
[Logos] B&H Black Friday pre-order sale (27-30/11)

 2nd ed. For Pre-order:

The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament, 2nd ed.

by Andreas J. Köstenberger; L. Scott Kellum; Charles L Quarles
Publisher: B&H Academic, 2016
ISBN: 9781433684012

The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown guides serious New Testament students through the historical, literary, and theological dimensions of the biblical text, allowing them to better understand and share God’s “word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15). It offers a thorough introduction to all twenty-seven books of the New Testament and closely examines events such as Christ’s incarnation and virgin birth, his crucifixion and resurrection, and triumphant return.

Your Price: US$18.20



[Olivetree] NICNT 80% off

  • huge discount, but note that among the 26 vols., some old editions are included together with the new ones
  • Newly written volumes, Ephesians and Galatians --not included

Save 80%

Regular Price: $999.99

Current Price: US$199.99

New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT) Set: 26 Vols

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: Eerdmans Publishing Company


New Testament Series Editor: Joel B. Green

"Faithful criticism" characterizes volumes in The New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT), and is widely recognized by pastors, students, and scholars alike for its attention to the text of Scripture, its currency with contemporary scholarship, and its service to the global church.

The interpretive work reflected in these commentaries is based on careful study of the Greek text, but commentary readers need not be practiced in the biblical languages to benefit from them. In the same way, NICNT volumes reflect serious work in technical areas — such as linguistics, textual criticism, and historical concerns — but the commentary itself focuses on understanding the text rather than navigating scholarly debates. Readers can turn to the footnotes and excursuses for more specialized interaction with the Greek text and engagement with critical issues and literature.

For more information about individual volumes, please follow the links to the individual product pages below:



[Logos] Commentaries for Just US$7.99

noteworthy ones: 

  1. Keener's NT Bible Background Commentary (NT)  --must have!
  2. Some Interpretation volumes like Gen, 1-3 John
  3. The Acts of the Apostles by James D. G. Dunn Eerdmans, 2016 
  4. Ephesians (New Covenant Commentary)
  5. 1 & 2 Chronicles (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary) by Mark J. Boda 
  6. 1-3 John (IVP New Testament Commentary Series) by Marianne Meye Thompson. IVP, 1992

link here



New Features In Logos 9

  •  This is one of the very comprehensive intro as far as I know

New Features In Logos 9

FREE audiobook of the month: ReWired Brain (Nov)

The ReWired Brain

FREE audiobook download for this month (normally $19.98)
Trade Negative Thinking for Confident, Fearless Living Most of us don't realize that we have a surprising amount of control over our own thoughts and behaviors and can unintentionally influence our brains negatively, causing cycles of bad choices and experiences. The ReWired Brain offers a clear framework for understanding our brains and the decisions we make, showing how certain fears and instincts drive unhealthy emotional dysfunctions and related behavioral patterns in the most important areas of life. This book shows how to reframe negative experiences, overcome fears, experience emotional and spiritual healing, and ultimately rewire our brains, empowering us to be free and to live fearlessly. 
  • btw, they have an app now which is not bad

[Logos] Free books of the month (Nov)

  • Logos

This month Logos' free ebook is

Romans (Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary)

 but frankly this is somewhat dated; I'd rather take a look below, to some of the discounted titles in new commentary series...


  • Verbum


Ezra & Nehemiah (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC)

Ezra & Nehemiah (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC)

Illuminating the theological character of these prophetic books, Matthew Levering provides a detailed examination within the context of a holy land and people. Highlighting God’s covenantal gifts of purity, he discusses the leaders’ efforts to renew and reform Israel, and how these labors have become part of the church’s own story.


  • Faithlife

Chasing Contentment

“Erik Raymond is one of my favorite writers. Discontentment is one of my deepest struggles. What a joy, then, to have this author speak wisely, biblically, and pastorally about the value, the importance, and the pursuit of contentment.”
―Tim Challies, blogger, Challies.com
Your price: $0.00


[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
