
[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Feb)

 other than the free stuff, nothing recommended this month

The Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism

Understanding of biblical poetry is enhanced by the study of its structure. In this book Adele Berlin analyzes parallelism, a major feature of Hebrew poetry, from a linguistic perspective. This new edition of Berlin’s study features an additional chapter, “The Range of Biblical Metaphors in Smikhut,” by late Russian linguist Lida Knorina. Berlin calls this addition “innovative and instructive to those who value the linguistic analysis of poetry.” It is a fitting coda to Berlin’s adept analysis.

Regular Price: $117.20 HKD

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Your Price: $0.00 HKD


Pause for Power: A 365-Day Journey through the Scriptures

Topical. Relevant. Fresh. Pause for Power: A 365-Day Journey through the Scriptures will inspire readers to experience an unforgettable year of spiritual growth.

Digital list price: $132.84 HKD

Save $132.84 HKD (100%)

Your Price: $0.00 HKD 


Christ in the Early Christian Hymns

From the first days of the church, Christians confessed their faith in Jesus Christ in both theological discussion and in popular hymns of devotion. After the major church councils from Nicaea to Chalcedon brought clarification and definition to Christological doctrines, the hymns began to express clearly this belief in Jesus as truly God and truly human. Were the new Christological doctrines deductively developed and imposed by the councils? Or did they arise from the beginning out of the fait...

$78.11 HKD


[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
