-up to now:
- 引言
- Augustus of Prima Porta -從考古到新約背景
- Rylands Library Papyrus P52 -最早新約抄本的重要意義
- Alexamenos Graffito -塗鴉與早期基督教給人的印象
- Dogmatic Sarcophagus -石棺與尼西亞信經
- Codex Amiatinus -主導了五至十六世紀的武加大譯本
- The Book of Kells -美輪美奐的九世紀Celtic聖經
- Wycliffe's Pulpit -宗教改革的先聲 (“As history has revealed, Wycliffe's bones were much more easily dispersed than his teachings, for out of a sea of controversy and angry disputation rose his greatest contribution—the English Bible.”)
- The Gutenberg Bible -第一本活字印刷的書
- Novum Instrumentum omne -首本印刷版希臘文聖經
- The Indulgence Box -傳別的福音的鐵證
- Tyndale New Testament -釋放神的話‧本土化的典範
- Calvin's Chair -宣講神話語的秘訣
- Francis Xavier's Forearm -耶穌會--反宗教改革--的由來
- The Works of William Perkins -尋找清教徒的根
- Le massacre de la Saint-Barthelemy -五千-三萬法國基督徒被屠殺(1572) (This painting reminds us that as the gospel transforms people, it also creates enemies. It reminds us that the Christian faith has been established only by blood--the blood of the Savior and the blood of his followers.)
- King James Bible -英語界的文學經典
- Loughwood Meeting House -浸信會的根源
- John Newton與William Cowper合著的Olney Hymns (1779)
- The Whitefield Rock -十八世紀大覺醒運動的標記
- William Carey’s couch -近代宣教士之父(1761-1834)
- Bonnie Brae House -近代靈恩運動的發源地
- Riverside Church -基要派與現代派爭論的開始
- Billy Graham's Prayer Wheel -福音派的動力
- YouVersion Bible App -數碼閱讀現象