
[Kindle] Eerdmans and their commentaries sale

General books by Eerdmans  ~HK80+ (good ones like Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony, Stories with Intent: A Comprehensive Guide to the Parables of Jesus, Christobiography: Memory, History, and the Reliability of the Gospels)

"Pillar New Testament Commentary"  ~HK$80

"New International Commentary on the Old Testament"  ~HK$80

"New International Commentary on the New Testament"  ~HK$80

"Discovering Biblical Texts"  ~HK$40

"Two Horizons NT/ OT Commentary"  ~HK$40

"Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible"  ~HK$16

April eBook Sale – 863 titles up to 82% off!


[Mobi/epub] Sproul's Romans: An Expositional Commentary

  • limited time free download 

R.C. Sproul, Romans: An Expositional Commentary

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Ligonier Ministries 
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 29, 2019




[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (March)

Walk With God: An Exposition of Luke's Gospel

Are you at home in the company of Jesus? Through over 100 meditational passages, respected theologian, R. C. Sproul helps us walk with Jesus as a friend. Learning to live with Jesus at the center of our world is the secret to a meaningful life. Jesus is the pre-eminent character in history — even ti...

Your Price: $0.00 HKD


Daniel (Reformed Expository Commentary | REC)

The book of Daniel is both familiar and unfamiliar to many Christians. The stories of the fiery furnace and Daniel in the lion’s den are the staples of children’s Bible story books and Sunday school classes. Yet the latter chapters of Daniel’s vision are more unfamiliar and daunting to most believers, who may have been exposed to a variety of end-times speculations constructed from an amalgam of these texts and others drawn from elsewhere in the Bible. Iain M. Duguid reminds Christians that Daniel gives us more than moral lessons or a prophetic timetable. The whole of the book points us to Christ, whether as the one greater than Daniel who has perfectly lived an exilic life of service and separation for us or as the exalted heavenly Son of Man who took flesh amongst us.

Regular Price: $101.56 HKD

Save $78.19 HKD (76%)

Your Price: $23.38 HKD


Acts (Evangelical Press Study Commentary | EPSC)

The Evangelical Press Study Commentary brings you the best in biblical exposition from some of the most notable evangelical Reformed scholars. This series is aimed at the minister, theologian, layman, and serious student alike. Though comprehensive in content, the volumes are practical and straightforward. Each author presents a careful analysis of the biblical text to grow your understanding of Scripture, and delivers simple applications to challenge that growth.

Regular Price: $242.30 HKD

Save $179.83 HKD (74%)

Your Price: $62.47 HKD


Isaiah, vols. 1 & 2 (Mentor Commentary | MOT)

Isaiah is a book of literary, historical, theological and ecclesial riches. Paul R. House contends that Isaiah wrote the whole book during his long ministry. Predicts the coming of the Messiah. Strives to treat Isaiah as a prophetic book, as a work that highlights major themes such as creation, sin in its many manifestations (e.g. covenant breaking), proper ethical behaviour, approaching judgement often described as ‘the day of Yahweh’, and renewal effected by Yahweh’s redeeming work. Yahweh displays indomitable determination to redeem in Isaiah. The creator will redeem his people. He will give them a permanent home in a new heavens and earth, a perfect Zion, and a safe place. The redeemed will come from many nations, and they will serve him in their lifetimes and beyond. Sin and death cannot stop this plan. All Yahweh’s covenants will be kept, the dead shall rise, justice will prevail, and the Davidic messiah will play the key role in this inexorable victory.

Your Price: $93.75 HKD


“Everything starts with prayer. Without asking God for love, we cannot possess love, and still less are we able to give it to others.” - Mother Teresa

Prayers have the power to transform our lives, uplift our spirits, and most important, glorify God. This inspiring collection will draw you closer to a loving Savior who wants to hear from you.

Selected from Scripture and the writings of some of history’s most influential and eloquent believers, including Charles Spurgeon, Martin Luther, and Saint Augustine, these pint-sized petitions will prepare your heart for sweet fellowship with the Lord as you seek, praise, bless, and thank Him.   

Perfect for devotional time or as a gift for someone special, let Short Prayers to Change Your Life give you the words to express what your soul longs to say to God.  


Meditations for Every Wednesday and Friday in Lent: On a Prayer of S. Ephraem

Meditations for Every Wednesday and Friday in Lent: On a Prayer of S. Ephraem

This volume contains meditations based on a prayer by Saint Ephraem, and is intended to be used during Lent. S. C. Malan also includes short homilies by Saint Chrysostom, Saint Severian, and Saint Ephraem to be used during Passion Week.

$78.11 HKD


[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Mar)

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