- Kregel's handbooks and commentaries are recommended (of course)
Interpreting the Pentateuch: An Exegetical Handbook (Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis | HOTE)
In Interpreting the Pentateuch, Old Testament scholar Peter T. Vogt overviews the major themes of the Pentateuch and offers strategies for interpretation by exploring its genres: law and narrative. Divided into three parts, Interpreting the Pentateuch first provides an overview of the major themes of the Pentateuch. In the second part, Vogt offers resources and strategies for interpreting and understanding the first five books of the Bible by exploring its genres-law and narrative. Finally, Vogt shows that, although the Pentateuch is a collection of ancient texts, it still has contemporary significance. Providing two start-to-finish examples of proper exegesis, he shows that, although the Pentateuch is a collection of ancient texts, it still has contemporary significance.
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Interpreting the Historical Books: An Exegetical Handbook (Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis | HOTE)
Interpreting the Historical Books explores the components of narrative—setting, characterization, and plot—and then develops the major theological themes in each of the Old Testament historical books. Old Testament scholar Robert B. Chisholm demonstrates how to interpret the narrative writings as they were intended to be understood. Practical and user-friendly, this handbook includes a glossary of technical terms and examples of how to move from exegesis to proclamation.
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A Commentary on 1 & 2 Chronicles (Kregel Exegetical Library)
The trauma of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, the exile of thousands of Judea’s citizens, and the subsequent return after 70 years to the homeland with the difficult task of starting the new covenant community virtually from scratch—all contributed to a reassessment of Israel’s meaning and destiny. The chronicler-theologian thus composed his work not just as a history of his people from their ancient beginnings but as an interpreted history, one designed to offer hope to the beleaguered community as well as to issue warnings that should they fall back into the ways of their fathers they could expect the judgment of God to be repeated.
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- Faithlife ebooks

Forensic Faith
real-life detective stories, fascinating strategies, and biblical
insights, Wallace teaches readers cold-case investigative disciplines
they can apply to their Christian faith. Forensic Faith is an engaging, fresh look at what it means to be a Christian.
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- Verbum.
Foundations of Systematic Theology
Foundations of Systematic Theology examines Christian doctrine and argues that a full Christian theology much be fully aware of its own doctrinal tradition, particularly the unity of faith through history, and also of its awareness of hermeneutics and philosophy, especially epistemology. Guarino argues that revelation and faith must not, and indeed cannot, be chained to non-foundationalist metaphysics. Anything less detaches Christianity’s self-understanding from its own true claims.