
[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Nov)

Free stuff that you must not miss:

Making Sense of the Trinity: Three Crucial Questions (Three Crucial Questions)

In Making Sense of the Trinity: Three Crucial Questions, Millard J. Erickson demonstrates the biblical foundation, logic, and importance of the Trinity as he answers three questions: Is the doctrine of the Trinity biblical? Does the doctrine of the Trinity make sense? Does the doctrine of the Trinity make any difference?

Regular price: $124.44 HKD

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Scripture and Truth

In what sense is the Bible the Word of God for Christians today? How should we think of the truthfulness of the Bible? Scripture and Truth seeks to answer these key questions. It synthesizes, as have few other works, the apologetic reasons for an evangelical defense of biblical inerrancy. From a biblical, historical, or theological perspective each essay examines a challenge to belief in the integrity and reliability of Scripture. What emerges from these essays is a full-orbed restatement of this evangelical doctrine.

Regular price: $295.64 HKD

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Mark: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist

Seminarians, students, pastors, and readers seeking an introduction to the Gospel of Mark through the lens of sensitive literary, historical, and theological scholarship need look no further. In Mark: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist, Francis J. Moloney offers the fruits of top-level biblical scholarship in a broadly accessible format. Students and professors alike will appreciate and profit from his fresh and lucid presentation of the message of one of the Christian faith’s earliest and most enigmatic proponents and the inventor of its most revered literary genre.

$186.69 HKD

The Psalter Reclaimed: Praying and Praising with the Psalms

Discounted stuff but still great and recommended:

Handbook for Bible Study

Handbook for Bible Study goes beyond Bible study books which leave the impression that Bible study is little more than personal interaction with the text. Handbook for Bible Study includes methods and tools for fruitful Bible study. It is of equal value for personal use by laymen or for textbook use in college and seminary courses on Bible study methods.

Regular price: $62.18 HKD

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Your Price: $15.49 HKD

Classical Christian Doctrine: Introducing the Essentials of the Ancient Faith

This clear and concise text helps readers grasp the basic doctrines of the Christian faith from the earliest days of Christianity. Ronald Heine, an internationally known expert on early Christian theology, developed this book after many years of teaching Christian doctrine.

Regular price: $171.13 HKD

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Your Price: $23.27 HKD

Genesis (Understanding the Bible Commentary | UBC)

Genesis is the chronological and theological gateway to the Bible. It lays the foundations for understanding God, humanity, and his dealings with us. It introduces his promise: the seed of the Gospel. Its stories still resonate with our own experience and pilgrimage with God. This skillfully written commentary guides the reader through the fascinating narrative of the world’s early generations and the beginning of God’s people.

Regular price: $155.56 HKD

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Your Price: $38.83 HKD


New Testament History: A Narrative Account

Essential to an understanding of the New Testament is a comprehension of the individuals, events, and social movements that shaped the setting from which Jesus and his followers emerged. Unfortunately, many accounts by historians can leave readers feeling overwhelmed and confused. New Testament History provides a worthy solution to this problem. A well-known expert on the social situation of the New Testament, Ben Witherington offers an engaging look into the world that gave birth to the Christian faith.

Regular price: $280.08 HKD

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Your Price: $46.61 HKD


The Revelation of John: A Narrative Commentary

As the only book of its kind in the New Testament, Revelation presents interpretive challenges to scholar, student, pastor, and lay reader alike. For readers without specialized training, the historical-critical approach used in many commentaries can provide more complication than illumination. Further, that approach tends to de-emphasize the narrative aspect of the book.

Regular price: $233.39 HKD

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Your Price: $62.18 HKD

The Theology of Augustine: An Introductory Guide to His Most Important Works

Most theology students realize that Augustine is tremendously influential in the Christian tradition as a whole, but they generally lack real knowledge of his writings. This volume introduces Augustine’s theology through seven of his most important works.

$202.26 HKD


Whatever Happened to Truth?

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
