
[pdf] Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Press --free titles

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Pastor Well: A Guide to Faithfulness in Pastoral Ministry by Hershael York. 2024.

Gain practical answers to questions like:

  • How can I remain content in ministry?
  • How should I preach the funeral of a non-believer?
  • When is a child ready to be baptized?


[Kindle] Zondervan books on sale


Books from Zondervan's Reformed Thinkers


Over 40 titles from Reformed thinkers are on sale!


In celebration of Reformation Day, we're discounting a large handful of books from some of our Reformed authors.


A variety of topics and authors are included! Browse books at the links below:



eBooks start at $1.99


This sale ends Sunday, November 3rd, 2024 at 11:59pm EST.

[Epub] The Legacy of Luther, edited by R.C. Sproul and Stephen Nichols /FREE

 The movement that began with his posting of the Ninety-Five Theses reshaped Europe, redirected Christian history, and recovered the truth of God’s Word.

Meet the Reformer who set the world ablaze.

In The Legacy of Luther, edited by Drs. R.C. Sproul and Stephen Nichols, several distinguished scholars and pastors survey Martin Luther’s life, thought, and lessons for today.

For a limited time, you can download the ebook for free. This resource is an uncompromising reminder that, like Luther, we must stand firm for the biblical gospel.

This special offer ends on Reformation Day, October 31, so download your free ebook today. ...




[Kindle] Remember Their Sin No More?: Forgiveness and the Hebrew Bible for US$2.99


  • Remember Their Sin No More?: Forgiveness and the Hebrew Bible
Best Price in 30 Days

In a world in which genuine forgiveness seems as rare a commodity as ever, this collection of essays offers an opportunity to explore where and in what forms forgiveness may be found in the Hebrew Bible—a text which is foundational for Western religions and the cultures they have influenced over the last two millennia. In the wake of renewed interest in forgiveness in antiquity and recent suggestions that it bears little resemblance to modern conceptions, this book investigates the ways in which the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament itself conceptualizes forgiveness. How and in what ways does God forgive? Where, if at all, do we see reconciliation between people in the Old Testament, and what does it look like?

Kindle Price: HKD 23.23
Exchange rate guarantee fee: +HKD 0.41
You Pay: HKD 23.64
+ applicable tax


 Richard S. Briggs is Lecturer in Old Testament and Director of Biblical Studies at Cranmer Hall, St. John's College, Durham University, England, where he teaches Old Testament. He is the author of Words in Action: Speech Act Theory and Biblical Interpretation (2001) and The Virtuous Reader: Old Testament Narrative and Interpretive Virtue (2010).

David J. Shepherd is associate professor in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at the School of Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies, Trinity College Dublin. Richard S. Briggs is prior of the Community of St Cuthbert, St Nics Church, Durham, and visiting research fellow in Old Testament, Cranmer Hall, St John's College, Durham University.

[pdf] FREE: Christ Crucified: A Theology of Galatians

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Christ Crucified: A Theology of Galatians

Free eBook from Southern Seminary and Crossway



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[Kindle] A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture for US$2.99


  • A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture (New Studies in Biblical Theology Book 21)

A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture (New Studies in Biblical Theology Book 21) Kindle Edition

By almost any measure, a bold and confident use of the Bible is a hallmark of Christianity. Underlying such use are a number of assumptions about the origin, nature and form of the biblical literature, concerning its authority, diversity and message.However, a lack of confidence in the clarity or perspicuity of Scripture is apparent in Western Christianity. Despite recent, sophisticated analyses, the doctrine is ignored or derided by many. While there is a contemporary feel to these responses, the debate itself is not new.In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Mark Thompson surveys past and present objections to the clarity of Scripture; expounds the living God as the Guarantor of his accessible, written Word; engages with the hermeneutical challenges and restates the doctrine for today.Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

Kindle Price: HKD 23.23
Exchange rate guarantee fee: +HKD 0.41
You Pay: HKD 23.64



[Kindle] Two Views on Women in Ministry US$0.99

  • Two Views on Women in Ministry (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology Book 12)


Two Views on Women in Ministry (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology Book 12) Revised edition. Kindle Edition


[Kindle] Wright & Bird's Jesus and the Powers for US$2.99

  • HK$23.64 --irresistible
  • Jesus and the Powers: Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies

An urgent call for Christians everywhere to explore the nature of the kingdom amid the political upheaval of our day.

Should Christians be politically withdrawn, avoiding participation in politics to maintain their prophetic voice and to keep from being used as political pawns? Or should Christians be actively involved, seeking to utilize political systems to control the levers of power?

In Jesus and the Powers, N. T. Wright and Michael F. Bird call Christians everywhere to discern the nature of Christian witness in fractured political environments. In an age of ascending autocracies, in a time of fear and fragmentation, amid carnage and crises, Jesus is king, and Jesus’s kingdom remains the object of the church's witness and work.

Part political theology, part biblical overview, and part church history, this book argues that building for Jesus's kingdom requires confronting empire in all its forms. This approach should orient Christians toward a form of political engagement that contributes to free democratic societies and vigorously opposes political schemes based on autocracy and nationalism. Throughout, Wright and Bird reflect on the relevance of this kingdom-oriented approach to current events, including the Russian-Ukraine conflict, the China-Taiwan tension, political turmoil in the USA, UK, and Australia, and the problem of Christian nationalism.


[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (up to 15 Oct)

must have for the first one...

The Word of Life: A Theology of John’s Gospel

This accessible work explores the major theological dimensions of John’s Gospel, including God, the world and its people, Jesus, the crucifixion and resurrection, the Spirit, faith, and discipleship. Craig Koester’s Word of Life is notable for its comprehensive treatment of themes and its close, careful focus on the narrative of the biblical text.

Regular price: $225.08 HKD

Save $225.08 HKD (100%)

Your Price: $0.00 HKD


Paul's Letter to the Romans (Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC)

Colin Kruse’s commentary on the book of Romans shows how Paul expounds the gospel against the background of God’s sovereign action as creator, judge, and redeemer of the world. In the process, Kruse elucidates Paul’s teaching about matters of concern in the Roman house churches—issues that remain important today. Kruse’s gift for clarity and economy in dealing with such complex and important matters promises to make this commentary an enduring standard for years to come.

Regular price: $458.00 HKD

Save $372.67 HKD (81%)

Your Price: $85.33 HKD


The Epistle to the Romans (The New International Greek Testament Commentary | NIGTC)

This highly anticipated commentary on the Greek text of Romans by veteran New Testament scholar Richard Longenecker provides solid scholarship and innovative solutions to long-standing interpretive problems. Critical, exegetical, and constructive, yet pastoral in its application, Longenecker’s monumental work on Romans sets a course for the future that will promote a better understanding of this most famous of Paul’s letters and a more relevant contextualization of its message.

Regular price: US$89.99

Save US$75.00 (83%)

Your Price: US$14.99


Holy Spirit Baptism

In Holy Spirit Baptism, Reformed theologian Anthony Hoekema develops a balanced, biblical perspective of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and its role in sacrament, regeneration, and empowerment.

Regular Price: $46.51 HKD

Save $23.29 HKD (50%)

Your Price: $23.21 HKD


The Rest of Life: Rest, Play, Eating, Studying, Sex from a Kingdom Perspective

When was the last time you heard a sermon on the theological importance of play? What do rest, eating, studying—and sex—have to do with the kingdom of God? Strangely, although these activities together take up much of our time, they seldom receive much discussion from a biblical point of view. In The Rest of Life Ben Witherington explores these subjects in the light of biblical teaching about the kingdom of God and the Christian hope for the future. He shows why and how all the normal activities of life should be done to the glory of God and for the edification of others. Focusing as it does on practical, everyday matters in an accessible style, this topical study is ideal for both individual reading and small-group discussion.

Regular price: $170.73 HKD

Save $139.75 HKD (81%)

Your Price: $30.98 HKD


Fundamentals of New Testament Greek

“We know that this book works and will take students to a level not often achieved through other beginning textbooks.” So say Stanley Porter and his coauthors in the preface to their Fundamentals of New Testament Greek—an ambitious, comprehensive introduction to the grammar and vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.

Print list price: $310.48 HKD

Save $232.92 HKD (75%)

Your Price: $77.56 HKD

Isaiah 1–39 (The Anchor Yale Bible | AYB)

This commentary by Joseph Blenkinsopp on the first 39 chapters of the book, the first of a three volume commentary on Isaiah, is written from a critical perspective in the belief that only in this way can these texts be given the opportunity to say what they have to say—and also in the conviction that what they have to say still retains its transforming power for those willing to listen attentively today. The result is a commentary of unequaled brilliance and insight that will stand as the definitive study of one of the Hebrew Bible’s most compelling and elusive books.

Regular Price: $279.43 HKD

Save $279.43 HKD (100%)

Your Price: $0.00 HKD


The Canonical Paul, vol. 1: Constructing Paul

The Canonical Paul, vol. 1: Constructing Paul

In this methodological tour de force, Luke Timothy Johnson offers an articulate, clear, and thought-provoking portrait of the life and thought of the apostle Paul. Drawing upon recent developments in the study of Paul, Johnson offers readers an invitation to the Apostle Paul. Rather than focusing on a few of Paul’s letters, Johnson lays out the materials necessary to envision the apostle from the thirteen canonical letters of Paul and the Acts of the Apostles. Constructing Paul thus provides a framework within which an engagement with Paul’s letters can take place. Johnson demonstrates the possibility of doing responsible and creative work across the canonical collection without sacrificing literary or historical integrity.

Regular Price: $294.95 HKD

Save $232.92 HKD (78%)

Your Price: $62.03 HKD


The Canonical Paul, vol. 2: Interpreting Paul

Far from being a “definitive theology” of Paul, or an oversimplified synthesis, Interpreting Paul provides glimpses into various moments of Paul’s thinking and teaching that we find in Scripture, modeling how one might read his letters closely for fresh, creative interpretations now and into the future. Approached in this way, both in minute detail and as a whole canon, Paul’s letters yield rich insights, and his voice becomes accessible to all readers of the Bible.

Regular Price: $349.30 HKD

Save $271.74 HKD (77%)

Your Price: $77.56 HKD



What Grieving People Wish You Knew about What Really Helps (and What Really Hurts)

We want to say or do something that helps our grieving friend. But what? When someone we know is grieving, we want to help. But sometimes we stay away or stay silent, afraid that we will do or say the wrong thing, that we will hurt instead of help. In this straightforward and practical book, Nancy Guthrie provides us with the insight we need to confidently interact with grieving people.

Digital list price: $116.38 HKD

Save $116.38 HKD (100%)

Your Price: $0.00 HKD



[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
