
[Kindle/Vyrso-Logos] free ebook on choosing bible translation

HCSB: Navigating the Horizons in Bible Translations 


[Logos] free commentary this week: Hermeneia -Johannine epistles

Hermeneia: The Johannine Epistles: A Commentary on the Johannine Epistles

by Rudolf K. Bultmann
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A classic commentary on 1, 2, and 3 John from a well-known name in the field of biblical studies. Rudolf Bultmann addresses issues of authorship and source criticism into his discussion of the epistles, largely siding with Haenchen and Schnackenburg.


[Kindle/Vyrso-Logos sale] a goody on expository preaching

Engaging Exposition Kindle Edition

by Bill Curtis (Author), Daniel Akin (Author), Stephen Rummage (Author), David Platt (Foreword)

$23.18 HKD ($2.99 USD)*
used to be $131.71 HKD (Amazon listed price: US$34.99)

 In the homiletics field, a text has been needed that blends hermeneutics, sermon development, and sermon delivery. Engaging Exposition fills that gap with what its experienced authors call a "3-D approach" to preaching.

Bill Curtis writes about the Discovery process—how to equip the student to discover the meaning of a biblical text by using sound principles of interpretation, and to move from biblical analysis to biblical interpretation.

Danny Akin addresses the Development process—how to equip the student to develop expository sermons based upon results of the interpretive process, and to move from the Main Idea of the Text (MIT) to the completed sermon.

Stephen Rummage explains the Delivery process—how to equip students to deliver expository messages using the completed sermon, and to move from an understanding of speech communication principles to persuasive delivery.

[Kindle/Vyrso-Logos sale] an OT Theology goody

Everlasting Dominion: A Theology of the Old Testament

by Eugene H. Merrill

$23.18 HKD ($2.99 USD)*
used to be $154.96 HKD (Amazon list price: US$39)

“For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is from generation to generation.” –Daniel 4:34 (Holman CSB) Everlasting Dominion is the magnum opus of the greatly esteemed Dr. Eugene H. Merrill, a thoroughly researched theology of the Old Testament based on decades of study and teaching experience.
Taking a high view of Scripture as the inspired, authoritative Word of God, Merrill guides readers to a better understanding of the nature of Old Testament theology and employs a well-balanced method of laying bare the Scripture so that its profound, lifechanging truths can be better apprehended and applied.

a review by Jim Hamilton


Logos back to school sale (till 31/8!) + 1Peter free commentary

Notable ones:










The IVP Bible Dictionary Series (8 vols.)

$1,860.39 HKD ($239.99 USD)*
27% OFF!
  • a must for evangelical seminarians! (with Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, 2nd ed. !) But I hope the discount could be deeper.

Free 1Peter commentary:

Hermeneia: 1 Peter: A Commentary on First Peter

by Paul J. Achtemeier

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Click share from the page here and then click "add free book to cart" button.


free ebook on abortion [pdf/mobi/epub] [till 18/8]

Russell Moore, Adoption: What Joseph of Nazareth Can Teach Us about This Countercultural Choice. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2015.

In Adoption: What Joseph of Nazareth Can Teach Us about This Countercultural Choice, Russell Moore—president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission—calls Christians to seriously consider adoption for their own families and thus take a stand for children, born and unborn.


Logos ebooks sale

Logos August book deals



monthly Logos free ebook (Aug 2015) Acts commentary --not to be missed

Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament: Acts

Mikeal C. Parsons

In Acts, leading biblical scholar Mikeal Parsons gleans fresh theological insight into Acts by attending carefully to the cultural and educational context from which it emerges. Parsons see Acts as a charter document explaining and legitimating Christian identity for a general audience of early Christians living in the ancient Mediterranean world. 

Get an additional book for US$1.99.

Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament: Ephesians and Colossians Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament: Ephesians and Colossians

Charles H. Talbert
In this volume, leading New Testament scholar Charles Talbert distills interpretive insights for students in theology, biblical studies, and religion. Ephesians and Colossians approaches each text in its final, canonical form, proceeding by sense units rather than word-by-word or verse-by-verse.


free pdf on marriage

Marriage Myths: 10 Things That Sound True About Marriage That Aren't

Dr. Alan Godwin

Myths can be fun, interesting, even inspiring. Most contain elements of truth but they can also be destructive if the perception created is destructively false. Some relational myths are making the rounds that damage those buying into them. They sound credible enough when you hear them because, after all, they’re accurate on some level. But like fast food, what’s delicious may not be nutritious. The purpose of this ebook is to challenge and debunk ten myths we believe about marriage.

free Boundaries Kickstart Guide

Free PDF eBook: Boundaries Kickstart Guide

A complimentary companion to The New York Times bestseller Boundaries. This guide covers special reading selections from Boundaries and offers insightful "Questions for Reflection" to walk you through five steps to build healthier relationships.

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
