
[Kindle/Vyrso-Logos sale] an OT Theology goody

Everlasting Dominion: A Theology of the Old Testament

by Eugene H. Merrill

$23.18 HKD ($2.99 USD)*
used to be $154.96 HKD (Amazon list price: US$39)

“For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is from generation to generation.” –Daniel 4:34 (Holman CSB) Everlasting Dominion is the magnum opus of the greatly esteemed Dr. Eugene H. Merrill, a thoroughly researched theology of the Old Testament based on decades of study and teaching experience.
Taking a high view of Scripture as the inspired, authoritative Word of God, Merrill guides readers to a better understanding of the nature of Old Testament theology and employs a well-balanced method of laying bare the Scripture so that its profound, lifechanging truths can be better apprehended and applied.

a review by Jim Hamilton

[Kindle sale] Goldingay's Complete Old Testament for Everyone (US$5.99)

 good for quiet time meditation ...