.
The basic plan includes the following resources:
  • 9 study Bibles, including the award-winning ESV Study Bible (containing 20,000+ study notes, 80,000+ cross-references, 200+ charts, 50+ articles, and 240 full-color maps and illustrations) also: ESV Archaeology Study Bible, Literary Study Bible
  • A suite of original language tools related to The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge
  • The complete interactive Knowing the Bible study series which consists of 45 volumes covering the Bible’s 66 books
  • Streaming Bible audio
  • Dozens of interactive reading plans and devotionals

Free NT Resources Master List in response to COVID-19

Free NT Resources Master List in response to COVID-19


Publishers and resource providers offering free journal articles and books during the coronavirus pandemic.

  • BiblicalStudies.org.uk
  • Cambridge University Press, 
  • JSTOR, 
  • Loeb Classical Library, 
  • Logos Remote Library (Saturday 21 Mar), 
  • Mohr Siebeck, 
  • Project Muse, 
  • Sage Publishing, 
  • Zondervan Academic
A google doc compiled by Steve Walton:


Oxford University Press --learning resources freely accessible for an extended period [COVID-19]


 Accessing religion topics: Here
 General topics: Here
 more support materials: Here

JSTOR Materials Accessible to the Public [COVID-19]

“an expanded set of content that is available to institutions where students have been displaced due to COVID-19 through June 30, 2020”


Cambridge University Press --textbooks free access now [COVID-19]

COVID19 HE textbooks banner

Cambridge University Press is making higher education textbooks in HTML format free to access online during the coronavirus outbreak.
Over 700 textbooks, published and currently available, on Cambridge Core are available regardless of whether textbooks were previously purchased.

Free access is available until the end of May 2020.


FREE audiobook of the month: Bonhoeffer's LIFE TOGETHER (Mar)


FREE audiobook download for this month (normally $10.98)
After his martyrdom at the hands of the Gestapo in 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer continued his witness in the hearts of Christians around the world. His Letters and Papers from Prison became a prized testimony to Christian faith and courage, read by thousands. Now in Life Together we have Pastor Bonhoeffer's experience of Christian community. This story of a unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years reads like one of Paul's letters. It gives practical advice on how life together in Christ can be sustained in families and groups. The role of personal prayer, worship in common, everyday work, and Christian service is treated in simple, almost biblical, words. Life Together is bread for all who are hungry for the real life of Christian fellowship.


[Logos] Free books of the month (Mar)

Lexham Research Commentary: Genesis 1–11

At first glance Genesis 1–11 appears to be a random, loosely related collection of stories and lists. Yet there is clearly a purpose for the placement of these chapters at the beginning of Genesis. As a prequel, Gen 1–11 provides a background to the message of the entire Bible; it introduces God, reveals His power in creation, and illuminates God’s expectations for humanity.
$311.21 HKD
Save 100%
Your Price: $0.00 HKD

  • Faithlife

Asking the Right Questions: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Applying the Bible

Format: Digital
, 2017
ISBN: 9781433554322

$0.00 USD

Save $101.09 HKD (100%)

  • Verbum

This is the Night: Suffering, Salvation, and the Liturgies of Holy Week

This Is the Night is a work of “liturgical theology,” understood as a theology inspired or informed by the liturgies of Christian Holy Week. In the context of modernity in crisis, it is an attempt to think with the principal liturgies of the “Paschal Triduum” – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Great Vigil of Easter – about human suffering.
$163.35 HKD

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
