
[epub] Keener's Between History and Spirit for FREE (12-19/9 only)

Prof Craig Keener is so kind to give us the code for the free epub format of his book (from Sept. 12 through Sept. 19) (Kindle version is on discount at US$2.99), 

Click the Wipf and Stock website, choose "buy" at "ebook" and use the checkout code KEENER23.

Between History and Spirit

Between History and Spirit

The Apostolic Witness of the Book of Acts

by Craig S. Keener

Imprint: Cascade Books

  • eBook
  • 9781532684128
  • Published: March 2020

$52.00 / £44.99 / AU$75.99


Craig Keener is known for his meticulous work on New Testament backgrounds, but especially his detailed work on the book of Acts. Now, for the first time in book form, Cascade presents his key essays on Acts, with special focus on historical questions and matters related to God's Spirit.



[Kindle] sale selection on ST, preaching & NT

  • All are goodies but you simply can't miss the third one if you are interested in New Perspective on Paul (and an Evangelical student wants a balanced view)! 


How to Read Theology for All Its Worth: A Guide for Students by [Karin Spiecker Stetina]

by Karin Spiecker Stetina (Author)


Digital List Price: $12.76
Kindle Price: US$3.99

Save $8.77 (69%)

includes free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

The Guide You Need to Read Theology Well.

Too many Christians avoid reading theology for fear they won't understand it or out of a misconception that it's only meant for the academic elite. Similarly, students in introductory theology classes can feel overwhelmed by the concepts and terminology they encounter.

Yet theology can be read with enjoyment and discernment. In How to Read Theology for All Its Worth, professor, author, and devoted reader Karin Stetina introduces students to the basic skills of intelligent reading, applied especially to theological works. Anyone who'd like to read theology well, whether a formal student or interested layperson, will benefit from the simple steps Stetina outlines.

Steps include:

  • Identifying genre
  • Becoming acquainted with the author and the context out of which he or she wrote
  • Determining a thesis and main arguments

How to Read Theology for All Its Worth will equip readers not only to understand theology but also to insightfully engage authors' ideas. With the basic tools in hand, everyone can read with confidence and enjoy "conversations" with theological works.

Preaching Old Testament Narratives (Preaching with Excellence) by [Benjamin H. Walton]

Preaching Old Testament Narratives (Preaching with Excellence) Kindle Edition

by Benjamin H. Walton (Author)
Kindle Price: US$2.99

Save $19.00 (86%)

includes free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet


 There's no question that the Old Testament is foundational for the New Testament church. But foundational or not, it can be difficult for preachers to pin down useful resources for narrative texts within the Old Testament, much less to skillfully preach those passages to their congregations.

Benjamin Walton provides the practical insight pastors need. In one volume, he demonstrates both the interpretive and homiletical skills necessary to preach Old Testament narratives well. Walton guides the preacher through selecting a text which is a complete unit of thought; describing the scene in a coherent way; determining the theological message of the text; and carefully crafting a meaningful take-home truth. He doesn't stop with discovering the core message—-the majority of the book focuses on delivering the message drawn from these narrative texts.

Walton's approach is not just theoretical. It has been read and tested anonymously by groups of pastors, and their feedback has been incorporated into the book. This valuable resource will help preachers put all the pieces together, have confidence in what they're imparting, and maximize their preaching potential for Old Testament narratives.

 Voices and Views on Paul: Exploring Scholarly Trends by [Ben Witherington III, Jason A. Myers]

by Ben Witherington III (Author), Jason A. Myers (Author)


Kindle Price: US$2.99

Save $29.01 (91%)

includes free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

In the field of Pauline studies, much has changed over the last twenty years. Since Ben Witherington III first published his influential book The Paul Quest, monumental works have appeared from scholars such as James D. G. Dunn, N. T. Wright, E. P. Sanders, and John Barclay. The New Perspective is no longer new, and the flurry of publications continues across a range of specialized studies. Those interested in exploring trends and issues related to Paul may find themselves in need of a map.
Voices and Views on Paul, Ben Witherington and Jason Myers have teamed up to provide a reliable guide to the major terrain of Pauline scholarship. Through a distinctive combination of survey and evaluation, they explain and analyze the thought of recent major Pauline interpreters and track developments over the past two decades. They conclude with an assessment of how these studies have advanced our understanding of Paul and where further work is needed.
Voices and Views on Paul offers a helpful service to students, pastors, and anyone seeking to keep up with this dynamic field as scholars continue to wrestle with Paul and his work.




[Kindle] Books on Greek sale

  • the first one is almost a must for Greek learners...

 Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek by [Constantine R. Campbell]

  • Kindle Price: US$3.99

    Save $8.77 (69%)

  • Paperback
    10 Used from $11.36 20 New from $12.99
Verbal aspect in the Greek language has been a topic of significant debate in recent scholarship. The majority of scholars now believe that an understanding of verbal aspect is even more important than verb tense (past, present, etc.). Until now, however, there have been no accessible textbooks, both in terms of level and price (most titles on the topic retail for more than $100). In this book, Constantine Campbell investigates the function of verbal aspect within the New Testament Greek narrative. He has done a marvelous job in this book of simplifying the concept without getting caught up using terms of linguistics that no one except those schooled in that field can understand. The book includes exercises, an answer key, glossary of key concepts, an appendix covering space and time, and an index to Scripture cited. Professors and students, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, will use this is as a supplemental text in both beginning and advanced Greek courses. Pastors that study the Greek text will also appreciate this resource as a supplement to their preaching and teaching.
Biblical Greek Vocabulary in Context: Building Competency with Words Occurring 25 Times or More by [Miles V. Van Pelt]

  • Kindle
    Read with Our Free App
  • Paperback
    29 Used from $6.03 20 New from $10.05

Biblical Greek Vocabulary in Context by Miles V. Van Pelt is designed to reinforce a student's basic Greek vocabulary by presenting words that occur twenty-five times or more in the context of the Greek New Testament.

Miles Van Pelt collates all 513 of these Greek words into approximately 200 key biblical verses and/or verse fragments to help students practice reading them in their literary context and thus improve their Greek vocabulary retention. Rather than rote memorization, Van Pelt's approach teaches word meaning through each word's naturally occurring context--the way people naturally learn languages.

The book includes two primary sections:

  1. The first section provides room for students to write their own glosses of the biblical verse and to parse as they feel necessary. An English translation is also provided, and any term that appears less than twenty-five times is glossed. Proper names are identified with gray text.
  2. The second section of the book provides the same biblical verses from the first section but with minimal room to write glosses and parse and without an English translation for aid. The end of the book includes a Greek-English lexicon of all the words occurring twenty-five times or more in the Greek New Testament.


[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Sept)

  •  Logos

    extra one: 

    Exploring Galatians: An Expository Commentary (John Phillips Commentary Series | JPCS)

    This commentary on the book of Galatians provides pastors, Sunday school teachers, and students of Scripture with doctrinally sound interpretation that emphasizes the practical application of Bible truth. Working from the King James Version, John Phillips not only provides helpful commentary on the text, but also includes detailed outlines and numerous illustrations and quotations. Anyone wanting to explore the meaning of God’s Word in greater depth—for personal spiritual growth or as a resource for preaching and teaching—will welcome the guidance and insights of this respected series.

    Regular price: $187.72 HKD

    Save $187.72 HKD (100%)

    Your Price: $0.00 HKD

Scripture: A Guide for the Perplexed

Given the extraordinary richness and range of contemporary theology, questions about the authority and inspiration of the Bible tend to garner ever-increasing variety, complexity, and controversy. Among those challenges include the questions posed by biblical criticism to the enterprise of Christian theology and the place of Scripture in the life of the contemporary church. Employing a range of conversation partners, this book will provide an up-to-date survey of the diverse ways in which contemporary theologians use the Bible “to think with.” The volume enables students to compare different approaches to the reading of Scripture. It also explores the ways in which the theological interpretation of Scripture can be both a critical and a spiritual exercise.

Regular Price: $125.41 HKD

Save $125.41 HKD (100%)

Your Price: $0.00 HKD


Psalms (T&T Clark Study Guides)

In this highly competent analysis of the Psalms, John Day begins by introducing the most common types of Psalms. He then examines Psalms of lament, praise and thanksgiving, confidence, wisdom and torah Psalms, historical Psalms, entrance Liturgies, pilgrimage Psalms, the Autumn Festival, and the Royal Psalms. Day then discusses the composition of the Psalter, and finishes up by scrutinizing the theology of the Psalms and the history of their interpretation by the Jews and in the Christian church.

Regular Price: $78.35 HKD

Save $62.75 HKD (80%)

Your Price: $15.61 HKD

Introducing Biblical Theology

This book is written specifically for students at the start of courses in the Bible, theology, and ministry, and for those searching for a deeper understanding of the theology of the Bible.

Regular Price: $133.25 HKD

Save $101.96 HKD (76%)

Your Price: $31.29 HKD


John 1–4 (International Critical Commentary | ICC)

For over 100 years the International Critical Commentary has had a special place amongst works on the Bible. This new volume on John brings together all the relevant aids to exegesis—linguistic, textual, archaeological, historical, literary and theological—to enable the scholar to have a complete knowledge and understanding of this New Testament book. John McHugh incorporates new evidence available in the field and applies new methods of studies. No uniform theological or critical approach to the text is taken.

Print list price: $211.69 HKD

Save $156.86 HKD (74%)

Your Price: $54.82 HKD

Isaiah 56–66: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary (International Critical Commentary | ICC)

Professor John Goldingay, a noted specialist on Deutero and Trito Isaiah continues his breathtaking work of commentary, following his widely acclaimed volumes (with David Payne) of the International Critical Commentary on Isaiah 40–55.

Print list price: $337.18 HKD

Save $250.98 HKD (74%)

Your Price: $86.20 HKD



The Synoptic Problem: A Way through the Maze

Perhaps the greatest literary enigma in history, the Synoptic Problem has fascinated generations of scholars who have puzzled over the agreements, the disagreements, the variations, and the peculiarities of the relationship between the first three of our canonical Gospels. Yet the Synoptic Problem remains inaccessible to students, who often become quickly entangled in its apparent complexities. Now Mark Goodacre offers a way through the maze, explaining in a lively and refreshing style exactly what study of the Synoptic Problem involves, why it is important and how it might be solved in this readable, balanced, and up-to-date guide.

The Doctrines of Grace: Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospel

There is no question that we live in an age of weak theology and casual Christianity. We have substituted intuition for truth, feeling for belief and immediate gratification for enduring hope. Evangelicalism desperately needs to return to the doctrines that once before reformed the world: radical depravity, unconditional election, particular redemption, efficacious grace and persevering grace.

Digital list price: $141.10 HKD

Save $141.10 HKD (100%)

Your Price: $0.00 HKD

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
