
Oxford Bibliographies in Biblical Studies

Oxford Bibliographies in Biblical Studies -many good entries by experts of the field (look for the forthcoming ones).
Of course, among them, this is a recommended one in particular: Larry Hurtado, "Worship in the New Testament and Earliest Christianity."


free logos ebook

G. Campbell Morgan, Discipleship (Fleming H. Revell, 1897).
Coupon code: MEMDAY2013  to 27 May 2013


free ebook: How the Bible Came to Be

free ebook from Amazon (kindle edition):
J. Daniel Hays and J. Scott Duvall eds., How the Bible Came to Be (Ebook Shorts) (Baker 2012)



Church of Scotland, "The Church and Nation’s Inheritance of Abraham? A Report on the Promised Land," revised version, May 2013. (It's covering news from the Church of Scotland)  --蘇格蘭教會對以巴關係/聖經對巴勒斯坦地的報告-值得參考。

another related report: "Theology of Land and Covenant," a report to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 2003. 




40% Off New Releases from Baker for a Limited Time

Logos ebook sale up to 24/5
18 new releases from Baker are now available for pre-order at 40% off. You can save on upcoming books by Stanley Porter, Bryan Chapell, Graham Twelftree, Thomas R. Schreiner, and others. This discount is available for only two weeks, so pre-order now for the best prices!

Comment: since the 40% off is from the listed price, so it can be not very attractive if you can find a 30% or more discount from Amazon, Bookfinder.com etc for a hard copy.



宗派禮儀傳統參考: 禮儀手冊 -
  1. 中華基督教會香港區會
  2. 基督教香港信義會

Gabriel’s Revelation

Free eBook on a recently discovered inscription: Gabriel’s Revelation published by the Biblical Archaeology Society.

Brief description by Israel Knohl:
"The first part describes an eschatological war: the nations of the world besiege Jerusalem, and the residents are expelled from the city in groups. This description is followed by a passage in which God sends “my servant David” to ask “Ephraim” – the Messiah Son of Joseph – to deliver a “sign.” From the context, it appears that this sign heralds the coming redemption.
The second part of the Gabriel Revelation focuses on death and resurrection – and the blood of the slain. The last paragraph cites the words of the Archangel Gabriel who commands a person to return to life after three days: “By three days, live.”

On a scholarly assessment:  

Matthias Henze, ed., HazonGabriel: New Readings of the Gabriel Revelation (Early Judaism and Its Literature 29; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011). 
SBL review


NIVAC ebook sale

all NIVAC volumes at US$5; epub format. See here.
sale ends on 13/5


The History of Christianity in 25 Objects

A very nice blog written by Tim Challies from a Protestant perspective on The History of Christianity in 25 Objects
-up to now:
  1. 引言
  2. Augustus of Prima Porta -從考古到新約背景
  3. Rylands Library Papyrus P52 -最早新約抄本的重要意義
  4. Alexamenos Graffito  -塗鴉與早期基督教給人的印象
  5. Dogmatic Sarcophagus   -石棺與尼西亞信經
  6. Codex Amiatinus  -主導了五至十六世紀的武加大譯本
  7. The Book of Kells   -美輪美奐的九世紀Celtic聖經
  8. Wycliffe's Pulpit   -宗教改革的先聲 (“As history has revealed, Wycliffe's bones were much more easily dispersed than his teachings, for out of a sea of controversy and angry disputation rose his greatest contribution—the English Bible.”)
  9. The Gutenberg Bible   -第一本活字印刷的書
  10. Novum Instrumentum omne    -首本印刷版希臘文聖經
  11. The Indulgence Box   -傳別的福音的鐵證
  12. Tyndale New Testament    -釋放神的話‧本土化的典範 
  13. Calvin's Chair    -宣講神話語的秘訣 
  14. Francis Xavier's Forearm   -耶穌會--反宗教改革--的由來
  15. The Works of William Perkins   -尋找清教徒的根
  16. Le massacre de la Saint-Barthelemy  -五千-三萬法國基督徒被屠殺(1572) (This painting reminds us that as the gospel transforms people, it also creates enemies. It reminds us that the Christian faith has been established only by blood--the blood of the Savior and the blood of his followers.)
  17. King James Bible  -英語界的文學經典
  18. Loughwood Meeting House  -浸信會的根源
  19. John Newton與William Cowper合著的Olney Hymns (1779)
  20. The Whitefield Rock   -十八世紀大覺醒運動的標記
  21. William Carey’s couch   -近代宣教士之父(1761-1834)
  22. Bonnie Brae House   -近代靈恩運動的發源地
  23. Riverside Church   -基要派與現代派爭論的開始
  24. Billy Graham's Prayer Wheel   -福音派的動力
  25. YouVersion Bible App   -數碼閱讀現象

recommended lecture MP3

Speaker: Prof Ben Witherington III (Asbury Theological Seminary)
Topic: ‘Almost Thou Persuadest Me….’ Why You Ignore Rhetorical Interpretation of the NT at your Peril.  (Q&A)
Date and place: 30th April, 2013; New College, University of Edinburgh


centuries of NT manuscripts in a glance

Crosswire, the Bible Tool -NT manuscripts viewing based on bible verses (images from Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung)
Directions: click the word in NASB/ Greek versions. Then choose "Show Textual Evidence"

another free Bible software: WORDsearch Basicx

免費軟件: WORDsearch Basic (PC/Mac) (with some free commentaries and tools; downgrade version of the paid WORDsearch 10)

free John Stott ebook

John Stott, Why I am a Christian -from IVP (epub/Kindle/mobi)


on the translation of "God the Father" and the "Son of God"

For those interested in missiology and biblical studies:

WEA (World Evangelical Alliance) report with recommendations for Wycliffe and SIL on the translation of "God the Father" and the "Son of God" in Muslims countries: here

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
