
2020 suggested bibliography for OT & NT studies (Denver Seminary)

Annotated Old Testament Bibliography 2020 

by Hélène Dallaire, Knut Heim, and Richard S. Hess of Denver Seminary.


New Testament Exegesis Bibliography 2020 

by Craig L. Blomberg, William W. Klein, David L. Mathewson and Erin M. Heim of Denver Seminary.


[Logos] Grudem's Systematic Theology textbook on sale

Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine

by Wayne Grudem
Format: Digital
Publisher: Zondervan, 2004


Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology has several distinctive features: a strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine and teaching; clear writing, with technical terms kept to a minimum; a contemporary approach, treating subjects of special interest to the church today; a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect; frequent application to life; resources for worship with each chapter; and bibliographies with each chapter that cross-reference subjects to a wide range of other systematic theologies.


Print list price: $49.95
Regular price: $39.99
Save $15.00 (37%)


[OliveTree] sale on original language stuff and others (till June 29, 2020 at 11:59PM Pacific Time)

  • for interested ppl, but NOT for current ES MDiv students, we have our own ES package covering them (though no subsidy for students of other programs and graduates) 

NA28 with Critical Apparatus, Mounce Parsings, and Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament

For the Olive Tree Bible App

NA28 with Critical Apparatus, Mounce Parsings, and Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament
Save 40%
Regular Price: $99.99
Current Price: US$49.99 (last time $59.99)


[epub/Kindle] Free Crucial Questions eBooks by R.C. Sproul

Crucial Questions eBooks

  • notable booklet titles: Church and State, God's existence...

[Logos] Free audio course: Social World of OT (limited time)

Mobile Ed: OT204 The Social World of the Old Testament (4 hour course - audio)

by David W. Baker
Format: Digital
Publisher: Lexham Press, 2016


In an age of international travel and migration, we’re familiar 
with people who look, sound, eat, and believe differently than we do. In
 order to become friends, it’s helpful to understand where they come 
from and how they do things differently, or the same, as we do. In the 
same way it is necessary to understand someone who comes from a 
different place than we do, how much more necessary is it to understand 
someone who is from not only a different geographical place, but also a 
different time than we are? The Old Testament starts at the beginning of
 the world. This course will undertake the task of crossing the bridges 
of geography, climate, time, and a landscape unknown to us: ancient 
Israel. Throughout the course, David W. Baker will address aspects of 
life from our own culture and time, as well as family structure and 
societal systems from ancient Israelite life. As we learn more about the
 social world of the Old Testament, we will be struck not only by our 
differences, but also by our common humanity, sharing the same dreams, 
hopes, and fears as they did.


[Logos] Special Gift for 2020 Graduates

//Special Gift for 2020 Graduates
Not graduating this year? That's ok—you're free to take advantage of this offer or send it to someone who is.  //

CSB + Apologetics Study Bible for Students

Now updated with even more material, the CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students anchors young Christians in the truths of Scripture by equipping them with thoughtful and practical responses when the core issues of their faith and life are challenged. With content curated by general editor, Dr. Sean McDowell, the core materials explores over 130 of the top questions students are asking today. This edition includes new articles and extensive apologetics study material from today’s most popular youth leaders and apologists that has been revised and updated to reflect relevant apologetics issues and questions being discussed today. A truly unique Bible created to encourage students to ask tough questions, get straight answers and strengthen their faith.
Save 100%
Your Price: $0.00

The New Testament: Its Background and Message

This influential book offers an excellent overview of the New Testament while exploring the political, cultural, historical, and religious dimensions of its literature. Written in an easy-to-understand style and format, the author unlocks the message of the New Testament for both new students and seasoned scholars.
Save 96%
Your Price: $0.99

Old Testament Survey, 2nd ed.

This second edition of the widely used and highly praised Old Testament Survey revises the original edition with special emphasis and expansion on historical and geographical topics. The first edition’s focus on literature and narrative is retained, and new and improved maps are also included. In all, the book charts every major element that unifies the Old Testament, making it an excellent companion for Bible reading. Any student desiring a thorough and time-tested overview of the Old Testament will find it in this updated edition.
Save 94%
Your Price: $1.99

[Kindle] Greek stuff sale

Kindle Price: $4.99
Save $30.00 (86%)

Advances in the Study of Greek offers an introduction to issues of interest in the current world of Greek scholarship. Those within Greek scholarship will welcome this book as a tool that puts students, pastors, professors, and commentators firmly in touch with what is going on in Greek studies. Those outside Greek scholarship will warmly receive Advances in the Study of Greek as a resource to get themselves up to speed in Greek studies. Free of technical linguistic jargon, the scholarship contained within is highly accessible to outsiders.
Advances in the Study of Greek provides an accessible introduction for students, pastors, professors, and commentators to understand the current issues of interest in this period of paradigm shift.

Digital List Price: $32.29
Kindle Price: $6.99
Save $25.30 (78%)

Prepositions are important in the exegesis of the Greek New Testament, but they are at the same time very slippery words because they can have so many nuances. While Prepositions and Theology in the Greek New Testament rejects the idea of a “theology of the prepositions,” it is a study of the numerous places in the Greek New Testament where prepositions contribute to the theological meaning of the text.
Offered in the hope that it might encourage close study of the Greek text of the New Testament, its many features include the following:
  • Coverage of all 17 “proper” and 42 “improper” prepositions
  • Explores both literary and broader theological contexts
  • Greek font—not transliteration—used throughout
  • Comprehensive indexes to hundreds of verses, subjects, and Greek words
  • Discussion of key repeated phrases that use a particular preposition

Kindle Price: $4.99
Save $18.00 (78%)

Biblical Greek: A Compact Guide, Second Edition by William D. Mounce is a handy, at-a-glance reference for students, pastors, and teachers. It follows the organization and format of the fourth edition of Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, but it is also usable by students who learned with a different grammar. By limiting its discussion to the "nuts and bolts," Greek language students working on translation and exegesis will more quickly and easily find the relevant grammatical refreshers. Students can, for example, check on the range of meaning for a particular word or make sure they remember how aorist participles function in a sentence. The paradigms, word lists, and basic discussions in Biblical Greek: A Compact Guide Second Edition points students in the right direction and allow them to focus on more advanced Greek study.

Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar: Fourth Edition (Zondervan Language Basics Series)
Kindle Edition

Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook: Fourth Edition (Zondervan Language Basics Series)
Kindle Edition

Digital List Price: $18.77
Kindle Price: $12.99
Save $12.00 (48%)

This expanded and updated workbook is designed with the student in mind and intended for use with the standard-setting Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar textbook, now in its fourth edition.
Two optional chapters have been added to the Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook, allowing students to read large chunks of the biblical text and enjoy the fruits of their labor faster than ever before. Each chapter is divided into six sections and includes extensive exercises and significant biblical passages for translation.
One of the most helpful and unique features of the workbook remains. You can go through the workbook on one of two tracks: Track One follows the workbook (and textbook) in its regular order, while Track Two is organized so you can learn verbs earlier in the course.


[Logos] Coronavirus Free Resources: Christ and Calamity

Coronavirus Resources
Christ and Calamity: Grace and Gratitude in the Darkest Valley

Christ and Calamity: Grace and Gratitude in the Darkest Valley

In the midst of suffering and uncertainty, we’re all prone to think that God has forgotten us, he doesn’t care, or he’s powerless to do anything. In Christ and Calamity, Harold L. Senkbeil speaks pastorally to our suffering and uncertainty. Senkbeil shows God’s constant and faithful grace to us.
Your Price: $0.00


[Logos] Free books of the month (June)

  • if you are interested in church fathers/ pre-modern interpretations, there are some discounted stuff worth noticing on their pages

Mark, 2nd edition (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament II | ACCS)Mark, 2nd edition (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament II | ACCS)

The Ancient Christian Commentary on Mark (now in its second edition) opens up a long-forgotten passage through the arid and precipitous slopes of post-Enlightenment critical interpretation and bears us along to a fertile valley basking in the sunshine of theological and spiritual interpretation. In these pages we enter the interpretive world that long nurtured the great pre-modern pastors, theologians and saints of the church.
Save 100%
Your Price: $0.00

  • Verbum 

Commentaries on Genesis 1–3: Homilies on Creation and Fall and Commentary on Genesis: Book ICommentaries on Genesis 1–3: Homilies on Creation and Fall and Commentary on Genesis: Book I

The church fathers displayed considerable interest in the early chapters of Genesis, and often wrote detailed commentaries or preached series of homilies on the Hexameron—the Six Days of Creation—among them Eustathius of Antioch, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Ambrose, John Chrysostom and Augustine. This volume of Ancient Christian Texts offers a first-time English translation of Severian of Gabala’s In cosmogoniam and a fresh translation of a portion of Bede the Ven...

  • Fathlife 

The Cross Before Me

In The Cross Before Me, award-winning author Rankin Wilbourne and co-author Brian Gregor offer a provocative perspective on why the cross is God’s wisdom about the way to a good and beautiful life. Regular price: $22.99 Your price: $0.00

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
