

Logos 10 Is Here

  • new layout and add-on stuff (most notable: translate function), quicker (I say this as a beta user. 😅)
  • no drastic change (btw, the toolbar can be put to the left instead of on the top. I like that 👍)

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[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Oct)

nothing very attractive this month

Proverbs: Wisdom that Works (Preaching the Word)

Pastor and teacher Ray Ortlund unpacks the book of Proverbs in 21 straightforward sermons, providing a biblical worldview on everything from money, sex, and power to that of the daily routines of an average life. Drawing relevant parallels from ancient culture to present day, he helps us understand how the book of Proverbs is practical help for ordinary people going through everyday life.

Your Price: $0.00


The Reformation for Armchair Theologians

This accessible narrative story of the Reformation is written for lay audiences. It is part of the popular Westminster John Knox Press Armchair series and is illustrated with memorable cartoons by Ron Hill. The chapters of the book are suitable for use in church adult education settings to provide a solid grounding in the history of the Reformation and its leading ideas. Questions for discussion and suggestions for further reading provided for each chapter make this book great for group study. Since the Reformation is such a formative event in the lives of churches, it is important to have an accessible resource to tell its story available for laypersons in all denominations. In the Logos edition, this valuable volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re...

Your Price: $0.99


Hebrews (The New Testament Library | NTL)

This volume of the New Testament Library offers a thorough and careful commentary on the complicated book of Hebrews, showing its meaning within the context of ancient culture and the theological development of the early church. Written by one of the leading New Testament scholars of the present generation, Luke Timothy Johnson, this commentary offers remarkable insights into the Hellenistic, Roman, and Jewish contexts of the book of Hebrews.

Your Price: US$8.99


[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
