
testimony of a respected missionary

播道神學院榮休教授許德理姑娘(Mrs. Doris Ekblad-Olson)新著作(她的見證傳記):  
Available: Any Bush Will Do: Remarkable Stories of God at Work  Through Available Lives (Tucson: Entrust Source, 2013).

Kindle version (with preview) (US$11.99)
Hard copy (with preview) (US$15+shipping)

“Come and see what God has done.  
  How awesome His works in man’s behalf” 
   ~Ps. 66:5
Here’s an amazing story--amazing because it is HIS story.  It is Doris Ekblad-Olson’s testimony to God’s faithfulness, humor, incredible guidance, protection and loving care, evident whether in America, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Australia, Mongolia, Malaysia, Panama, India, or Russia. God proves Himself full of surprises. 
As this book illustrates,  God still searches among His children for those available to share His heart by prayer or simple service.  He will turn that  into an eternal chain reaction which, if only we could see it, would blow our minds.  This book gives us a rare opportunity to connect the dots, leaving us in stunned amazement!  God STILL uses AVAILABLE vessels. ANY bush will do.

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
