
[Kindle sale] The Jesus of the Gospels

 The Jesus of the Gospels: An Introduction by [Andreas Köstenberger]


Greek tools from Biblical Text Institute


Biblical Text Institute: Another site with Bible reading and Greek learning tools (Website and iOS versions only).  

  • one of the useful features is the dictionary where you can find all the available forms of a Greek word (with NT occurrences in one page. Other features: flash cards, Parsing Practice etc)





[Logos] WBC and NICNT/OT---- 41% off

  • if you don't have a whole set of commentary and want a heavy one, this is it.


Word Biblical Commentary | WBC (61 vols.)

Publishers: Thomas Nelson; Word; Zondervan, 1982–2019


Regular price: $1,199.99
Save $500.00 (41%)


New International Commentary: Old and New Testament (49 vols.)

Publisher: Eerdmans, 1974–2022


Regular price: $2,233.50
Save $700.00 (41%)


[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Mar) (Nothing for Feb)

In the Presence of My Enemies: Psalms 25–37

The Psalms can be very helpful, but they can also be hard. Following on from The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life and Slogging Along the Paths of Righteousness, Dale Ralph Davis delves into Psalms 25 to 37. Using his own recognisable humour and razor–sharp observations these expositions help us to engage with the conflict in these twelve psalms.

Regular price: $13.99

Save $13.99 (100%)

Your Price: $0.00


As Though We Were Dreaming: A Commentary on the Songs of Ascents for Lent

The Eastern Christian liturgical tradition of Lent has long included the chanting of the Songs of Ascents (Pss 120-134) as “entrance songs” of not only the special penance service known as the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, but also of the season of repentance. Ruckhaus’ commentary in As Though We Were Dreaming provides theological insight and exegetical breadth to this group of Psalms.





[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Mar)

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