
[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Dec)

The Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew

The Word of the cross is a living word, crying out for reinterpretation as life takes new shape and expression. Reinterpreting the Gospel was particularly compelling for Matthew’s church because his Christians lived in a time of profound transition. The Passion of Jesus, then, was not simply a story of suffering out of the past but a point of identification for the Christians of Matthew’s own time. For twentieth-century Christians, who also know the peculiar suffering and hope of living in an ag...



  • Logos: no ebook, just online course videos


[Kindle & Apple] End of Year eBook Sale | 75% Off ALL EBOOKS


  • Notable commentary series: 

Discovering Biblical Texts series: Isaiah, Romans, Gen, Rev

Pillar New Testament Commentary series: Mark, Luke, John, Timothy&Titus, Acts

New International Commentary series (NICNT/ NICOT)

New International Greek Testament Commentary series: Romans, Mark, 1Cor

  • Notable individual good books -for ThM students and interested MDiv students
Tony Burke and Brent Landau eds., New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures


OliveTree sale

 If you don't like Logos, Olivetree is the next alternative that is cheap.

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: Intervarsity Press (IVP) - UK
Author: J. A. Motyer and Dr. John R.W. Stott
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IVP Dictionary Series (8 Vols.)

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: InterVarsity Press (IVP)


Unique among reference books on the Bible, the volumes of the IVP Bible Dictionary Series bridge the gap between scholars and those pastors, teachers, students and lay people desiring in-depth treatment of select topics in an accessible and summary format.

Articles cover traditional and contemporary topics, including cross-sectional themes, methods of interpretation, significant historical or cultural background, and each Old and New Testament book as a whole.

In part and in whole, the IVP Bible Dictionary Series presents the fruit of evangelical biblical scholarship at the intersection of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries--committed to the authority of Scripture, utilizing the best of critical methods, and maintaining dialog with contemporary research and challenges facing the church.

The IVP Dictionary Series (8 Vols.) includes:

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For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: German Bible Society


After an extensive process of revision, the new edition of the Novum Testamentum Graece (NA28) is now available! The NA28 set a new standard among Greek New Testament editions with its revisions and improvements. The Catholic Epistles have been modified in more than 30 places to bring them into alignment with the Editio Critica Maior. The structure of the apparatus has been simplified by eliminating certain features of the previous edition such as the use of sed and et to combine variants or the distinction between consistently cited witnesses of the first and second order. The apparatus also adds readings from the newly discovered Papyri 117-127, bringing interesting perspectives to the book of Acts in particular.
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For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: German Bible Society


The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) with Critical Apparatus contains both the main text of the BHS as well as the critical apparatus.

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BDAG and HALOT Collection

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: Brill / University of Chicago


Buy the standard, scholarly lexicons for both Greek and Hebrew together and save!

Olive Tree’s editions of these texts provide even more features by turning cross-references to other words, and references to scripture into hyperlinks. Users of The Olive Tree Bible App can also take advantage of the “look up” feature with the resource, enabling you to jump from a parsed Greek or Hebrew Bible or an entry in another resource to the corresponding entry in BDAG or HALOT.

PLEASE NOTE: purchases of this product are non-refundable and are not eligible for coupon discounts. We apologize for any inconvenience.


A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature 3d ed. is generally regarded as the best lexicon of New Testament Greek currently available in English. It is sometimes referred to as the Bauer-Danker Lexicon or simply abbreviated as BDAG. It contains entries for all words occurring in the Greek New Testament as well as most of the words used by the early Church Fathers. The Third Edition is also one of the only lexicons available which attempts to define Greek words in their original context rather than giving only a gloss or suggested translation.


The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HALOT) is widely regarded as the standard scholarly reference on the language of the Old Testament. With articles on every Hebrew and Aramaic word, the complete vocabulary of the Hebrew Bible is arranged alphabetically (rather than by root), making navigation faster and easier. The Hebrew and Aramaic entries are in separate volumes, following the practice of most modern lexicons. All irregular forms are noted and most articles also contain cross-reference to other words built from the same root. Helpful word usage examples are found in the numerous cross-references included in the lexicon. The essential lexicon for all students of Hebrew, HALOT greatly enhances the reading and study of the Old Testament.

BDAG and HALOT are also available individually:

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IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old and New Testament (2 Vols.)

IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old and New Testament (2 Vols.)

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Publisher: InterVarsity Press (IVP)
Author: Mark Chavalas, Victor Matthews, John Walton and Craig Keener


To understand and apply the Bible well, you need two crucial sources of information. One is the Bible itself. The other is an understanding of the cultural background of the passage you're reading.

In verse-by-verse format, the IVP Bible Background Commentaries provide the crucial historical, social and cultural background you need for responsible—and rich—Bible study. They each include a glossary of cultural terms and important historical figures, maps and charts , up-to-date bibliographies , and introductory essays about cultural background information for each book of the Old and New Testaments.


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[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
