
free Kindle ebook on Christian conscience (limited time)

How Can I Develop a Christian Conscience?: 15 (Crucial Questions Series) [Kindle Edition]

R. C. Sproul
Reformation Trust Publishing; #15 in the Crucial Questions Series edition (October 7, 2013)

free Kindle ebook on what is communion (limited time)

What is The Lord's Supper?: 16 (Crucial Questions Series) [Kindle Edition]

R. C. Sproul

free Kindle ebook on what is church (limited time)

What is The Church?: 17 (Crucial Questions Series) [Kindle Edition]

R.C. Sproul Reformation Trust Publishing; #17 in the Crucial Questions Series edition (October 7, 2013)

free Kindle ebook on Spurgeon (limited time)

Spurgeon Gems [Kindle Edition]

Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

free Kindle ebook on devotions from the Psalms (limited time only)

Known and Loved: 52 Devotions from the Psalms [Kindle Edition]

Caryn Rivadeneira
Grand Rapids: Revell, 2013

free Kindle ebook on the names of God (limited time only)

Daily Reflections on the Names of God: A Devotional [Kindle Edition]

Ava Pennington


Bible reading for 2014

Ever planning to read the whole Bible/ NT/ OT in 2014?
You may want some reminders, there are many choices here by various means:
  • RSS (subscribe to receive by RSS)
  • iCal (download an iCalendar file)
  • mobile (view a new reading each day on your mobile device)
  • print (download a PDF of the whole plan)
  • email (goes to your email a/c)
Personally, I use http://www.bibleplan.org/ (with different reading choices, a variety of Bible versions and languages, but only through email subscription). Of course, you can always set up a reading plan in YouVersion, Logos (or via biblia.com), or Bibleworks (but I easily forgot to go there regularly; a suggestion would be setting up a daily reminder from Google calendar with the link embedded).


free Kindle ebook on God's glory with space's photos (for a limited time)

Indescribable: Encountering the Glory of God in the Beauty of the Universe [Kindle Edition]

Louie Giglio , Matt Redman
"In Indescribable, the authors intertwine devotional insights with remarkable scientific facts that awaken both mind and spirit. As Giglio and Redman write, God turns wonderers into worshippers."

New Testament and Archaeological images from Harvard

New Testament and Archaeological Slides from Harvard Divinity School -a collection of over 8,000 digital images for teaching and research in New Testament studies, Greek and Roman mystery religions, and early Christian history. (Images are from photographic slides taken or collected by Professor Helmut Koester and his students during more than 30 years of travel to archaeological sites and museums in Athens, Rome, Corinth, Ephesus, Sardis, Thessaloniki, Hierapolis, and Philippi, representing the most important cities and religious centers during the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial periods).  To search through all the images from this collection, use the keyword search phrase "Research Team for New Testament and Archaeology" (include the double quotation marks). (source of info)


Kindle sale on Michael Bird's Evangelical Theology

Evangelical Theology: A Biblical and Systematic Introduction [Kindle Edition]

by Michael F. Bird  (Zondervan, 2013)
hard copy: 800 pages; digital list price: US$33.99 / hard copy list price: US$33.46

Now US$7.99!


article on the Decalogue

Jason S. DeRouchie, "Making the Ten Count: Reflections on the Lasting Message of the Decalogue." In For Our Good Always: Studies on the Message and Influence of Deuteronomy in Honor of Daniel I. Block. Edited by Jason S. DeRouchie, Jason Gile, and Kenneth J. Turner, pp.415-440. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2013.

Life in the Ancient world pdf download

Noah Wiener ed., Life in the Ancient World: Crafts, Society and Daily Practice (Biblical Archaeology Society, 2013) -articles describing industry in Second Temple period Jerusalem and household structure in ancient Israel. It also includes a collection of brief and lively accounts from Archaeology Odyssey describing standard practices across the ancient Mediterranean, from table manners to construction cranes, and from fashion and makeup to the Roman postal service.



Monergism -Articles, MP3s & Resources on the Historic Christian Faith (Reformed perspective; subsidiary of the Christian Publication Resource Foundation)



China Mission History Digital Archive: scholarly and general access to visual images related to Christian missionary history in China; also hosts a substantial library of Western and Chinese books intended to support research on the historical context in which the rare photographs were produced.



Ben Sira page

bensira.org -ancient and medieval Hebrew manuscripts of the book of Ben Sira.

Career Placement Handbook for Ordained Ministry

Practical theology reference: the case of Westminster Theological Seminary -Career Placement Handbook for Ordained Ministry (information on how to prepare for the ordination process; how Mentored Ministry fits into that process, including tips on identifying open positions, writing cover letters and resumes, as well as navigating the process of candidating.)


Nov. only: ESV Study Bible web app

ESV Study Bible Web App -very user-friendly, includes the study notes, maps, charts, illustrations, and theological articles found in the print edition (Retail Price: US$29.99; celebrating Crossway's 75th anniversary, now it's free for Nov.).

free Kindle book by G.K. Chesterton (hurry up, for a limited time only)

Orthodoxy (Moody Classics) [Kindle Edition]

Gilbert Keith Chesterton , Matthew Lee Anderson


free audiobook for Nov 2013

Free Audiobook of the month from christianaudio.com (subscription to newsletter now required):

In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day

How to Survive and Thrive when Opportunity Roars

Author Mark Batterson

Pastoral challenges facing the family today

Pastoral challenges facing the family today -example from the Roman Catholic church:
Lineamenta - preparatory document for the extraordinary general session of the Synod of Bishops that will focus on family life (Vatican, 5-19 October 2014); questionnaire on family life

free Logos book for Nov 2013

The Works of Richard Sibbes, vol. 1—containing some of Sibbes’ most famous works, like The Bruised Reed and The Soul’s Conflict—is available for free during November.

Logos free Codex Sinaiticus

Codex Sinaiticus

by International Greek New Testament Project (IGNTP)

The Codex Sinaiticus Project Board 2012



Moo reviewing N.T. Wright's biggest book on Paul

Douglas Moo's review on N. T. Wright. Paul and the Faithfulness of God: Volume 4. Christian Origins and the Question of God. 2 vols. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2013. 1,696 pp.


free epub/pdf book on preaching and teaching

© 2013 LifeWay Press

  • Ed Stetzer, Editor (LifeWay Research)
  • Daniel Block (Wheaton College)
  • David Murray (Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary)
  • Walt Kaiser (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)
  • Bryan Chapell (Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL)



free Logos ebook for Pastor Appreciation Month

Brothers, We Are Not Professionals

by John Piper

In this book, Piper pleads with his fellow pastors to abandon the secularization of the pastorate and pursue the prophetic call of the Bible for radical ministry. He explains that pastors are being weakened by adopting a professional mentality, when they should be striving for prophetic and passionate ministry.

free audio of Eugene Petersen

"The Holy Stump"
The holy is found in unlikely places. In this lecture, Eugene Peterson makes the connection between the holy and the abundant life through Isaiah's vision (Isaiah 6). Peterson outlines four traits normative to the holy life: the abolition of self-sufficiency, the acceptance of forgiveness, God's invitation to service, and the human response. He then explicates a fifth aspect in many experiences of the holy - the holy stump - and concludes responding to audience questions.

another original language bible tool

Greek NT & Hebrew OT showing parsing and root definition (with searching): http://biblearc.com/


English to Ancient Greek Dictionary

S. C. Woodhouse, English-Greek Dictionary (London: George Routledge & Sons, 1910) -searchable and prepared by the University of Chicago Library.


The Works of John Knox

David Laing ed., The Works of Knox, 6 volumes (Edinburgh: Thomas George Stevenson, 1846-64).
-Google ebooks (full preview): vol. 1 ; vol. 2 ; vol. 3 ; vol. 4 ; vol. 5 ; vol. 6
-Kindle version: vol. 1 and 2 (free)



free ebook by John Piper on marriage

Preparing for Marriage: Help for Christian Couples 

by John Piper



by Dale B. Martin (中文字幕)


free kindle book on salvation/ Christ's blood (for a limited time)



First century Jerusalem in movie/ photos

1st c. 'Jerusalem' IMAX Movie By National Geographic (trailer)

with photos of modern and 1st c. Jerusalem

free pdf of Piper's and Mathis' book on sanctification

Acting the Miracle: God’s Work and Ours in the Mystery of Sanctification

edited by David Mathis and John Piper (Wheaton: Crossway, 2013).

About the Book

Fighting sin is not easy. Thankfully, God helps Christians to overcome sin through the miracle of sanctification. This new book, edited by best-selling author John Piper and his trusted colleague, David Mathis, calls readers to “act the miracle” God has already worked within all believers. With contributions from popular speakers Kevin DeYoung, Ed Welch, Russell Moore, and Jarvis Williams, this compilation draws on a wealth of wisdom derived from God’s Word and personal experience in order to encourage Christians to strive for holiness without falling into the trap of legalism. Here is a practical resource from leading evangelicals that helps Christians to pursue godly living.



Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL)

The Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL) by the Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research of Calvin Theological Seminary  --database of digital books relating to the development of theology and philosophy during the Reformation and Post-Reformation/Early Modern Era (late 15th-18th c.). Late medieval and patristic works printed and referenced in the early modern era are also included.


electronic Greek New Testament with critical apparatus

Nestle-Aland 28th edition with Critical Apparatus

US$50 from Olivetree --seems to be the cheapest version now
supported platforms: iPad, iPhone, Mac on Lion, Windows Desktop, Android



free audiobook for Aug 2013

Free Audiobook of the month from christianaudio.com:
John R. W. Stott, Basic Christianity -recommended!


Faraday Papers on science and religion

The Faraday Papers --accessible and readable introductions to the relationship between science and religion, published by The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, St Edmund’s College, Cambridge



science and Christianity according to Polkinghorne

Edited versions of chapters from John Polkinghorne's best books, Belief in God in an Age of Science and Theology in the Context of Science


Oxford Bibliographies in Biblical Studies

Oxford Bibliographies in Biblical Studies -many good entries by experts of the field (look for the forthcoming ones).
Of course, among them, this is a recommended one in particular: Larry Hurtado, "Worship in the New Testament and Earliest Christianity."


free logos ebook

G. Campbell Morgan, Discipleship (Fleming H. Revell, 1897).
Coupon code: MEMDAY2013  to 27 May 2013


free ebook: How the Bible Came to Be

free ebook from Amazon (kindle edition):
J. Daniel Hays and J. Scott Duvall eds., How the Bible Came to Be (Ebook Shorts) (Baker 2012)



Church of Scotland, "The Church and Nation’s Inheritance of Abraham? A Report on the Promised Land," revised version, May 2013. (It's covering news from the Church of Scotland)  --蘇格蘭教會對以巴關係/聖經對巴勒斯坦地的報告-值得參考。

another related report: "Theology of Land and Covenant," a report to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 2003. 




40% Off New Releases from Baker for a Limited Time

Logos ebook sale up to 24/5
18 new releases from Baker are now available for pre-order at 40% off. You can save on upcoming books by Stanley Porter, Bryan Chapell, Graham Twelftree, Thomas R. Schreiner, and others. This discount is available for only two weeks, so pre-order now for the best prices!

Comment: since the 40% off is from the listed price, so it can be not very attractive if you can find a 30% or more discount from Amazon, Bookfinder.com etc for a hard copy.



宗派禮儀傳統參考: 禮儀手冊 -
  1. 中華基督教會香港區會
  2. 基督教香港信義會

Gabriel’s Revelation

Free eBook on a recently discovered inscription: Gabriel’s Revelation published by the Biblical Archaeology Society.

Brief description by Israel Knohl:
"The first part describes an eschatological war: the nations of the world besiege Jerusalem, and the residents are expelled from the city in groups. This description is followed by a passage in which God sends “my servant David” to ask “Ephraim” – the Messiah Son of Joseph – to deliver a “sign.” From the context, it appears that this sign heralds the coming redemption.
The second part of the Gabriel Revelation focuses on death and resurrection – and the blood of the slain. The last paragraph cites the words of the Archangel Gabriel who commands a person to return to life after three days: “By three days, live.”

On a scholarly assessment:  

Matthias Henze, ed., HazonGabriel: New Readings of the Gabriel Revelation (Early Judaism and Its Literature 29; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011). 
SBL review


NIVAC ebook sale

all NIVAC volumes at US$5; epub format. See here.
sale ends on 13/5


The History of Christianity in 25 Objects

A very nice blog written by Tim Challies from a Protestant perspective on The History of Christianity in 25 Objects
-up to now:
  1. 引言
  2. Augustus of Prima Porta -從考古到新約背景
  3. Rylands Library Papyrus P52 -最早新約抄本的重要意義
  4. Alexamenos Graffito  -塗鴉與早期基督教給人的印象
  5. Dogmatic Sarcophagus   -石棺與尼西亞信經
  6. Codex Amiatinus  -主導了五至十六世紀的武加大譯本
  7. The Book of Kells   -美輪美奐的九世紀Celtic聖經
  8. Wycliffe's Pulpit   -宗教改革的先聲 (“As history has revealed, Wycliffe's bones were much more easily dispersed than his teachings, for out of a sea of controversy and angry disputation rose his greatest contribution—the English Bible.”)
  9. The Gutenberg Bible   -第一本活字印刷的書
  10. Novum Instrumentum omne    -首本印刷版希臘文聖經
  11. The Indulgence Box   -傳別的福音的鐵證
  12. Tyndale New Testament    -釋放神的話‧本土化的典範 
  13. Calvin's Chair    -宣講神話語的秘訣 
  14. Francis Xavier's Forearm   -耶穌會--反宗教改革--的由來
  15. The Works of William Perkins   -尋找清教徒的根
  16. Le massacre de la Saint-Barthelemy  -五千-三萬法國基督徒被屠殺(1572) (This painting reminds us that as the gospel transforms people, it also creates enemies. It reminds us that the Christian faith has been established only by blood--the blood of the Savior and the blood of his followers.)
  17. King James Bible  -英語界的文學經典
  18. Loughwood Meeting House  -浸信會的根源
  19. John Newton與William Cowper合著的Olney Hymns (1779)
  20. The Whitefield Rock   -十八世紀大覺醒運動的標記
  21. William Carey’s couch   -近代宣教士之父(1761-1834)
  22. Bonnie Brae House   -近代靈恩運動的發源地
  23. Riverside Church   -基要派與現代派爭論的開始
  24. Billy Graham's Prayer Wheel   -福音派的動力
  25. YouVersion Bible App   -數碼閱讀現象

recommended lecture MP3

Speaker: Prof Ben Witherington III (Asbury Theological Seminary)
Topic: ‘Almost Thou Persuadest Me….’ Why You Ignore Rhetorical Interpretation of the NT at your Peril.  (Q&A)
Date and place: 30th April, 2013; New College, University of Edinburgh


centuries of NT manuscripts in a glance

Crosswire, the Bible Tool -NT manuscripts viewing based on bible verses (images from Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung)
Directions: click the word in NASB/ Greek versions. Then choose "Show Textual Evidence"

another free Bible software: WORDsearch Basicx

免費軟件: WORDsearch Basic (PC/Mac) (with some free commentaries and tools; downgrade version of the paid WORDsearch 10)

free John Stott ebook

John Stott, Why I am a Christian -from IVP (epub/Kindle/mobi)


on the translation of "God the Father" and the "Son of God"

For those interested in missiology and biblical studies:

WEA (World Evangelical Alliance) report with recommendations for Wycliffe and SIL on the translation of "God the Father" and the "Son of God" in Muslims countries: here


D. A. Carson's works 75% off at Logos

See the sale (expires in 15/4).
Personal recommendation:
  • Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (US$15 now)
  • Exegetical Fallacies, Second Edition (US$4 now)
  • Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel according to John (US$11.5 now)
  • An Introduction to the New Testament (US$8 now)
  • The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism (US$7.5 now)

free audio book for April 2013

Free Audiobook of the month from christianaudio.com: 
  Andy Stanley, Enemies of the Heart Breaking Free from the Four Emotions That Control You . 

free Logos ebook for April 2013

Free ebook of the month from Logos: John Newton, The Works of John Newton, vol. 1 .


Logos freebies: R. C. Sproul

R. C. Sproul’s The Truth of the Cross --describes Christ’s sacrifice and its necessity for the atonement of all of God’s people.


Globethics Publications | Global Series

Globethics Publications | Global Series -Free ebooks on ethical issues with global relevance and contextual perspectives.


another online Bible Atlas

Bible Atlas.org: Bible Maps for every OT and NT location (including Shepherd Historical Atlas and ISV Bible Atlas).


free audio book for Mar 2013

Free Audiobook of the month from christianaudio.com: 
  Kay Warren, Choose Joy Because Happiness Isn't Enough . 

free Logos ebook for Mar 2013

Free ebook of the month from Logos: Robert S. Candlish, Life in a Risen Saviour .
-“The fact of the resurrection of Christ and the belief of a general resurrection are intimately and inseparably connected."


free audio book for Feb 2013

  1. Free Audiobook of the month from christianaudio.com on a Christian testimony: Brother Andrew and John & Elizabeth Sherrill, God's Smuggler . 


free Logos ebook for Feb 2013

Free ebook of the month from Logos: Lewis Sperry Chafer, Satan .
(From one of the twentieth century’s most influential theologians, a look at Satan’s character, influence, history, future, and methods)


NA28 in Logos

Logos version: Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition, with Critical Apparatus -pre-publication price US$70, still a bit too expensive...
Critical Apparatus only: US$50

Note: the SESB v.2, The Stuttgart Electronic Study Bible -with apparatus of both NA27, BHS, LXX and BHQ [Minor Prophets and Proverbs], is now on sale: US$130.  See review here.

For me, I will wait for the SESB v.3...


Off-line Bible apps

[mobile apps] And Bible (for Android) -"totally off-line" Bibles, Commentaries, Theological Dictionaries, Maps, and Christian books in over 50 languages



free audio book for Jan 2013

  1. Free Audiobook of the month from christianaudio.com on the Christian view to abortion: Roger Resler, Compelling Interest: The Real Story Behind Roe v. Wade . 

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
